Natural Birth

Single Umbilical Artery (SUA)

I just received the results of my 20 week anatomy scan today and was told that everything looks great for my baby (girl! yay!), however they found she has a 2 vessels cord or a single umbilical artery. I will be sent for a level 2 ultrasound shortly, and from there we monitor. I was just wondering if anyone has experience with SUA and would like to share any potentially positive stories? From what it sounds like, it is not entirely uncommon however the percentages I see (1-1.5%) seem uncommon! And I guess about about 75% of cases without other instances of apparent complications go on to have a developmentally healthy child in all respects. I'm really trying hard not to google because there are so many conflicting studies and comments and its making me go into further panic mode. Furthermore, has anyone had experience with SUA and had a successful, natural birth? From what I am reading, there is potential for induction if the baby goes past 40 weeks with a SUA. Any insight would be sincerely appreciated! 

Re: Single Umbilical Artery (SUA)

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    My 2 1/2 old Godson had that.  They did more u/s to monitor growth, but there was never a cause for concern.  He was born at 39w1d (spontaneous labor) weighing 7 lb 14 oz and perfect in every way (still is :) My SIL never wanted a med-free birth, but had an uneventful vaginal delivery!
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    Thank you both for your insight/experience!
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    My friend told me yesterday she has just found out the same thing about her current pregnancy.
    She has been advised not to be concerned but will need more regular scans :)
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