September 2014 Moms

Baby Coopers birthstory (mrsh1110) Edited with some pics and because of mobile...

mrsH1112mrsH1112 member
edited September 2014 in September 2014 Moms
So I've been mia the last few days... Long story short. Cooper was born on 9/24 weighing in at 6lbs9oz 21 inches long....

 Longer story: I was due on the 26th. I had an appointment w my dr at 3pm on the 23rd. I was 1.5cm 90 effaced. She did a membrane stretch and scheduled induction on the 25th. After that i went to mfm, on the way there i was having contractions every 6 mins. This continued the whole afternoon. They increased in frequency, and duration. I sent my dh to bed early just in case Every contraction i lost more mucus and fluid. The dr told me it was urine as she had checked earlier. Finally around 1am i had enough and went to l&d to be checked. I was 2.5 and 100% effaced. The fluid was amnio and had merconium in it. They called the Nicu. I waited another 3 hrs to get to 5 cm and decided on the epi. After that things moved super fast. I went from 5 to 9 in less than an hour. I pushed for 35 . The baby had decelerations in the pushing so the dr cut me a bit and i pushed him out. He came out crying and checked out fine. He has a head full of light blonde hair and is beautiful. It's been an adjustment for me for sure. Breastfeeding is going well and he gained back 3oz that he lost, but it's exhausting. He is a lazy eater so it takes us long to get feedings in so I'm.not sleeping much.

****Update: Some pics attached  Sorry I was on mobile so this had soooo many spelling mistakes! haha.  



DH and I Married 11.12.10
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14

Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

Re: Baby Coopers birthstory (mrsh1110) Edited with some pics and because of mobile...

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