January 2015 Moms

STMs - what's on your list of needs for your next LO

I created a registry at Target but it's 100% private and will remain that way forever. It's just so that I can remember all of the things I should get pre-baby. 

Anyone else thought about this in advance?

So far I have a relatively small list. DS will be almost 5 when this baby arrives but we kept everything just in case. I'm not opposed to using blue stuff (esp at home) for a girl (we don't know what we're having yet) so the blue bouncy and walkers we have and such will be fine.   

Anyway - what's on your list for #2?

For me:

New monitor (video) - ours still works 4.5 yrs later (miracle) but I'm not sure it'll hold up much longer.  We haven't used it in ages but the battery charge doesn't hold at all.
Infant bucket seat + 2 bases
Nipples for bottles (plan to re-use DS' bottles that have been in storage, but not the nipples)
Drop-in liners for bottles (we're FFing)
Formula Dispenser
New mattress for crib (using DS' old crib but the mattress could use replacing)
Dresser/Changing Table for nursery (TBD)
Bedding for nursery (TBD)
Rock N play (didn't have one for DS, just a bouncer. But may skip this).
Humidifier (in case we have to run 2 at a time)
Butt Paste (or equiv)
Infant Tylenol
Infant Safety Swabs
Gripe water just in case
Temporal thermometer (just grabbed one of these yesterday)

I'm sure I'm forgetting things.

DS #1  2/2010

Re: STMs - what's on your list of needs for your next LO

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    Nursery furniture, clothes regardless of boy or girl (this baby is born in a totally different season), diapers/ cream/wipes/etc, additional seat for our stroller, I am getting a new swing because our broke, and a new bassinet.
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    Almost the same boat as me. My DS will be 5 in Dec just before baby arrives and we've kept most things.

    Trying to list for things that may need to be replaced because thry are either worn out/expired or its not sanitary to share.

    Looks like you are off to a good start and gave me some good ideas as well! I need to inventory everyhing we have stored to be sure, but my thoughts so far include:

    New bottles, nipples, cleaners, etc.
    New parts for breastpump, lanolin lotion, pumping bra (have 1, kindof worn)
    Pacifiers, teething toys
    New stroller to accomodate both kids (looking at something with a small spot for DS to stand or sit and hold on while younger one is strapped in traditionally)
    Diapers (I'm thinking about trying some re-usables this time around)
    New/extra onesies and pajamas (some were worn or tossed aftee severe blow outs therefore getting some more)
    New mattresses for existing moses basket and crib
    Replacement reciever for monitor set (1 broke)

    + there are some recovery garmets for me that I want to try this time.

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    New monitor, ours broke. Infant car seat and bases. I'd like a better high chair buy that's not for a while. New crib and mattress or big kid bed for ds. Can't decide if I should buy another convertible crib or if I should buy a twin for ds.

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    Well, since it's been 11 years, I need to go find all of the people I donated my daughter's stuff too and get it back ;)  JUST JOKING! :)


    a travel system (I liked my daughter's- used the stroller for years).. We want the Britax system.

    a crib and mattress (I actually still have my daughter's mattress... but since the 10 year warranty is up- I don't think I should put a newborn on it)

    a Pack n Play- another super useful thing that was used plenty. 

    a bouncer and or swing- maybe a Mamaroo instead of the two?

    Crib sheets and maybe a mesh bumper

    Baby blankets - am I the only one that is not a fan of the Aden + Anais brand?


    Bottles and nipples-  I plan to trrrryyyy and eBF initially, but that kid will eventually need some bottles :)

    Diapers and wipes

    Breast pads and nipple cream-- for sure.


    I'm sure I will add more to that list soon enough.


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    It's been 7 years and after my daughter grew out of stuff I passed it along to cousins and friends.

    We have a smaller place so I don't have room for too much stuff. Skipping a crib, just getting a pack and play. Getting a travel system, I also loved it with my first. A friend is giving us her swing, so I won't have to buy one. Clothes, diapers, wipes, the other basics. Nothing outrageous. We're definitely skimping this time around because I honestly didn't use all the stuff I got with the first.


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    most of the things i want to get are things i didn't get last time and regretted.   I have gotten a few things off of craigslist already so that's good. 

    For Gear :
    snap and go stroller to with the car seat we already have(had a travel system and hated it).
    Ergo and infant insert
    Rock and Play
    New Breast Pump- mine is shot.
    New Bottles and Paci's 
    probably some new crib sheets

    gripe water
    breast pads/ milk storage bags


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    edited July 2014
    Not much! Especially if it's a boy and we can re-use all the clothes

    Ergo carrier, new a&a muslin blankets, new crib mattress, probably new audio monitors because ours are crapping out (we have a foscam video one in there though), and possibly a new rock n play sleeper (I like that they can vibrate now!)....

    That's all I can really think of off the top of my head.... we'll add things if we feel we need them after baby comes, depending on how they do.

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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    edited July 2014
    Oh and I'm getting a new breast pump... for free through insurance! Didn't get to do that the first time, I bought one (the Medela PISA) and it didn't work so well with me so this time I'm trying my luck with the Hygeia pump because I've heard good things about it.... might as well try since it's free.

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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    The only things I still have are the crib, changing table, and bedding (sheets, skirt, breathable bumpers). I guess I still have some towels and washcloths, but not many. I need pretty much everything! 

    Other than monitor, crib mattress, and car seat, I plan to buy 2nd hand. 
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    New monitor (maybe)
    Infant seat - already purchased
    Glider - I didn't have one with my first, and I really regretted it.
    Sit n stand
    Size 1 diapers
    New crib sheets
    Sleep sacks - we lived in Hawaii the last round
    Changing pad cover
    Nursery decor
    And some new clothes.

    I feel like most of this stuff isn't a need, and I may not purchase it all.
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    We need a new monitor, probably some winter clothes (DS was a summer baby), some decor incl. a rug and maybe a new breast pump. @SpaceGirlSpiff‌ - how are you getting it covered through insurance?

    DS is getting the new furniture: dresser, bookshelf, nightstand
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    I need to check the expiration date on our infant car seat, and if it's out of date, we'll need a new one of those.

    I'd like to get a smaller fold up stroller to go with that infant car seat. We had the travel system with DS and I hated it.

    I think we'll need to get a new dresser/changing table. Or, we may just keep using the one that we had for DS and buy him new furniture for his new room. 

    I'm going to try to make do the best that I can with DS's old hand-me-downs for clothes, but I'll likely need to buy a few sleepers/onesies since this little one will be a winter newborn rather than a late spring newborn.

    I'm really not considering changing the nursery very much. There is one wall that could use a new coat of paint (DS managed to find an ink pen and did a little art project next to his changing pad, why didn't DH catch him in action while he was changing the diaper, I'll never know), but I probably won't do it. 

    I may buy a new diaper bag, just because the one I've always used with DS is starting to show wear pretty badly. 

    We will re-use cloth diapers, crib, mattress, glider, swing, high chair, bathtub, etc. 
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    edited July 2014
    The ACA (Obamacare) actually mandates that insurance cover it now I believe (like with birth control), HOWEVER I have heard that some grandfathered plans have been getting around it so you'd have to double check... but many insurances at least partially if not fully cover a breast pump.  You can call your insurance to find out exactly what yours covers.

    I looked up my benefits online and it had breast pumps listed at 100% covered, and my BCP's before I got pregnant were covered 100% as well (I used to have to pay before), so it appears my plan is following the ACA

    If you find out your insurance does cover it, then it's a matter of asking them how to go about getting your pump and which ones they cover... you can ask them that too.  You probably have to get it through an in-network medical supplies place or I think there's even online sources you can order from if your insurance works with them..

    Cat leg goes crazy and beats itself in the face

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    A baby carrier. I didn't have one with dd, but it may be a good idea if we can only take a single stroller somewhere. If baby is a boy, new nursery decor and clothes. Tossing around the idea of a new monitor... I have an angelcare that works but one of the parent handset screens don't work. Other than that.. I literally saved everything from dd.
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    Crib mattress
    Crib sheets if it's a girl
    A second boppy because we're moving to a 3 story house
    New pacifiers
    Clothes and a few girly diaper covers if it's a girl

    That might be about it for necessities. We'll reuse all the diapers and wipes from my first, along with the car seat, stroller, crib, bottles, breast pump, and monitor.
    Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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    Bottles bc all the ones from DD went missing, Crib bedding/curtains/rug for her room, and an Ergo.
    Stephanie Ella ~ 6/15/2012
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    Monitor, sit n stand, second car seat base, bouncer/rock n play (can't decide)
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    We kept almost everything. I need:

    Infant car seat and bases
    double stroller
    Winter infant clothes
    Bundle me

    I want:

    New comfy rocking chair
    New bouncer that rotates

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    Latham12Latham12 member
    edited August 2014
    We already have NB cloth diapers we bought used for cheap while TTC this one. I've already bought a toddler bed for DD so baby can use the crib, already bought a glider chair used for $20 since I didn't have one with DD. We also already have a double stroller bc I babysit. In addition we need:

    an on bed co-sleeper since we plan to bed share from the start this time till 6 months

    Extra swing plug bc the person who borrowed our lost it

    Possibly a used Excersaucer (hoping I can borrow from a friend) since my friend never returned it and moved lol

    A new changing table bc ours broke

    Winter NB to 3-6 months clothes bc DD was born in the summer

    An extra camera for our monitor
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    Nothing, we are having another boy and already have a double attachment for our stroller. Ok maybe some newborn diapers but technically we have cloth diapers so if I didn't buy then I'd be fine.
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    Double video monitor
    Nursery decor
    Crib sheets
    Bottle nipples
    baby book
    Breast pump
    pack & play
    Convertible car seat
    Clothes regardless of sex (different seasons)
    Sit n stand/double stroller? DD will be almost 3 when baby is born, I think she will still need a stroller sometimes?)

    I love lists. :) typing it out makes me feel more prepared knowing exactly what I need.
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    My DD will be 18 month when the baby arrives, so we have some things that we can reuse - the infant car seat, bases, toys, swing, bassinet, etc - but others that we'll have to buy, since DD is still using hers. We're planning to buy-

    a double stroller

    second camera for our video monitor (hoping ours works ok with 2)

    nursery furniture, bedding, etc.

    changing pad

    diaper pail

    diapers, related supplies


    sound machine

    There are other things, like pacifiers and bottles, that we'll deal with as the time comes. I'm hoping to breastfeed again, but I work full time and will send bottles to daycare. We used Dr. Brown's with DD, and they worked well, but I'm tempted to try something different this time that's easier to clean. We don't know the sex yet, so I'm not sure about clothes yet, but we'll need a few things to start off with because this lo will be born in a totally different season. I'll be reusing my breast pump, which makes me happy since it was so expensive! (Mine wasn't covered by insurance - they only cover manual pumps. :()



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    Aw shit, here we go... My son is 16 months and still in the crib... I am going to get another pack n play (his is at my mom's, for when she watches him), so the new squish can sleep in that and hopefully move to the crib when DS is ready to move to a toddler (Or twin) bed. That's the big one. I still have my breast pump (First Years manual, LOVE IT), so other things I would need are:

    clothes for baby (team green, and also since s/he was a surprise pregnancy, I had already given away all DS's NB-9M clothes, so we pretty much have nothing).
    Swing. DS didn't really like it, but it's something else I already gave away, and if I can find another second-hand, that would be awesome.

    That's it.
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    So far my list is

    Video Monitor- We have an audio but I wish I had just gotten a video monitor the first time

    Infant Carseat- We have one but I want a second now that we are both working(I was SAHM with DS)

    Infant Swing- I really don't like the one we have. I'm looking for something more compact.

    High Chair- I went with a high chair/booster that attaches to a regular chair the first time and regretted it.

    Pump Parts- I will reuse my Medela pump but need tubes and valves

    Bottle parts- Vents and nipples

    Pacifiers- we dont have any left from DS

    K'tan- I had a Moby with DS and hated it

    If we have a girl we'll need some new bedding and clothes

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    I picked up a new Ergo wrap. Love my moby but this one has a pocket so excited to try it.

    newborn cloth diapers

    double BOB

    new car 
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    I need everything. My children will be 5 years apart and I didn't keep anything from when J was a baby.
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    nah82nah82 member
    edited August 2014
    • A VAN so we can fit an infant seat, a toddler seat and a booster seat!  My Vibe is not gonna cut it!
    • New infant car seat and extra base (ours expires Feb 2015, great timing!)
    • Bundle Me type car seat cover.  I did fleece snowsuits with the first one and it was a pain that he would leak his diaper on it or poop as soon as I had him bundled up and I would have to go through all that work to get it off again and change his clothes before we could leave the house.  I was late for work more than once because of it.
    • Bottles, nipples (gave all my bottles away on FreeCycle)
    • bottle brush
    • pacifiers
    • nursing tanks and bras (these were not in good shape after 2 kids, I tossed them), nipple shield, Gerber moisturizing stick, breast pads (had reusable ones but they were SO obvious!)
    • new boppy pillow and cover, boys ripped my old one.
    • newborn diapers
    • clothes if a girl.  If it's a boy, my sister is already packing the hand-me-downs back up that I gave her and her son has grown out of along with swaddling blankets.  I will still get a special coming home outfit though, if it's a boy.
    • new bed for the "big boys", either need a toddler bed for youngest, a trundle, or bunk bed and mattress.  But that can wait awhile since the new baby will stay in our room in the pack & play for about 6 months.  My oldest is getting a new comforter/sheet set from my sister for his bday in Dec. so little brother will get the tractor set he is using now.

    Our swing motor broke, but neither of the boys liked it anyway so I'm not wasting another $60+ on one.  Might get a bouncy chair for shower time.  They also didn't care for walkers or exersaucers.  I have a rocking chair but even that I never used with #2, he preferred to be walked to sleep, so I had to walk our hallway over and over.  I nursed him on the couch or in my bed.  Still have the pack & play and #2 will move out of the crib that is converted to a toddler bed atm.  It's easier for me to change diapers on the bed, so no need for a changing pad.  Still have the stroller, high chair, hooded towels, baby washcloths, baby nail clippers.  We already keep wipes, baby wash, lotion, etc. in the house for our 2yo.  I had a monitor with #1 and never used it because he was in our room for 6 months anyway and our rooms are close enough that you can hear the crying.  Sis has my baby tub, Bumbo, Johnny Jump Up, sling carrier and front carrier and will give them back.  If baby is a boy, current nursery decor will be just fine (plaid with navy blue curtains and crib sheets with navy blue stars).  If it's a girl, I can either use the nursery set I still have in the closet from #1 (neutral mint green + chocolate brown) or get out the Vera Bradley blanket I bought on sale when I was expecting #2 but didn't know yet if it was a girl or boy.  It is the Happy Snails pattern, mostly navy blue and orange so that will match the navy curtains that are already in there.  Still have a pump from when I needed it for surgery with #2, but won't really use it since I am at home.
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    New monitors ( thinking drop cam), dbl stroller (probably bob again), and new breast pump.
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    Exersaucer, bouncer and activity mat - we gave these things away after we were done with them last time.
    Extra camera for our monitor.

    Thinking about a double stroller, but not sure if we'll need one or not. 
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    Monitor (ours is terrible). Thinking about just getting an audio one.


    Crib sheets to match decor


    Bottle nipples

    Pump parts

    I want a new glider and I'm tempted to try and make do with a single stroller for a while. Depending on the sex we might need new clothes too.

    Dec '12 & Jan '15
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    This is a great thread!

    My DS will be 3 1/2 when DD is born. I've saved as much as I can, but will need the following:

    *Moses Basket (DS's got destroyed in my inlaws' basement)

    *Snap and Go (we lived in Manhattan when DS was a baby so I never had one)

    *Rainforest bouncer (we borrowed my SIL's with DS because he hated our bouncy seat. It's been through 3 kids now and is done)

    *Bugaboo standing board for DS

    *Double stroller (not 100% on this, DS never rides in the stroller anymore and we have 2 umbrella strollers if necessary)

    *new video monitor (ours is on it's last legs from DS; currently the sound doesn't work at all)

    *Bundle me

    *Nipples for the bottles, I saved DS' bottles

    *Baby carrier (I never liked our Ergo)

    *Rock and Play (DH thinks we'll need this, never had it for DS)

    *Diapers and wipes

    *Bottle drying rack



    *Crib sheets/nursery decor

    *Formula dispenser

    *Colace (for me ;)

    BFP: 5/10/14 after 14 cycles of trying!
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    5/12 1st beta: 28
    5/14 2nd beta: 87.5
    5/23: 3rd beta: 4000.6 + saw gestational sac and yolk sac
    5/30: 4th beta: 17,852 + saw fetal pole and heard heartbeat! 127 BPM!
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    I guess I did think of something, I need a new motor/music box for our mobile, the one we have has a broken note and is painful for me to listen to. I saw one in the thrift shop before we got pregnant this go around but my ttcal brain wouldn't let me buy it.
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    We have pretty much everything we need from our daughter...but if it's a boy, we will need lots of clothes! and diapers, wipes, the basics.  probably some newer bottles as well for when I choose to pump. We used playtex drop ins and loved them but it got pricey and annoying when we ran out of/forgot to buy more of the drop ins.
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    Unfortunately we tossed everything. Our daughter will be 6 this month. I'm definitely wanting much less and practical items for this baby once I know gender.
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