October 2014 Moms

And my VBAC is snatched away.

I could have put this in the randoms, but I wanted all the hugs/hair pats I could get.

I had my 40 week appointment today.  When I first got there they did a quick u/s to confirm baby was still head down, and he was.  Awesome.  Then in the exam room, we discuss and schedule my induction for Thursday.  Also awesome.  As my doctor is measuring my uterus and the med student is finding the heartbeat, my baby starts going nuts and the belly is moving around like crazy.  When he settled, the doctor felt my belly again.  The little pain in the ass flipped breech! Right there in the exam room.  What the hell? 

So now, since I'm 40 wks, have an anterior placenta with a tear, lost a twin, AND have a previous c-section, obviously attempting a version is out.  C-section is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 7am. 
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