February 2014 Moms

Dumb sleep questions

This has been mentioned a few times in the randoms, so here's a place for all of our dumb sleep questions. Warning - there will be complaints about sleep in here!

Re: Dumb sleep questions

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    Alright, I will start. LO seems to still be adjusting to solids digestive wise, and I think the gas disrupts her sleep. We just started them a few weeks ago. Does this generally get worked out as they learn how to process solids?
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    @starfisher‌ same here. we found things with higher fiber, like peas, actually upset her more than something like sweet potatoes. she's a farting machine now!
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    Ok- here is my dumb question. LO wakes himself up too early in the AM. Not hungry- just happily chattering away to himself. If we go ahead and get him up, he gets fussy and wants to go back to bed within half an hr. if we let him chatter away he will eventually put himself back to sleep and wake at the "right" time. So it's really pretty adorable, but I am just wondering if he will outgrow this eventually? It's been going on for a good 1 1/2 months.
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    @BlueDot818‌ it seems to be everything, but she seems to have a more sensitive stomach than most. I guess we'll just wait it out and hope it improves!
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    @Altreed‌ if LO is happy, I would let hIm be!
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    LO has been a crappy sleeper for months now, but she's always slept in her crib. For the last week or so, however, she's waking up every 30-60 min in the crib, but will usually sleep for hours in the rnp. We are trying to put her back in the crib at least a few times each night, but she keeps ending up in the rnp so we can all get some sleep. Does this sound like JBBB or is something up??
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    @BlueDot818‌ -- she had a cold recently and still has a bit of a cough, so that could be playing a role? As for teething, who knows! I feel like she's been teething the last 4 months, yet we have no teeth :)
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    ShePersistedShePersisted member
    edited August 2014
    So my sleep training is all wasted because I think LO is either going through sleep regression or teething or both. We were doing so well with him. We even got our first couple days of 8 hours non stop and then bam back to waking up several times at night and not go back down unless I picked him up. Day before yesterday he cried for an hour and half because I would not pick him up. I was standing right there and soothing him but wanted to avoid picking him up as it would defeat the whole purpose of training him to fall asleep on his own. I just gave up and called his pedi and we agreed to hold off any sleep training until we confirm nothing else is going on. I start work tomorrow and I feel like we've taken two steps back this past week. I'm just lost at this point.
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    @starfisher‌ We had gas troubles with solids for awhile. I found that doing certain foods in the morning and afternoon until he adjusted helped and then we could work our way into having them in the evening
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    @starfisher‌ and @BlueDot818‌ Thanks! I know it's probably a phase- it's just been going on long enough I thought I would see if anyone had a similar experience. @greenbunny79‌ Thanks for the humor! Reminds me to keep it all in perspective. @Hg45‌ - I am sooooo sorry. I wasn't trying to complain AT ALL. Just wanted to ask my "dumb question" per the thread. Hang in there mama- you are doing great.
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    @hg45 hugs! I know how you feel...I worked hard on getting lo to self soothe to sleep and she 2-3 weeks she was awesome and it was fantastic...now this week she's back to fighting it and it's so frustrating! I don't want to give in and pick her up because then it feels like it was all for nothing and I'll have to start all over (and I hate hate hate doing it)...but if something's wrong then I want to pick her up...it's so hard to tell and to know what to do!
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    sdlaurasdlaura member
    edited August 2014
    @Altreed‌ if he is happy I wouldn't worry too much about it... but eventually maybe he will adjust and just sleep straight through. Our friends swear their kids all eventually got on a 12 hour sleep schedule... I still say no way haha

    Amazingly, it really does happen.  Here's a link to a recent post on my August 2012 page about the sleep habits of all of our kids who just turned 2 years old.  The sleep posts around 6 months were the same as on this board, but amazingly, the schedules are all pretty consistent now.



    BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

      photo 72ec2e97-1e39-4650-8caa-7a40c9ac500b.jpg imagephoto 929c6b58-8824-44a8-a8a6-68330306a3a9.jpg
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    When do they go down to 2 naps a day? How do you transition? Lo has been fighting her first nap but will go down no problem for her other 2...but she's so tired in the morning so I don't really get it...
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    When do they go down to 2 naps a day? How do you transition? Lo has been fighting her first nap but will go down no problem for her other 2...but she's so tired in the morning so I don't really get it...
    Around 6m both my kids did well with a 2nap schedule loosely on a 2-3-4 routine, so two hours from first wakeup = asleep, 3 hours from first nap waking = asleep, four hours from second nap waking = bed.    My LOs schedule is roughly 7a wake, 9a first nap, 1-2pm second nap, 7p bed.

    I will say between 6-9m they do seem to like a brief catnap for ~30mins late in the afternoon (like 4-5p) so usually the drive home but I don't count that in the routine because it's not every day.

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    Re: longer nighttime sleep - yes it does happen, some kids earlier than others but eventually you'll get 11-12hrs per night every night.

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    LO sleeps with a pacifier at night.  Sometimes it falls out of his mouth while he's sleeping.  When he wakes in the middle of the night, he screams because he can't find it.  Does anyone leave it attached with a clip to their babies at night?  Seems like it could potentially be a strangulation issue so this might be a completely stupid question.  Or are there people out there that always leave it clipped to their baby, even overnight?


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    I thought it might be dumb.  Thanks for confirmation.


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    bvanosten said:
    LO sleeps with a pacifier at night.  Sometimes it falls out of his mouth while he's sleeping.  When he wakes in the middle of the night, he screams because he can't find it.  Does anyone leave it attached with a clip to their babies at night?  Seems like it could potentially be a strangulation issue so this might be a completely stupid question.  Or are there people out there that always leave it clipped to their baby, even overnight?
    If you were inclined to do sleep training, it should only take a couple nights of not putting it in and doing regular check-ins to get LO used to going back to sleep without a pacificier.  If you were interested, I recommend checking out Ferber's book ("Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems).
    BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

      photo 72ec2e97-1e39-4650-8caa-7a40c9ac500b.jpg imagephoto 929c6b58-8824-44a8-a8a6-68330306a3a9.jpg
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    @rachaelmary  could it be that LO is overtired in the morning because you're waiting too long to put her down? DD wakes up anywhere from 6-7 am but she goes back down 2 hours later. if I wait too long, she fights it and screams so I've gotten used to frequently checking the clock, haha.
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    Thank you @golfergirl08‌ @rachaelmary‌ @Altreed‌

    I just got back from the pedi. He confirmed the LO is on the verge of breaking out a tooth. He think it could be the discomfort that's causing the sleep pattern change. We agreed to stop all sleep training until he feels better as it would hard to tell when he is upset because he wants to be picked up vs in pain.
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    @rachaelmary  could it be that LO is overtired in the morning because you're waiting too long to put her down? DD wakes up anywhere from 6-7 am but she goes back down 2 hours later. if I wait too long, she fights it and screams so I've gotten used to frequently checking the clock, haha.

    Yah I was thinking of trying to put her down 30 mins earlier than normal. She used to be good on the schedule I'm doing, but maybe she's more tired? Who knows. I'll see how that goes tomorrow!
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    @BlueDot818‌ I'm not but both books I've read say without so you don't have to break that habit later. It probably depends on what sleep issue you are working on.
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    @BlueDot818‌ - we did it without. @Hg45‌ - sooooo glad you got an answer. Just hope your poor LO feels better soon.
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    If you are sleep training... :-SS are you doing it with or without the paci?

    The idea of sleep training (Ferber anyway) is to get LO to stop associating external factors like rocking, feeding, or whatever with falling asleep, so that you don't have to recreate that environment every time he transitions between sleep cycles. So I think if LO is dependent on the pacifier to go back to sleep, you'll want to try to break that habit. My DS likes his pacifier but wasn't dependent on it for sleep so it wasn't an issue.
    BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

      photo 72ec2e97-1e39-4650-8caa-7a40c9ac500b.jpg imagephoto 929c6b58-8824-44a8-a8a6-68330306a3a9.jpg
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    M has started waking up at 3 am every. morning. for an hour. it's killinggg me! I try to just rub her back but she works herself up so much that only a bottle will put her back to sleep but I don't want that to be part of her routine. I think I'm going to try to move her bottles up to every 3.5 hours instead of 4 and see if we can get an extra in before bed. anyone else having this issue?? it's been almost a week.
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    M has startued waking up at 3 am every. morning. for an hour. it's killinggg me! I try to just rub her back but she works herself up so much that only a bottle will put her back to sleep but I don't want that to be part of her routine. I think I'm going to try to move her bottles up to every 3.5 hours instead of 4 and see if we can get an extra in before bed. anyone else having this issue?? it's been almost a week.

    The best way to wean off a bottle is to reduce amount given and as armfruit suggested give more in daytime bottles. I was doing 5 oz at night and now have managed to cut off one feeding out if two and the other one is only 1.5 oz which I am hoping to bring down to so little that he does not have a hunger due anymore.
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    For those wondering about sleep training and teething, this short article sort of mimicks what my pedi advised as well.


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    just getting back to this thread.. thanks for the advice, @armfruit‌ @Hg45‌ and @greenbunny79‌ !
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    Sleep training here... T keeps rolling to his belly... that's fine... but he hates it there... and isn't great at rolling back onto his back. He will scream once he is there because he is stuck. Idk what too do. Do I keep flipping him back? He will not sleep on his belly unless he rolls after he is sleeping...

    @BlueDot818‌ I flipped LO because she would otherwise just scream. This was a short phase that maybe lasted 7-10 days. Now she either just sleeps on her stomach or rolls over without waking up. I'm not sure how that fits in with ST though.
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    Reviving this thread because I had a question that I wanted to ask while in bump jail!  

    LO has been sleeping in the RNP a lot lately because teething -- she'll only sleep in very short stretches (sometimes only 10-15 min!) in the crib. Sometimes in the night when she wakes up in the RNP she'll cry for about a minute and then go back to sleep. Also, when I put her in there for naps not 100% asleep, she can frequently get to sleep on her own. This seems like a bit of self-soothing. However, it's NEVER happened in the crib. If she can do it in the RNP, may it eventually translate to the crib or is it totally different and I'm just trying to make myself feel better about plopping her into the RNP so much lately?
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    Has anyone faded/dropped a MOTN nursing session(s)? What methods did you use? Any recommendations? Do you stick to it when teething, growth spurt, etc.?
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    Okay I'm coming in to ask a dumb sleeping question. I really want LO to have a lovey. He has a hard time getting himself to sleep and he won't take a pacifier, never has. He will suck on the ends of a blanket to fall asleep but I was paranoid about it so I really only let him when I am right there or short car rides. However, he is now almost 8 months. He rolls over both ways, crawls and pulls himself up. 

    Would it be time I could introduce a small lovey like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0074RDEY6/ref=sr_ph?ie=UTF8&qid=1410298751&sr=1&keywords=taggies+dog

    I'm just totally not mentally ready to do CIO yet but I am back at work so LO can't be on the boob every time he needs to sleep. LO is with my mom during the day, so I'm mainly trying to make it easier for her but I'd like to give it to him at night too if possible. 

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