Nurseries and Baby Gear

I think I found the furniture -thoughts on this crib?

This is a top contender in our search for nursery furniture, in cherry. Wdyt? Does anyone have any experience with this company? And
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 Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
Married Dec. 2007
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11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
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Re: I think I found the furniture -thoughts on this crib?

  • It's very pretty. I bought Graco cribs twice and have been thrilled with the quality, and they are pretty inexpensive. So if you're looking for a bargain, those are good choices.

    I'm not a fan of changing tables like that. Prefer a regular length dresser or a table. My 2 yo is still in diapers and she wouldn't fit on that table. We use a table my DH's great-grandfather made that DH used as a desk for her and we use a standard dresser for 5 month old DS.
  • abbyfulabbyful member
    edited October 2014
    No experience with that company. I don't see prices, but that crib is almost identical to the Graco Stanton you can get at Walmart for about $150. That's the crib we have, very good and sturdy, used it for DS and will use it for baby #2 coming next month.

    We didn't use a changing table at all with DS, didn't miss it either. And I prefer to change diapers with baby's legs facing me, not from the side.

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  • FmrAFBratFmrAFBrat member
    edited October 2014
    That set looks a lot like the baby mod cadence we have from Walmart we have. Ours came with the toddler rail & weighs a ton. Very sturdy furniture. We didn't buy the changer though. We had furniture that matched the finish we chose already.

    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
  • Good things to think about (the changing table). DH is convinced we have to have a changing table. I'd be ok with using a long dresser we already have but...he's not.
    **All welcome**
     Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
    DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
    Married Dec. 2007
    10/2013 Clomid, bfn
    10/2013 HSG, all clear
    11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
    IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
    IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
    Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
    1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @WA1215‌ I have the same crib in white and I love it. We bought a change table for my first daughter and it was such a waste of money. We used it for a few months but there was hardly any storage and it took up so much space so we ended up getting rid of it. This time around we're getting a full length dresser and putting a change pad on top and using a diaper caddy. That way we have lots of storage and baby can use it as she grows up. Not just for a few months.
  • Cute and simple!
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