October 2014 Moms

Halloween costume for baby

Our 3 year old is going to be spiderman so I'm thinking of dressing up the baby as a spider. Although I might try to make her costume. Black onesie and pants and make the arms... How about you?!
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Re: Halloween costume for baby

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    That's adorable!!! I'm not planning anything in case she's late, due date 10/26... We will see ;)

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    Winston is ready to have a little sister!


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    Nope, no baby costume... I'm no fun. We will most def get DD a costume (she will be 3) but nothin' for little man.

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    MorganWPMorganWP member
    edited August 2014
    I was just thinking of a little hat or halloweenish onesie/sleeper.

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    Probably something festive (sleeper) but no costume for our baby. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Me: 38 DH: 36
    Married 8/27/2011
    BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
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    BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
    BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
    BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018

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    I was thinking of having a pumpkin costume made but I keep looking at other options.
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    Who knows what DD will be. I bought the new LO a Frankenstein onesie at consignment.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    We got him a little bee costume as well as a little monster costume - since I have been calling him Monster now, and since he will be a Jr. after his Daddy who's name starts with B :)  Either costume will make for good pics!

    Native NYC-ers living in Switzerland - First time parents - 36 + 37

    TTC: 8 Months / BFP: 2/8/2014 / EDD: 10/20/2014  

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    This year no costume for baby. They will just be in the carrier while we take ds out for a bit.
    . Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    I picked up a Sweet Pea bunting at a garage sale for dirt cheap this past summer. Gender neutral (team green) and it was brand new in the packaging!
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    I'm thinking of having my LO be a sock monkey
    Oh my gosh, that's adorable! I still have my sock monkey from when I was little. I'm pretty sure my great grandma gave it to me.
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    I put the hot dog costume on my target registry. So funny and cute I think.
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    @bunches48‌ oh gosh I know! I love sock monkeys!
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    Such a cute idea!  My brother gave us a hand-me-down pumpkin outfit from when my niece was born (she was an October baby as well).  DS1 was too big by the time Halloween rolled around but this LO should fit in it just fine!

    No idea what my two year old will be yet.
    PM me for blog link!

    Lilypie - (oGcT)Lilypie - (iEmQ)  
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    I think I'm going to get baby one of the one piece teddy bear outfits from Carter's.
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    I'm not even sure if I'll make it out. Also due on the 26th. I was thinking of just carrying her in my wrap with maybe a hat with ears so not really dressed up.
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    I didn't buy a costume but I have a black onsie with a black tutu that has orange piping. I wanted to make her Halloween-ie for her announcements. I'll probably just help my MIL hand out candy.
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    I think we still have a skeleton romper packed away from when DD was a month old for Halloween.  This baby will probably just wear that.

    DH will still probably still be on crutches at Halloween.  :(
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    I'm thinking of having my LO be a sock monkey
    Oh I love this!! I may have to find one :)
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    I at least want a cute Halloween onesie or something but I'm hesitant to buy anything until he's out. No idea how big this kid will be...
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    I'm probably staying home with baby while DH takes the older kids out. I might get a My First Halloween onesie, but I doubt there will be a costume involved.
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    She will be here on/before 10/9, so Im pretty sure we will all be out this year. I'm not sure what she will be yet. DS thinks she should be a princess. He insists he wants to be a cowboy (again..so we are trying to convince him to try something else). I'm thinking a pumpkin.
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    We will probably have a costume for our LO - not sure what yet.  Love the sock monkey! May have to steal that one.  Still have some time to think about it. We still have yet to decide on names!
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    DD was Tigger for her first Halloween, I'm just going to reuse her old costume.
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    DS1 wants to be a pumpkin (he used to want to be a fruit chew so I'm happy with the change), but with a 10/24 due date, no costume plans for this little one.  My aunt did get me this onesie so hopefully he'll make an appearance before Halloween! 
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    We have a few halloween onsies and a pumpkin bunting that someone gave us. 
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    I'm due 10/4 so I have plans on "dressing" her up. While Hobby Lobby had their rolls of tulle on sale this past weekend, I stocked up on several colors...ok... 22 rolls! ha!  I made the first tutu Saturday and my mom made the bow and headband.

    I'm one of those crazy people where she will wear Halloween all Halloween week, Fall embroided outfits in November and Christmas pretty much all of December.

    **TTC since 10/2009** **BFP 4/15/12- Dx Molar Pregnancy- Surgery 5/15/12 & 5/22/12** **BFP 1/23/14- 1st Beta (1/24/14) 171 2nd Beta (1/28/14) 860** Pregnancy Ticker

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    youngin12 said:

    I'm due 10/4 so I have plans on "dressing" her up. While Hobby Lobby had their rolls of tulle on sale this past weekend, I stocked up on several colors...ok... 22 rolls! ha!  I made the first tutu Saturday and my mom made the bow and headband.

    I'm one of those crazy people where she will wear Halloween all Halloween week, Fall embroided outfits in November and Christmas pretty much all of December.

    I'm apparently crazy right along with you because I do the same thing. That tutu is so cute!
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    My dog was Winnie the Pooh last year (flame away!) so we were going to have LO dress as piglet. I can't find a piglet outfit and she is due 10/23 (so close to Halloween)...so I am making her an orange tutu, like this one below, just for a picture.

    ~First time mama, strikingly handsome husband, comedic pooch, krumpin' baby girl on her way~


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    My first son was born right before Halloween so we have a super cute monster outfit that should fit DS #2.  I'm thinking of getting a bear suit, too b/c it probably will be cold when we are out trick or treating and I'll wear him- either in a boba wrap or our ergo.
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    I wasn't sure if I would do something for the baby, my husband and 3 yo daughter always dress up together (last year she was a cupcake and he was a milk carton.) She's recently discovered Blues Clues from her older nieces, I think she's going to be Bue, husband will be Steve, baby will be Paprika, and if I'm feeling ambitions I'll be Mrs. Pepper. I'm stupidly excited, and they'll all be super easy to make!
    p+c 11.6.04  |  +g  2.4.11
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    Our 9 year old asked before we knew we were pregnant to do a wizard of oz Halloween. So she'll be Dorothy, undecided about who daddy will be, I get to be the wicked witch and with that... the new baby will be toto. Of course I say that now..: who knows how that'll go once she gets here!

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    Maybe... Still looking of what we will dress up our little girl :) due date is 10/24 so hopefully she'll be here before Halloween. Haha
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    pottery barn kids has a Halloween section on their website - sweet costumes for children and newborns :) Worth taking a peek!
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    Our baby will be a mermaid :) but we probably will not do anything for halloween
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        Super Hero 8/12/11     Baby Girl EDD 10/16/14

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    mari1014 said:

    Our baby will be a mermaid :) but we probably will not do anything for halloween

    If I was having a girl I was going to get this costume, take a pic and caption it "been working on this body for 9 months." Lol
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