March 2015 Moms

I Spent My Last $10 (On Birth Control and Beer)


Re: I Spent My Last $10 (On Birth Control and Beer)

  • @jnowosielski‌ ((hugs)) I'm sorry about your loss. Your grandmother would be so happy about your pregnancy.
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  • @stepherly - hope things get better! That's awesome that he a has another job offer already!'

    @jenny0314‌ - thank you!!!! I'm so flustered I was thinking id just have to order it Amazon Prime 1 Day. Turns out it's on sale at Best Buy for only $5 more than Amazon, so you rock for that suggestion!!! And seeing that this is my 3rd router in 15 months, I'm going to get the protection plan so I can get a replacement if it craps out in a year.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • stepherly said:
    @jnowosielski‌ ((hugs)) I'm sorry about your loss. Your grandmother would be so happy about your pregnancy.
    Hugs right back at ya!!!

    But it's OK. Because:

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • rm2013 said:
    @kellbell1982‌ - fx it's nothing, and yes don't feel bad but talking to a therapist sounds good @chaysefaith‌ - that sux glad you're not worried @WinningColors‌ - some people are immune to poison ivy. My friends DH brought it home from the field and gave it to her. I think maybe from her doing his laundry. @jnowosielski - hugs My random is, sometime in the hour between getting DD up and to dc and getting home, my router decided to die, or just refuse to work. And I work from home :( After over an hour on the phone with comcast and troubleshooting, still no dice, but at least they got the service working. However I now have to sit next to the modem with a cable plugged in and this sucks. I need other devices connected to do what I need so I'm kinda hamstrung. So now I'm going to have to drop $200 on a new router and go into the office tmo (1 hour commute) until it gets here. Boo!
    Good point. I hope this was the case and not someone spreading it around knowing they had it.


  • I'm suffering from a serious case of the "I don't wannas" this morning.

    I love my classes; but I loathe the bus and its inhabitants. Obliviousness to the fact that others exist seems to be at an all time high.

    All I want is a latte, but I don't trust my bladder.


    For SuzyQ and all March 15 loss moms
  • jenny0314 said:
    @CityBee Yes, I felt the same way...what the heck am I supposed to do with a boy? lol This is my H's first though so he's over the moon about having a boy and the girls wanted a little brother so they're very excited, too. My mom is just a pain. Between my sister and I we have 6 girls (I have 2 and she has 4) and my sister has 1 boy and now, my boy is on the way. Even when my sister found out I was having a boy, the first thing out of her mouth was, 'you're screwed'. I wish my family was more excited, but at least H's family is thrilled. 

    ETA: clarification
    Awww, this makes me sad.  My oldest is a girl and I'm pregnant with a girl -- my little man is in the middle.  He is an absolute joy.  The most affectionate, kind, considerate, loving, and clever litte guy.  I absolutely adore him, and never conisdered myself the "boy mom" type, but that kid has me completely wrapped around his finger.    

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @chrain‌ I just saw your post from yesterday. Congrats!!!
  • Wait, I missed @chrain's bfp?!? Congrats!!! 

    image image
  • babys2014 said:

    Good morning!

    I tried my snoogle again and it was a little but better..I still end up on my back more often than not tho, has anyone seem "Gone Girl"? Was it good, close to the book? Would DH like it? Thinking of dragging hubby to see it later..

    My H and I saw it. It was his idea and, while he won't admit to liking it, he keeps talking about it. I read the book and I thought it was ok - I just didn't care for many I the characters. I felt the same way about the movie.

    It was a good date movie overall - and I wouldn't call it a chick flick.
    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary

  • jenny0314 said:

    @CityBee Yes, I felt the same way...what the heck am I supposed to do with a boy? lol This is my H's first though so he's over the moon about having a boy and the girls wanted a little brother so they're very excited, too. My mom is just a pain. Between my sister and I we have 6 girls (I have 2 and she has 4) and my sister has 1 boy and now, my boy is on the way. Even when my sister found out I was having a boy, the first thing out of her mouth was, 'you're screwed'. I wish my family was more excited, but at least H's family is thrilled. 

    ETA: clarification
    My mom is the same way. She prefers girls to boys - has made her preference well known and all of her other grandchildren are girls. My sister is the same way.

    I am thrilled I am having a boy. I hate to admit I had a preference - and deep down I don't - but I always kind of wanted a little boy. I have so many nieces to love and to do girl stuff and big kid stuff with with I feel like I get all the perks without any of the issues like puberty or spending all of my money on beautiful outfits, matching shoes and accessories - because I would and I don't have the same temptation with a boy.
    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary

  • @psychbear‌ - glad to see you back!
    Pregnancy Ticker Anniversary

  • My husband is most likely going to be taking a step down (in title but not pay) at work to get into a department he really wants to be in and I could not be happier. With the step down between the two of us working from home I really think we could actually not have to hire a nanny for at least a year!! At least that's what my brain is thinking knowing our jobs...
  • earthian said:

    I've been toying with the idea of freezing meals ahead of time, like slow cooker meals. Does anyone have experience with that, that would be willing to give me a few first timer pointers?

    I am doing this. My best advice... Plan, plan, plan!! Spread it over a couple days (plan meals one day, shopping list the next, shopping the next and then cooking the next). Clean your freezer out before you even start too. There are tons of great sites of you google "once a month cooking" to get you started as well.
  • We have a work dinner tonight.  I recommended this awesome Mexican place in Philly, but the slimy manager I work with (who is always trying to undermine me) suggested another place (behind my back).  The partner picked my place.  I WIN!  Hopefully this will teach her not to take food decisions away from me!


    But it's OK. Because:

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • We have a work dinner tonight.  I recommended this awesome Mexican place in Philly, but the slimy manager I work with (who is always trying to undermine me) suggested another place (behind my back).  The partner picked my place.  I WIN!  Hopefully this will teach her not to take food decisions away from me!

    I'm in Philly, where are you guys going? My fave Mexican restaurant is Las Margaritas, I love it!!
    autism photo: AUTISM autismglitter.gifBabyFruit Tickerphoto d61f26e5-4fb2-4a0b-b301-b0af2b53d4d3.jpg
  • kellbell1982 my mom and I go there in NE philly all the time!

    We are doing tequilas in the city.  I'm sad there will be no margaritas, but happy for everything else!

    But it's OK. Because:

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @chrain I am sooo excited for your bfp!! Congrats! 

    I'm finally back on this board after a long weekend in Cali. It wasn't exactly a kid friendly town for my little one, but it was still nice to relax. I think next time, I'll just go to the beach, though. My BFF gets married in a few days so this week is going to be nuts, but I'll try to poke my head in here once in a while. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Kaylin Lanelle Born 9/2012
    Rylee Amelia due March 5, 2015

    For SuzyQ

  • earthian said:
    I've been toying with the idea of freezing meals ahead of time, like slow cooker meals. Does anyone have experience with that, that would be willing to give me a few first timer pointers?
    I've been thinking the same thing. I'm even considering buying a freezer to keep in the basement to keep freezer meals. My interest in cooking goes in spurts and I'd rather do a weekend of a ton of cooking than cooking every day....

    On another note, I finally get the big deal about the Snoogle. I was getting back and hip pain overnight and the Snuggle is a little piece of heaven that made a big difference for me...
  • @2Swanns I think you just convinced me to buy a snoogle. I woke up a couple times last night from hip pain. Ugh!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I am also wanting to cook a bunch of stuff to freeze. My concern with pinterest is all the things that end up being a flop. If I am going to put a bunch of time and effort in to cooking I want it to be delish!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • jcar2 said:

    Also, has anyone with an iPhone 5 updated to iOS 8? I'm a bit nervous to update due to the bugs that have come out.  Have you had any issues?

    I just bought the 6 plus and I hate iOS 8 and didn't update it on my 5c and I definitely don't recommend it
    autism photo: AUTISM autismglitter.gifBabyFruit Tickerphoto d61f26e5-4fb2-4a0b-b301-b0af2b53d4d3.jpg
  • @jcar2  I have one of the original 5's and had no problem with iOS 8.  There are a few new things such as predictive text that is annoying but you can easily turn it off in keyboard settings. 
    I have the 6 and love it, as well as iOS8. I had some glitches on my 5 when I initially downloaded iOS8 (before buying the 6) but that was before the most recent fixes came out. My husbands work phone is a 5s and everything got better after 8.02...I think you'll be fine. 
  • tunnel said:

    I'm confused.  Do you not recommend the 6 plus, IOS 8, or the 5c?  And how do you like the 6 plus?

    The ios8 it seems to have too many bugs like I can't post photos on FB right now because it says ios8 isn't ready to post through safari whatever that means. I love the 6plus it's got a huge screen and feels almost like a tablet, however besides that and a few cool new things such as the camera, I think my 5c was just as good. I got the plus for free because I was due for an update, otherwise I'd stick with my 5c
    autism photo: AUTISM autismglitter.gifBabyFruit Tickerphoto d61f26e5-4fb2-4a0b-b301-b0af2b53d4d3.jpg
  • @jcar2  I have one of the original 5's and had no problem with iOS 8.  There are a few new things such as predictive text that is annoying but you can easily turn it off in keyboard settings. 
    Same here. I have the 5s and upgraded to iOS8 (plus the update that came out shortly after) with no problems. I hated that text thing and turned it off.


  • The ios8 it seems to have too many bugs like I can't post photos on FB right now because it says ios8 isn't ready to post through safari whatever that means. I love the 6plus it's got a huge screen and feels almost like a tablet, however besides that and a few cool new things such as the camera, I think my 5c was just as good. I got the plus for free because I was due for an update, otherwise I'd stick with my 5c
    Why don't you download the FB app and post pics there? The APP isn't run on Safari. 
  • pmv81 said:

    The ios8 it seems to have too many bugs like I can't post photos on FB right now because it says ios8 isn't ready to post through safari whatever that means. I love the 6plus it's got a huge screen and feels almost like a tablet, however besides that and a few cool new things such as the camera, I think my 5c was just as good. I got the plus for free because I was due for an update, otherwise I'd stick with my 5c

    Why don't you download the FB app and post pics there? The APP isn't run on Safari. 

    I can't remember my password and I'm still signed in on safari. I guess I should suck it up and get a new password. That's really the only issue I've had so far with 8 but have heard so much negative stuff and I know my h had to delete almost 100 pics and tons of songs because the update using a full GB
    autism photo: AUTISM autismglitter.gifBabyFruit Tickerphoto d61f26e5-4fb2-4a0b-b301-b0af2b53d4d3.jpg
  • I can't remember my password and I'm still signed in on safari. I guess I should suck it up and get a new password. That's really the only issue I've had so far with 8 but have heard so much negative stuff and I know my h had to delete almost 100 pics and tons of songs because the update using a full GB
    That sucks he lost those pics/music, definitely frustrating. I back up my phones before any major update and make sure my pics are on my computer (or the cloud if that's what you prefer), maybe something to consider for the future. 

    There is probably a "forgot my password" button that would solve your problems rather easily. ;)
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