January 2015 Moms

Am I the only one that hasn't started on the nursery?


Re: Am I the only one that hasn't started on the nursery?

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    I was going to say that we have started, but what I mean is that we've been redecorating every room in the house and leaving the baby's room last!  We've decided on a color, have all of the furniture (left over from DS) and I just need to scrape off the wallpaper border from around the room and hopefully replace the carpet.  We're still mainly focused on finishing off the hallway/living room before we really get into baby's room as she's only going to stay in our room in a bassinet for the first 6ish months anyway.
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    My crib, dresser/ changing table is at Burlington Coat Factory's lay a way.... But I did buy linens for his room.plus there is a pile full a paint supplies and wood trim in the middle of his room. I need a miter saw... [-X
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    Mine will be sharing a room so I haven't had much to do. My mom did finish new curtains for their room though, so I'll have those to hang soon. I do have a pack n play and a rock n play in a closet somewhere so he'll sleep in one of those in our room or the hall until we move him to his crib. However, DD is currently occupying the crib so who knows when I'll bite the bullet and transition her to her toddler bed, I don't see it happening any time soon. 
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    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We are buying a house in the end of November and moving the weekend after Christmas. DH knows that I want the nursery to be one of the first rooms done. (Thankfully the house is completely renovated so other than painting and assembling furniture we won't have a ton to do.)
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    As I shared, this one's nursery isn't done yet. We're having some renos and updates done to our house soon, so we're waiting. I looked back on my old pregnancy blog, and it looks like we had Nora's nursery finished about 3-4 weeks before my due date. 
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    We're in the process of building right now, too.  House won't be done until mid-late January, so we'll likely move then or early Feb. 

    We've got everything from DS, so we will be re-using most of that - once we get into the house.  But when baby comes, we will still be in the apartment & he'll just stay in our room in a bassinet.
    Myles was so pumped about the baby . . . until he figured out he'd have to share all his toys!!!
    BabyFetus Ticker>
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    We are waiting to move. The move should happen either end of November, or sometime after the baby comes. So far I have painted our room and bought a dresser and new rug. The bassinet is set up in our room and all the babies gear is in the closet.

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