May 2015 Moms

colposcopy? (XP)

Has anyone had it done while pregnant? When I went to the Dr to check up on the bleeding I had last week she said my pap smear came back abnormal with a high risk(of something) so she wants to do one. She said she might do an biopsy but I was informed by another board that I shouldn't do the biopsy.

I've also been put on pelvic rest along with partial bed rest. I'm not supposed to lift my 1 year old up unless I have too. I just have to take it easy...This isn't going to be fun since I'm home most of the day by myself and I have to at least pick him up a few times a day.

DS1 2-26-07
DS2 10-18-10
M/C 8-5-12
DS3  6-21-13
#4 Due May 2015


Re: colposcopy? (XP)

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    Personally, I wouldn't get the biopsy because it basically cuts a part of your cervix. To me that is too risky. You have to outweigh the risks and benefits for yourself though.

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    @ambarnett1‌- I don't think I'm going to do the biopsy since she said she didn't think it was cancer, she brought HPV.

    It's okay to do the colposcopy though?

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY

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    I'm in the same boat but I don't know what they will be doing yet. My pap came back with severely dysplastic cells. The had gotten worse from ten mo ago when I had my last pap. They are sending me to a gyno oncologist on the 19th. The only thing my doc mentioned is possibly waiting till later in the pregnancy to do anything.

    9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks

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    I had high-grade dysplasia results from a pap after the birth of my last baby and then had a colposcopy.  Basically, your ob puts dye on your cervix and then looks at it with a scope that magnifies it so they can better see the areas of abnormalities.  Typically they will take a sample to have it tested.

    I wouldn't rely on another board to give you advice regarding the biopsy.  I would talk to your doctor regarding the risk of her taking one but I don't think she would if it wasn't absolutely necessary.  Not to overstate things, but if you have a high grade abnormality it would be important to get that checked out as had I waited the length of a pregnancy regarding mine, I would have developed invasive cervical cancer. 

    Did they do an hpv test along with your pap?

    Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

    Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

    This Cluttered Life

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    ambarnett1ambarnett1 member
    edited November 2014
    The colposcopy, from what I had, was just my dr examining my cervix and then put on some sort of reactant that showed abnormal cells. I ended up having a biopsy and for me it was painful and I bled/cramped a lot. It came back negative for HPV, but I hear it's common. I ended up having a bacterial infection instead.

    I can't make the decision for you, but for me the risks aren't worth it. You can have the colposcopy done to see if you have any abnormal cells, but you won't be able to determine if it is an infection, HPV, or cancerous cells. I'm sure other ladies here may have better input than me. It's just my personal experience.

    Eta- if it is something that your doctor is genuinely concerned about and then you and her (or him) should discuss the risks further.

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    I had one done when I was 22 weeks pregnant with my first. This was the 6 month follow up after I had my first one. They did biopsy some small samples, but didn't take any big ones. I had to come back 8 weeks after I delivered for another one. The OB that I worked with explained everything very well, and he explained that no biopsies would be taken if they felt it will complicate the pregnancy. I didnt have any complications from the procedure; it's uncomfortable but I didn't have cramping or bleeding from this colposcopy. I trust my OB and I was concerned about the pregnancy as well as my overall health.

    This may not sway your decision but I just wanted you to know my experience!
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    I had a colposcopy done during my first pregnancy...I refused the biopsy, and had to hold very firmly to this, as the doctor who did the colposcopy was practically claiming she could diagnose cancer by looking at it, and was practically insistent on doing a biopsy. The colposcopy itself is mostly non-invasive, and is as people have described above. I have read that everything "looks a lot worse" during pregnancy so a doctor inexperienced with colposcopy during pregnancy may interpret what they are looking at incorrectly.

    I had to argue quite firmly, but did not have anything done beyond the colposcopy until after I delivered my which point the OB who I was seeing said "you definitely did the right thing" by not having a biopsy while pregnant.

    In my non-medical opinion, I was just not willing to mess with the organ responsible for keeping my baby inside!!

    There is a tremendous amount of research online on this up, most of it is encouraging information.

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    Thanks ladies. I'm going to talk to my Dr before we do anything and will not be doing the biopsy

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY

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    I just had a follow up colposcopy today at 13w2d. I had laser ablasion done for high grade pre-cancer cells on my cervix two years ago. Usually no issues with the colposcopy when pregnant but of course talk with your doctor if you are worried. I think pp's have covered that already though.

    I just wanted to add that I had abnormal cells that they monitored for almost a year with colposcopies every 3 months before they decided to biopsy. My doctor said this was because with many women the abnormal cells go away on their own. Unfortunately wasn't the case for me...but maybe you will have better luck!

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    I had one while pregnant with my son along with biopsy. I had cramps and spotting( from the biopsy) but was ok. I ended up having a problem but it was delt with after my son was born. I can not tell you do it or don't. Just talk to your Ob about your concerns and find out the options. If you do have it done I suggest a couple days of rest after but either way good luck and hopefully all will go well.
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    I had an abnormal pap due to HPV, and my doctor explained that I am low grade. I did not need a biopsy because she could see the cells were not high risk of cancer. She also explained that unless there is a high risk of it being cancerous most doctors will not due a biopsy due to the increased blood during pregnancy which causes increased bleeding. She said pregnancy lowers our immune system which can cause abnormal cells to reoccur, but most likely they will they will go away after you deliver and the body returns to normal. However, she said if the cells look like very high risk/ cancerous they will biopsy. My doctor has only biopsied 2 people in her entire length practice. It's rare. Your doctor will know by looking at the cells if they truly need to be taken out now or if it can wait. Good luck!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I just found out yesterday that my Pap smear came back low grade abnormal, so on my December 2nd appointment they are going to do a colposcopy. The doctor said if she finds anything se will wait to do the biopsy tell after the baby is born. I had an abnormal Pap smear 6 years ago and it cleared up by itself without a biopsy, it was also low grade. I guess this will just come and go throughout my life. Can being pregnant cause your cells to be abnormal or make it more likely that they will be abnormal due to the pregnancy's stress on the body? Just curious if anyone knows, thanks! I have not had a problem with this in over 6 years, why now during my 1st pregnancy?!? :-<
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    I feel like in a situation like this it wouldn't hurt at all to get the second opinion of another doctor. They can examine you and let you know if what your current doctor wants you should do is the best course of action, currently unnecessary while you are pregnant, or somewhere in between.
    GBCB - Gone to the Dark Side
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    Ballet80 said:

    I just found out yesterday that my Pap smear came back low grade abnormal, so on my December 2nd appointment they are going to do a colposcopy. The doctor said if she finds anything se will wait to do the biopsy tell after the baby is born. I had an abnormal Pap smear 6 years ago and it cleared up by itself without a biopsy, it was also low grade. I guess this will just come and go throughout my life. Can being pregnant cause your cells to be abnormal or make it more likely that they will be abnormal due to the pregnancy's stress on the body? Just curious if anyone knows, thanks! I have not had a problem with this in over 6 years, why now during my 1st pregnancy?!? :-<

    Yes. I had a reoccurrence of abnormal cells after they had gone away with my last colposcopy, and my doctor explained that it is very common for them to reoccur during pregnancy because pregnancy lowers our immune system. Mine were low grade too, and so she said they do not biopsy until after pregnancy because most likely they will go away after we deliver and our immune system returns to normal. Nothing to worry about if the cells are low grade.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Lauracox3 said:

    Ballet80 said:

    I just found out yesterday that my Pap smear came back low grade abnormal, so on my December 2nd appointment they are going to do a colposcopy. The doctor said if she finds anything se will wait to do the biopsy tell after the baby is born. I had an abnormal Pap smear 6 years ago and it cleared up by itself without a biopsy, it was also low grade. I guess this will just come and go throughout my life. Can being pregnant cause your cells to be abnormal or make it more likely that they will be abnormal due to the pregnancy's stress on the body? Just curious if anyone knows, thanks! I have not had a problem with this in over 6 years, why now during my 1st pregnancy?!? :-<

    Yes. I had a reoccurrence of abnormal cells after they had gone away with my last colposcopy, and my doctor explained that it is very common for them to reoccur during pregnancy because pregnancy lowers our immune system. Mine were low grade too, and so she said they do not biopsy until after pregnancy because most likely they will go away after we deliver and our immune system returns to normal. Nothing to worry about if the cells are low grade.
    Great thanks! I was hoping that was the case. I am going to talk to the doctor more about it when I go the appointment. I do feel like my immune system is weaker, I have had a lot of colds/sinus infections over the past month or so. So hopefully the pregnancy is just making the cells abnormal for now, I will let you know what I find out. I had a hysterical break down yesterday after the doctor called to tell me the news. My mom is out of town and my DH doesn't have a clue, so this is pretty much the only place I have anyone to talk to about this.
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    Ballet80 said:

    Lauracox3 said:

    Ballet80 said:

    I just found out yesterday that my Pap smear came back low grade abnormal, so on my December 2nd appointment they are going to do a colposcopy. The doctor said if she finds anything se will wait to do the biopsy tell after the baby is born. I had an abnormal Pap smear 6 years ago and it cleared up by itself without a biopsy, it was also low grade. I guess this will just come and go throughout my life. Can being pregnant cause your cells to be abnormal or make it more likely that they will be abnormal due to the pregnancy's stress on the body? Just curious if anyone knows, thanks! I have not had a problem with this in over 6 years, why now during my 1st pregnancy?!? :-<

    Yes. I had a reoccurrence of abnormal cells after they had gone away with my last colposcopy, and my doctor explained that it is very common for them to reoccur during pregnancy because pregnancy lowers our immune system. Mine were low grade too, and so she said they do not biopsy until after pregnancy because most likely they will go away after we deliver and our immune system returns to normal. Nothing to worry about if the cells are low grade.
    Great thanks! I was hoping that was the case. I am going to talk to the doctor more about it when I go the appointment. I do feel like my immune system is weaker, I have had a lot of colds/sinus infections over the past month or so. So hopefully the pregnancy is just making the cells abnormal for now, I will let you know what I find out. I had a hysterical break down yesterday after the doctor called to tell me the news. My mom is out of town and my DH doesn't have a clue, so this is pretty much the only place I have anyone to talk to about this.
    I did have it done since this mu first abnormal pap smear to come back like this. With my other three pregnancies every was always normal. Also my came back very high risk so that was the reason I bent ahead and did it. If it was low grade, I would've waited til the baby was born.

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY

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    I had an abnormal pap and comes back that I have hpv. Now I had a second colposcopy scheduled for December but since I'm pregnant the OB said its a big no no. So you might want to get a second opinion.
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