February 2015 Moms

GTKY: Something interesting/weird about yourself!


Re: GTKY: Something interesting/weird about yourself!

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    Along the lines of phobias I HATE stickers. Fruit stickers are the worst and I don't like labels. I always have my DH remove them (and I'm gonna train my DD too). I guess what I don't like is when they are somewhere they are not supposed to be...like stuck on the floor or in kids hair or something. Yuck; they are dirty!!
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    BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d

    BFP #3 5/25/14 - EDD 2/1/15 - Hoping this is our 2nd little owl Lilypie Maternity tickers

    A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart :( but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!

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    I have never broken a bone or had stitches. My mom said I was a super cautious kid and super girly so I guess that's why I never got hurt. Lol
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    @musicgirl524‌ I'm in the same boat here...only 4'11" My DS & DD were both 8 pounders.
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    @Stephanie3615 I thought I was the only one in the world.  Everyone thinks I'm ridiculous because I WILL NOT wear clothes with buttons on them.  And I don't find my DH attractive if he's wearing a buttoned shirt.

    Very few people know this about me, and it kind of makes me ashamed.... but I'm glad I'm not the only one out there.  :)

    This thread is FASCINATING!

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    Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!

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    I still have my childhood blanket. His name is "Keek". Yes, the blanket is male. He is blue, bc they thought I was going to be a boy. He was also my imaginary friend when I was little. I guess that's why I still personify him. I'll stop now.
    My eldest, Marnie has a blanket.  It's pink with rainbow silk edging and a giraffe on it.  His name is Pink Baby.  Pink Baby likes to watch movies on YouTube and help out with chores.  It scares me how we're going to disengage from Pink Baby when she has to go to daycare/school....

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    Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!

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    I have never broken a bone or had stitches. My mom said I was a super cautious kid and super girly so I guess that's why I never got hurt. Lol

    Me either. ::knocks on wood:


    DS - Born 6/17/12 

    DS#2 - Due 2/11/15

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    When I read, I have a 1980's newscaster in my head.  Literally, like a guy with a blue screen background reading the words to me.  I taught myself to read when I was 3yo, and that's just how the words came.

    I also have a gift for languages, and had a letter written to me by the department head of Slavic Languages to try to get me to enroll to be a Linguistics major in Russian after I had taken it as my humanities elective.  Engineering is just as good, though, I guess....

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    Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!

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    When I read, I have a 1980's newscaster in my head.  Literally, like a guy with a blue screen background reading the words to me.  I taught myself to read when I was 3yo, and that's just how the words came.

    I also have a gift for languages, and had a letter written to me by the department head of Slavic Languages to try to get me to enroll to be a Linguistics major in Russian after I had taken it as my humanities elective.  Engineering is just as good, though, I guess....

    I am super jealous of your affinity for learning languages. I am terrible with learning new languages. French from grade 4 to grade 11 and I can barely say more than bonjour...
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    Ah yes, Jaz reminded me of something else...I am only 4'11", I stopped growing in the seventh grade. Let's just say I'm a little terrified of having a big baby (and my husband was one!).
    Me too!!! On a good day I am 5'. ;)

    I had a 9 lb 7 oz baby and the 2nd one was 8 lb 14 oz (a week early).

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
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    @thegoodpotato‌ that's interesting. my DH is an engineer and also good with languages. He has a spanish trophy like taller than I am...

    @Sugahcookie01 I swear I had the exact same thought about the fruit stickers. I thought maybe it was a scratch and sniff issue? Lol we're all bumpin past our bed times obviously .
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    Weird fact about me: all of my big appointments have been in special dates. Our first appt for DS was on my grandpa's birthday, we found out his sex on DH's birthday. I saw this LO for the first time on my birthday and we find out his/her sex on my first pregnancy (not DS) due date.
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    @paleomama He was really nice, but pretty shy, actually. I'd expected him to be this SPOTLIGHT person, but he was fairly shy and unassuming.

    Another weird thing I do is eat M&Ms in particular orders. I always eat brown first and green last. The in-between colors I eat in order from largest amount to smallest. I eat them all in pairs and get VERY happy when I end up with even numbers and can finish with two greens. 
    I eat them by color and get mad if dh doesn't play along. I'm weird about food lol

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    I absolutely HATE being tickled and being rasp berried.  My DH finds this hilarious and tries to tickle me which causes me to panic. 

    I love eating mashed potatoes mixed with corn.  Everything is better with a mix of textures for me. 

    Me-27 + DH-29 = Married 2008
    DS= 2/4/15

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    Another weird thing... I speak very slowly. It sounds normal speed to me in my head, but if you see a video of me, I speak way slower than the average bear. I can't watch videos of myself. My speaking annoys me too much. I don't know how people can stand it!

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    Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!

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    I'll add a weird one: I bite the inside of my cheek when I'm nervous. So my lips kind of pucker up and I make a funny face. My brothers and sister love to imitate the expression.

    I do the same thing! My dad always imitates me. I've tried so hard to stop and I just can't. Haha.

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    I have a couple..

    I have an intense fear of dams.. My step grandpa decided it would be funny to hold me over one as a kid. I'm also pretty scared of water (dark, deep water) and heights because of this..

    My pointer fingers bend completely backwards and can touch the back of my hands.

    I have to rock myself to sleep which pretty much shakes the whole bed. Poor dh, haha.
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    I was left handed as a kid but am now right handed. I'm left dominant everywhere else eg sport
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    Since getting pregnant I dread going to the grocery store alone. Which is random and stupid but one of two things always happens. I either get so hungry while in the store I abandoned the shopping list and buy foods that look good at the time but I won't eat later. Or all the different smells make me nauseous and I end up gagging or dry heaving which is horribly embarrassing. My mom and husband think it is hilarious but I feel like such an idiot to have people stare at me in horror. I keep cherry jolly ranchers in my purse at all times bc they work at stopping the heaving/gagging situation.
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    I can't think of anything worth sharing although lord knows I am quite weird.

    I do share a birthday with my sister but we are not twins. I was born on her 12th birthday. We have had one birthday fall on different days though because she was in Australia for it.

    I don't like feeling trapped in the sheets. I have to be able to stick a leg out.
    Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.
    Fred Rogers
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    aggiebug said:
     I don't like feeling trapped in the sheets. I have to be able to stick a leg out.
    Oh yes this!! When I stay in a hotel I have to go around the bed and untuck all of the sheets. I've pulled a leg muscle before trying to kick out the sheets while Im in the bed LOL
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    aggiebug said:
    I can't think of anything worth sharing although lord knows I am quite weird. I do share a birthday with my sister but we are not twins. I was born on her 12th birthday. We have had one birthday fall on different days though because she was in Australia for it. I don't like feeling trapped in the sheets. I have to be able to stick a leg out.
    What date is nine months prior to your birthday? Seems like your parents marked that as hump day.
    lol! Well my sister is adopted because they didn't think they could have kids.  I was the oh shit they had when my mom was 40.  (there is a brother in the middle- they thought he was the flu) 

    When they looked at the calendar it was the day my dad had planted radishes in the garden.  He never planted radishes again ;)
    Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.
    Fred Rogers
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    I do the same thing!
    WA1215 said:

    This is weird but when I go to bed, I have to rub my feet against the sheets to comfort me to go to sleep.

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    I get goose bumps really easily from people touching my neck which is probably weird by itself but I only get them on half my body. Whatever side of my neck gets touched is the side I get them on. Apparently it's a perfect line down half my body.

    To add to the candy weirdness, I eat one of every color at a time until I run out and then they all get eaten.
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    lizzybean said:

    I'll add a weird one: I bite the inside of my cheek when I'm nervous. So my lips kind of pucker up and I make a funny face. My brothers and sister love to imitate the expression.

    I do that too!! And chew on my inner lips too. I love that there are so many fellow weirdos here. :)

    Me too!! In high school someone called me a bunny rabbit.
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    I have hereditary spherocytosis. I've always known I had it. It causes some of my red blood cells to be small and spherical in shape, and they are fragile so that when they pass through the spleen they are destroyed. The result is anemia. Five years ago I caught a mild virus that triggered a hemolytic crisis. My spleen began lynching blood cells and swelled up to 3x its normal size. On a CT scan it looked like it was almost as big as my liver. It also caused my hemoglobin to fall to 8 and caused my gall bladder to form a nice black stone. I had surgery to remove my spleen and gall bladder, and they found two smaller, "accessory spleens." =D Go big or go home! As a side note, my hemoglobin is now AWESOME. Darn spleen...didn't need it anyway. 
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    Kinda late to the party...

    I have to make sure the plastic baby spoons are not the same color as DS's food. So no yellow spoon if he's eating bananas and oatmeal. It looks more fun with different colors.

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    kkleigh10 said:
    You know when people fold paper in half and then run their thumbnail over the fold to make it extra foldy? The sound a thumbnail makes on the paper is my biggest freak out in life. It's like fingernails on chalkboard but way worse. I get goosebumps and my mouth waters and I feel nauseous. Also, I can't pick up paper with wet hands. Ughghghghghgh.
    That is they way DH is, I will fold paper on purpose like this just to annoy him lol
    As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen - Winnie the Pooh

    Married 8/22/09
    Pregnancy 1- EDD 11/21/10 NMC @ 6 weeks
    Pregnancy 2 - Rainbow DS born 1/15/11
    Pregnancy 3 - EDD 5/2/14 NMC @ 6 weeks 9/4/13
    Pregnancy 4 - EDD 6/11/14 BO @ 9 weeks D&C 11/8/13
     AF arrived 12/18/13
    BENCH IS BURNED 2/2014
    TTA until May/Jun
    WOW!!! I'm pregnant!!! BFP 6/8/14 Rainbow on the way EDD 2/14/15
    If there ever comes a day where we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever -
    Winnie the Pooh

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    When I hear people chew, especially loudly I have this uncontrollable violent urge to punch them in the face! last year I learned it actually has a name; Misophonia.

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    When I hear people chew, especially loudly I have this uncontrollable violent urge to punch them in the face! last year I learned it actually has a name; Misophonia.
    Haha I had to stop sitting beside DH's Grandpa at family dinners for this very reason!!
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    I absolutely cannot even deal with opening a new medicine bottle, and having to touch the cotton inside .. ugh can't do it

    I get really anxious being home alone at night.

    I also hate clowns

    This one is really odd. But my husband does this thing when he eats cereal he sniffs before every bite. Drives me INSANE
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    Also... I hate snakes!! Cannot even look at one on TV. Ugh :-&
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    I absolutely cannot even deal with opening a new medicine bottle, and having to touch the cotton inside .. ugh can't do it I get really anxious being home alone at night. I also hate clowns This one is really odd. But my husband does this thing when he eats cereal he sniffs before every bite. Drives me INSANE
    Haha my Dad hates it when people breathe on his cereal! It is so funny! He builds a little house around his bowl with the cereal boxes so no one can get near it. It's all very mature... :p
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    @lizzybean‌ lol that's funny!
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    Also... I hate snakes!! Cannot even look at one on TV. Ugh :-&

    Me too. I've tried to expose myself to them in small doses through pictures to lose sensitively but it hasn't happened yet.
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    I've won every watermelon eating contest I've ever entered, about 4 or 5.

    I hate watermelon. :-)
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    usmcwife89usmcwife89 member
    edited September 2014
    I'm so weird I could make a huge list.
    -I hate to hear phones ring or make any type of noise. My phone is always on silent. I make DH put his on silent too
    -I'm ambidextrous after breaking my left arm and having plates and pins put in.
    -I have to sleep with the bathroom door shut that's in our room.
    -I hate the smell of dogs. Instantly want to vomit. Always been like that
    -I can't stand when people chew gum.
    -I can't to to bed if it's an odd time. Like 9:42. I have to wait until 9:50 or 10.
    -I'm 25 years old and yes I'm afraid of the dark :((

    Edit: iphone auto correct sucks!
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