April 2015 Moms

So...that was terrifying

First of all, I've been pretty MIA here for the last two weeks with family obligations. Finally my home is rid of visitors and I am so happy. 

Saturday night I woke up, I thought I had pee'd my pants. I walked into the bathroom and I was covered in blood and in a great deal of pain, I couldn't even stand up straight. I thought that I was going to lose the baby. We headed to L&D upon our doctor's orders and continued to bleed all over myself during the ride. Around 2:30, I finally saw a doctor who confirmed that my cervix was closed but that she was certain was I was having placental separation. She wouldn't know how bad it would be until I could get a sonogram first thing in the morning. So I laid and bled all over a hospital bed until about 5:00am when the bleeding started to slow down. I ended up having my anatomy scan yesterday morning, which showed a low placenta and no separation...THANK GOD. But I do have a blood clot under my placenta...so that's fun. Thankfully, they found the baby's heartbeat immediately when we got to the hospital and I could feel him moving around for the better part of the night. He looked perfect on the scan, I felt like I could finally breathe. It was probably the scariest night of my entire life. I am so hoping that none of ladies experience a night like that in your pregnancies. 
BabyFruit Ticker


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