April 2015 Moms

UPDATED. Fell down the stairs.

twinklepitstwinklepits member
edited November 2014 in April 2015 Moms
Oh ladies, am I the only graceful swan alive? NOT.

Fell down the basement stairs and landed on... you guessed it... my stomach.

Baby girl hasn't really moved since. Currently at Labor and Delivery to get strapped into some fetal monitoring and have an ultrasound. My ankle is twisted and I have a nice knot on my head, but I don't care. I don't want them checking any injury out until I know my baby is fine.

Sorry for the Dear Diary/ AW post. Just stressed that my stupidity and lack of ability to walk across clean, flat surfaces may have hurt baby girl. Would appreciate some positive vibes.

UPDATE: Hi ladies! Husband and I just got home from the hospital. They ran a few tests, gave me an internal exam, gave us an ultrasound, and took some bloodwork (I'm an Rh factor risk). Baby girl was swimming around like a beautiful little fish. Very thankful that she is well. After all is said and done, all we need to do is follow up in a week, and I need to rest the next few days.

THANK YOU ALL for the amazing support and positive vibes today. You ladies friggin rock. :x
ME: 26  |  DH: 33
Dating: March 17, 2008
Married: May 18, 2013
BFP: August 16, 2014
Our rainbow baby after two losses. Rest sweetly, my angels. 

IT'S A GIRL!EDD: April 10, 2015
(Formerly known as amandastewart51813)


Re: UPDATED. Fell down the stairs.

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