LGBT Parenting

2Mamaz Baby Watch Plan...

Hey everyone!
I did an update, but realize not everyone reads the pregnancy update! So, we are going in TOMORROW at 7 a.m. PST for my induction! Due to some favorable changes of my cervix, we 'get' to go straight to pitocin as I am already 2-3 centimeters dilated! We could've waited until Wednesday, but honestly, I can't imagine how much of a difference it would make and one less day of anticipation/anxiety seems a good choice at this point.

@ball.and.chain will be my 'labor buddy' and will keep you updated as I did with her birth! Hopefully things go smoothly! I love you b&c. but I have no need to one-up your 54 hour induction!!!

Thanks to ALL of you here for the love and support on this journey. It's been a long one :) and I know once we've got Simone it'll all have been worth it, but it wasn't easy and I'm not sure how I'd be here without this board and all of you who've been my biggest fans in my darker days. Thank you so much!!

Lil'mamaz was born on Aug 21, 2014! She's PERFECT!

It's been a long road to here...
Me (43) and J (45) - same sex couple. And we don't feel 40+!
June'12 - First RE Visit
Sept. '12 - Tubes removed
Dec. '12 - Donor Egg/Donor Sperm IVF Cycle - 4 good embies!
Dec. '12 - Fresh transfer, BFP! EDD 8/29/13
Mar. '13 - Missed m/c at 16w1d, baby boy stopped growing at 15w4d
Loss due to umbilical cord was perfect. :(
Jul '13 - FET#1 - c/p
Sept. '13 - FET#2 - BFN
Dec.' 2, 2013 - FET#3 with our last chance embie - BFP!!!
Dec' 26, 2013 - hb!!
EDD 8/20/14 with a baby girl!
Little S was born on 8/21/14 - 8lb, 14 oz and 20 inches long.
We live in Seattle and used SRM for our donor egg IVF cycle


Re: 2Mamaz Baby Watch Plan...

  • OMG!!!! Baby Simone is on the way!!! Holy crap!!!! Lots of good vibes and smooth thoughts coming your way!!!

    Queer coupled and having a BABY with the love of my life! Love my life and wouldn't have it any other way!
    First IUI 1/22/2013 BFN: 2/7/2013, Second IUI 2/21/2013 BFN: 3/9/2013, Third IUI 4/23/2013 BFN: 5/8/2013, Fourth IUI 5/24/2013 BFN: 6/7/2013, Fifth IUI 6/24/2013 BFN: 7/8/2013

    C began IUI's
    7/23/2013 C's first IUI BFN, 8/21/2013 C's second IUI BFN , Took a break in September and October, 11/05/2013 C's 3rd IUI (TWW...we meet again...) BFN, Took off the month to switch to an RE. 01/01/2014 C's 4th IUI...BFP!!!!!!!! Beta #1- 17, Beta #2- 34, Beta #3-140....  6W Ultra-Sound Reveals nothing in Gestation Sack... Natural M/C at 7W, 2/3/2014

    03/21/2014 IUI #10...BFP!!! Beta #1- 48, Beta #2- 416, Beta #3- 1018. GROW BABY GROW!!!

    1st Ultrasound 4/22/2014 Baby Squints is PERFECT! Measuring at 6w2d with a heartbeat of 129. EDD: 12/12/14.

    Ultrasound at 18 weeks on 7/14/2014. Baby is healthy and growing just as she should!


    Check out my blog at:




  • Wooohooooo! Come on Simone! :)

    Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012

    5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN

    Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer!      *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581   *********William George born June 4, 2014*********
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  • Good luck tomorrow!
  • Wonderful!  When I wake up your baby will be here!!!! Unless I get up early to wait over the boards for the word! :)

    37, married to my favorite person in the world, DW! One darling surfer-girl (12) and one darling, sweet boy born 3/16/13.

    5/2013 Started TTC #3, DW's turn: 5/2013: Diagnostics (shg) and surgery (polyp rem.) for best chances. July-Oct: IUI # 1-4, medicated, monitored, triggered.  All BFN. IVF in Jan May. Sheesh. Whoop! IVF#1 cycle started 4/2/14. 5/1: 19 eggs retrieved, 8 matured, ICSI'd.  4 fertilized.   Only 2 to transfer/freeze stage. 5/6: Two embryos transferred. 5/15: Beta #1 9dp5dt is 134! BFP! 5/19: Beta #2 13dp5dt is 672! B'erFP! 5/21: Beta #3 15dp5dt is 1853.  Yay!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    "Things separate from their stories have no meaning. They are only shapes. Of a certain size and color. A certain weight. When their meaning has become lost to us they no longer have even a name. The story on the other hand can never be lost from its place in the world for it is that place.” ― Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing

  • OMG!! I can't believe the day is almost here.  Thanks @ball.and.chain for volunteering to keep us in the loop. @2Mamazinseattle happy last day of being "single". Hope you and J enjoy it.

    Looking forward to meeting Simone so soon!!!
  • You're at the finish line!!!! Looking forward to seeing that first picture and finally knowing which is worse; passing a kidney stone or labor :P
  • JGYJGY member

    Wishing you the best of all labors and a smooth delivery of your beautiful Simone.  Can't wait for the updates, thanks to B&C!


    Married to my amazing wife 6/12/10 
    TTC since 6/11
    Unmedicated IUI #1 - 6/28/11 - BFN
    Unmedicated IUI #2 - 7/25/11 - BFN
    Robotic Myomectomy (Fibroid Surgery) - 11/15/11
    Unmedicated IUI #3 - 4/24/12 - BFN 
    Progesterone Supported Leuteal Phase IUI #4 - 6/21/12 - BFP!!
    Baby Boy G Born 3/24/13

    On to #2, are we crazy?
    IUI #1 - 11/28/14 - BFP!  Beta #1 (11DPO) 34, Beta #2 (13DPO) 101, Beta #3 (20DPO) 3043
    Ultrasound at 6w4d shows a single, fluttering heartbeat.  Say hello to Sticky Ricki!



  • Good luck tomorrow, can't wait to meet Simone!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yay for cervix changes and yay for meeting Simone very soon!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Karlamo said:

    You're at the finish line!!!! Looking forward to seeing that first picture and finally knowing which is worse; passing a kidney stone or labor :P

    Me too!!! You are going to have to let us know!!! Ha ha!

    Queer coupled and having a BABY with the love of my life! Love my life and wouldn't have it any other way!
    First IUI 1/22/2013 BFN: 2/7/2013, Second IUI 2/21/2013 BFN: 3/9/2013, Third IUI 4/23/2013 BFN: 5/8/2013, Fourth IUI 5/24/2013 BFN: 6/7/2013, Fifth IUI 6/24/2013 BFN: 7/8/2013

    C began IUI's
    7/23/2013 C's first IUI BFN, 8/21/2013 C's second IUI BFN , Took a break in September and October, 11/05/2013 C's 3rd IUI (TWW...we meet again...) BFN, Took off the month to switch to an RE. 01/01/2014 C's 4th IUI...BFP!!!!!!!! Beta #1- 17, Beta #2- 34, Beta #3-140....  6W Ultra-Sound Reveals nothing in Gestation Sack... Natural M/C at 7W, 2/3/2014

    03/21/2014 IUI #10...BFP!!! Beta #1- 48, Beta #2- 416, Beta #3- 1018. GROW BABY GROW!!!

    1st Ultrasound 4/22/2014 Baby Squints is PERFECT! Measuring at 6w2d with a heartbeat of 129. EDD: 12/12/14.

    Ultrasound at 18 weeks on 7/14/2014. Baby is healthy and growing just as she should!


    Check out my blog at:




  • Yeah for baby! Can't wait to meet Simone! Good luck tomorrow!

    ME-34  DW-28
    Together since 1-2012
    Married 9-24-2013
    Started TTC with RE January 2014.
    Open donor sperm

    IUI #1 (1-31-14) Clomid + HCG Trigger=BFN
    IUI #2 (2-27-14) Gonal F + HCG trigger=BFN Benched for 2 weeks due to cysts. Placed on BCP
    IUI #3 (4-7-14) Gonal F + HCG trigger=BFN Benched for 3 weeks due to 6 cysts. Placed on BCP

    IVF#1 Lupron 10iu, Menopur 150iu, Gonal F 400iu, HCG trigger
    ER#1 (6-3-14) 9 Eggs, 8 Fertilized, 
    ET#1 (6-8-14) 2 Day 5 Blastocysts transferred
    6-20-14 BFP 12dp5dt Beta 114.9
                          15dp5dt Beta 365
    Low progesterone start PIO/Crinone
    6-23-14 Ultrasound shows no sac. Beta dropped. Chemical.
    IVF#2 Menopur 150iu, Gonal F450iu, Ganirelix, Lupron trigger
    ER#2 8-13-14 7 Eggs, 3 Fertilized and frozen
    FET scheduled for 10-11-14
    FET Canceled due to thin lining

    IVF #2  Fresh Cycle Scheduled for December 2014

  • Can't wait to report on Simone's progress.
    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Awhhh sooooo happy for you! Can't wait to "meet her". Safe travels baby S!

    10 medicated IUI's (3 with injectables). 
    IUI #1 (medicated) Jan. 2013-BFP!!!!- Beta's didn't double, MTX shot for possible ectopic.
    8 IUI's between April 13-April 14 = BFN 
    IUI #10 and final before IVF, injectables May 2014- BFP!!!!  TWINS!!!!

    7 week ultrasound showed 2 wonderful heartbeats!
    8 weeks to the ER with vaginal bleeding while on vacations!  Diagnosed SubChorionic Hemorrhage.  Babies are both great.
    9 week ultrasound showed both babies are still great.
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