
Long stretches of sleep?

I'm a little afraid of the answer, but my LO is 7 weeks and has been giving us two good stretches at night (8:30-3, eats, then sleeps until 7:30 or 8). Very grateful! I have an oversupply and am worried about plugged ducts, so I've been hand expressing a bit in between feeds, but will my supply eventually regulate so I won't have to do that or is it just too long to go between feeds?
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Re: Long stretches of sleep?

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    Oh good! No plugged ducts yet, so I'll stop hand expressing. I don't need to build a stash yet, but I'll keep that suggestion in mind for when I go back to work if I'm not able to pump enough during the day.
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    yes agree with PP - it will eventually regulate.  for me at that time it was similar and eventually the supply regulated around 11/12 weeks

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