Another Day Care question. There are only a few in my town and I went to see one on Friday. It was really great, and we have a recommendation for it from our exterminator as well (we don't know anyone with kids in our area so happy to have gotten that input!). They do currently have a spot in May/June which is when I think baby will go to daycare. I'm leaning towards just putting a deposit down even though we haven't looked at other places yet. I don't want that to make me complacent though and not check out other places. Any thoughts? The only issues with them really is the cost, but while I think they are the higher end, they are still in my states average.
Re: Day care deposit
Also, about the timing of the spot...I didn't know this as a FTM but STMs with a child already enrolled will have priority over you. Even if they tell you now that they can accommodate a May/June spot they may not honor it. You'll get a spot eventually but you may get pushed back. With my first, I was originally told a late-April spot. We didn't get one until late-June. This time around I talked to them about a spot and they said that I just have to tell them 1 month ahead of time and they'll push other people back to accommodate me.
If the deposit isn't too much then go for it. But they'll likely not refund it. We had a deposit at another place as well and just lost the money on it because we preferred the other place.
Pp did bring up a good point in making sure you won't get bumped by parents already in the school.
And you are definitely not a slacker, go with your instincts never hurts to look at other places but don't hesitate on this one cause you might loose the spot.
Not everyone can be a stay at home mom. There's nothing wrong with putting your child in daycare. Your child is not less loved, cared for, or raised by you just because you need to work.
Sorry that comment gets under my skin.
Also, entirely insulting to single moms, just an FYI.
BFP 6/15/14 EDD: 2/24/15
Married August 2009
BFP#1 12/19/13 * EDD 8/24/14 * MMC Discovered 2/04/14
BFP#2 5/27/14 * EDD 2/8/15 * Please be our rainbow
Yup, I'm in the same boat as @chickenonsunday I really like my job and studied for many years in school so that I could do what I do now full time. My husbands income could certainly support us but I am choosing to continue working. If I change my mind so be it but the plan is for me to work and I do not expect to change my mind. I have no doubt I will still be the primary influence on my child not his daycare provder b/c we will both be very involved parents.