February 2014 Moms


MissDemeanorMissDemeanor member
edited September 2014 in February 2014 Moms
How much "screen time" does LO get? As I'm writing this poll I'm having a hard time quantifying it. Should it be minutes per day counted? Or more general? I picked general, but there's a lot of in between, so feel free to explain :)
F14 Siggy Challenge

LO & TV 116 votes

I NEVER let LO see the TV
2% 3 votes
In theory, no TV, but LO sees it occasionally
36% 42 votes
I'm not above putting on Baby Genius when needed
6% 7 votes
We often have the TV on as background noise
45% 53 votes
I'm not too worried about LO watching it
9% 11 votes
0% 0 votes

Re: LO & TV

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    I SAH, and often have the TV on as background, like company for me. But lately I've noticed LO actually watching it, which I'm getting uncomfortable with. At first he might stop playing to "watch" a commercial with a lot of singing (He LOVES the Dempsters bread commercial) but now he's showing more and more interest in it. 

    I know I need to start turning it off. It sounds so stupid, but I think I'd find a silent house lonely all day.
    F14 Siggy Challenge
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    With DS1, I almost never had the TV on once he was old enough to really look at it (5-6 months or so).  Now, my older two watch TV for an hour or two per day, and while I try to keep LO from watching it, he definitely does sometimes.

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    I SAH and go a bit nuts, so I watch TV during 1 or 2 bottles because I need a break.  So I voted option 2.  

    As LO gets older, this will obviously change, as he has shows he likes..  However, I can't imagine a time where I don't limit it in some way. 

    As of now, I don't put on screens for him, and can't see myself doing it for at least another year. I don't think there's a problem with kids and screens as long as there are limits. Do I judge my friends who give their toddlers their phones so they can eat a meal out in peace? No.  Do I judge my sister who lets the kids watch 6+ hours because it's easier than fighting with them? HELL YES.

    F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes

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    the TV is always on in the background. and ill be honest i put on mickey mouse clubhouse or bubble guppies hoping LO will be entertained for a bit so i can get something done. but LO has NO interest in it! I'm beginning to wonder if he's my child lol.  in the end its a good thing i suppose


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    FWIW My mom says I watched TV a lot as a little kid. In that I always had it on as background while I was doing crafts or something. I guess as company? Not that I'm advocating babies watching tv, as I think all (or at least most) of us agree a lot of TV for kids (or anyone) isn't a good idea. But I did turn out ok.
    F14 Siggy Challenge
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    i haven't even turned on bubble guppies but now its stuck in my head 

    bubble bubble bubble guppie guppie guppie!  b-(


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    TessyMessyTessyMessy member
    edited September 2014

    MiL watches LO when DH and I are at work. She has the TV on all. day. long. (thankfully she only watches him 3 days a week)

    Sometimes she is actively watching shows and other times it is simply background noise. I know she plays with LO and they interact a lot during the day but I notice by the end of the day with her he is "screen tired". Now the first thing I do when I get home is turn the damn TV off and spend some QT with him.

    When I am home with LO I have the news on in the morning and generally try to keep the TV off (for everyone including DS1 if he is home) between the hours of 10a-4p. Both of my kids love music so we spend a lot of our time together with background music instead.

    This is not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes after a sleepless night or when someone is not feeling well the best thing is to snuggle on the couch and watch something. I think its good to have a balance of screen time.




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    @MissDemeanor‌ I'm in the exact same situation as you! I always have the TV on for company during the day. I also have noticed that lo is getting more interested in it and I've been wondering how much is too much and when I should turn it off.

    I usually go out after her morning nap...so it's really only on in the morning and late afternoon. I don't have a problem with her watching some, and I know when she's older I'll be the "Saturday morning cartoons" type of parent...I just don't know at this age what's appropriate.
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    @rachaelmary Have you ever tried talk radio? I listen to it in the car, so maybe I should try it in the house? The ads and such on the radio annoy me. Not that listening to the Fox in the morning is exactly child friendly ;)
    F14 Siggy Challenge
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    @MissDemeanor‌ no I haven't..what station is it on? Maybe I'll try and find a baby station...lo loves music.
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    M loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and he only watches less than 1/2 in the morning while we get ready, at night we watch news and random shows he doesn't show interest in, except the U2 commercial, baby boy will stop everything and watch that every single time!

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    breadpuddingbreadpudding member
    edited September 2014
    TV is always on for background noise. It's either on Nick Jr, or Disney Jr throughout the day. DS1 will watch maybe one or two shows a day because he's really just too busy playing to sit still and watch anything. LO could care less about the TV because he is either captivated by watching his big brother play, or actually in the floor playing with him.

    That being said, I'm not against the TV. It's fine in moderation, and sometimes it's what keeps me sane and allows me to have a 15-30 minute break.

    I also rented four Baby Einstein DVD at the Library the other day. We haven't watched them yet, but.... :-??

    P.S. We love Bubble Guppies in this house. DS1's first joke he ever told us came from that show. What's the cleanest dog in the world? A shampoodle! :))

    ETA I fail at words today
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    I have the TV on a lot. It's some background noise, and it gives me a few minutes of distraction when LO is climbing on me or when I'm helping him with the stacking rings or whatever. LO doesn't seem especially interested. He might watch a minute or two, but he's much more interested in standing up and putting toys in his mouth. Or climbing on me. 

    And listen, I'm not above putting on a Baby Einstein that he will watch from time to time. Everyday? No. Hours at a time? No. But sometimes, we both need it. 
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    I almost always have the TV on when I'm home, but we leave the house a lot. We also don't spend a huge amount of time in the TV room. I do let her watch snippets of Baby Genius depending on what's going on that day. When she's suuuuuper fussy, Baby Genius buys me some peace and can calm her down some.

    Plus, sometimes she "dances" and laughs while she's watching, which is hilarious. 

    I'd definitely put the radio on except Mr. Pup stole it when he moved to Nashville.
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    My mom has the TV on most of the day when she watches her (3 days a week) and I'm fine with it. She doesn't really "watch" it, she's too busy playing and trying to stand up on things... and it's usually on Food Network or the Today show. At home, we do put on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sheriff Callie on the weekends, but it's more like background noise even then... she'll sometimes actually watch about 3 min of MMC before crawling off to find something new to try and chew. ;-)

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    The tv is usually only on when LO is in bed. Though there has been the occasional Saturday when DH wants to watch his westerns. I have also played the Baby Einstein 2x, but it was more of an experiment to see how he would react. 

    Generally we play music for chunks throughout the day or I sing songs when we change rooms. But I am in the minority, because I like a quiet house. :)
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    LO2 gets some since LO1 likes to watch a show here/there but we limit his TV time too.  Since my older LO never stops talking, the house is always noisy lol. 

    I'm a firm believer in limiting screen time. I've seen how much it impacts my older LOs sleep if I let him watch TV right before bed, so we have a strict no TV after 6p rule.  Basically he gets to watch one show in the morning, and only if he asks, since sometimes he gets busy with breakfast, playing, etc and we leave before it comes up.  And he is allowed to watch one show after school while we get dinner made.

    I certainly don't think TV is evil/whatever, but I don't like it on all day.  I find constant noise from TV bothersome actually, so that personal preference certainly plays a role.   Quiet is nice.

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    @Dreamingbabies : If I wasn't home all day, my answer would have looked a lot like yours.  :) 

    F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes

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    My child knows the greys song, is that a problem?


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    We don't have the TV on in our house until LO is in bed, then we sometimes watch an episode or two of whatever series we're watching at the time (at the moment it's Broadwalk Empire, Games of Thrones, Ray Donovan, True Detectives, The Leftovers and the The Strain....not sure when we're gonna have time to watch all that at this rate lol)
    I try and avoid having the TV on at all in the days, but Mondays me and Em have duvet day on the sofa and watch Xfactor....she's not impressed and would rather be climbing all over me :)
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