September 2014 Moms


I've been up since the buttcrack of dawn and can't get back to sleep. Entertain me, bishes.
{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
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  • My farts smell really bad the past day or two :-& poor dh
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  • I'm a little upset about DHs cousin not asking him to be his best man in his wedding. They are 5 months apart and have done EVERYTHING together their whole lives, they are BEST FRIENDS. But his cousin asked his "best friend" of 2 years that his fiancé doesn't even like. I know DH is upset but he's not going to let anyone know until after the wedding, if he says anything at all.
  • We are heading to see DH's family in wisconsin next weekend, and I plan on not being the nice and polite person I usually am if certain subjects are brought up (like the fact that one of his cousins who is due in November is using the same name we are for LO)....its really not that big of a deal that she is using it, but it is frustrating me that she keeps telling everyone we are super upset about it...we haven't even talked to her since we found out she was pregnant. I don't like made up drama and thats what I feel like we will be walking into!!! Plus, everything in his family is a competition, and with 4 of us pregnant at the same time feels like some people are trying to turn pregnancy and L&D into a competition too. Not sure how we are going to rank deliveries...but if they could find a way I'm pretty sure they would.  
  • @mrsdanielleM2010‌ I know, they all seem to happen at the same time. This is the last one #:-S yay.

    @AnyMax‌ it doesn't matter whose wedding it is there are still feelings for every wedding and DH (more than me) are a little upset. There's more to the situation that I haven't said anything about.

    @ArkansasMom22‌ there are other reasons for the groom not choosing DH and it's upsetting. And seriously if DH were to say something to his cousin it wouldn't cause a tiff bc they are so close. I can smile all I want and act like I'm happy but it doesn't change how you feel.

  • Pretty sure my lunch later is going to be the rest of this cake dip I made for my class yesterday. Nothing else really appeals to me at the moment!
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
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  • AnyMax said:

    Back pedaling as usual.

    Does it sting? I am sure it does. But, regardless of hurt feelings, your husband has no business saying anything to anyone about it. It does not matter if your husband had him as his best man, gave him a ton of money, bailed him out of jail, made a pact when they were does not matter. Groom's best man, groom's choice.
    How exactly am I back pedaling? I said I was upset and there are other reason why DHs cousin didn't pick him as best man. Do I seriously need to go into detail about the other reasons? I'm saying what I want this board to know and that's that I'm upset about my husband not being best man. I said exactly the same thing I did in my op
  • @mrsdanielleM2010‌ I know, they all seem to happen at the same time. This is the last one #:-S yay. @AnyMax‌ it doesn't matter whose wedding it is there are still feelings for every wedding and DH (more than me) are a little upset. There's more to the situation that I haven't said anything about. @ArkansasMom22‌ there are other reasons for the groom not choosing DH and it's upsetting. And seriously if DH were to say something to his cousin it wouldn't cause a tiff bc they are so close. I can smile all I want and act like I'm happy but it doesn't change how you feel.
    I would just try to put the shoe on the other foot.  If it was YOUR wedding, would you honestly give a rat's ass if someone was put off bc they didn't get asked to be your MOH or Best Man?  Prob not.

    I'd just tell him to be grateful he won't necessarily have to be tied into any Best Man events, spending money, or entertaining and possibly not be around to help you with the kids when you need him.
  • maggrit said:
    this past week, I've stopped minding my manners when people give me stupid pregnancy advice. and it feels so damn good. 

    *grant it, I am still nice, just no more nodding and smiling, but I let them know how I truly feel. Like when my boss called me crazy and said I'm going to be begging for an epidural b/c I told him I wanted to try a natural birth....I told him I didn't realize he gave birth to his kids and has first hand experience. shut him up, quick. :-)
    Uhhhhh, what an awesome response to your boss *high five*
    ~All are welcome~
    MC 23/01/2013 natural @ 7 Weeks

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  • I'm a little upset about DHs cousin not asking him to be his best man in his wedding. They are 5 months apart and have done EVERYTHING together their whole lives, they are BEST FRIENDS. But his cousin asked his "best friend" of 2 years that his fiancé doesn't even like. I know DH is upset but he's not going to let anyone know until after the wedding, if he says anything at all.

    This happened to DH last year.  He was asked to be in the wedding but not the best man and we were both shocked but didn't say anything because that's the groom's choice. 

    Night before the wedding and day of groom must have said 20+ times "Wow thanks for everything....I should have picked you as my best man"

    It was the gratification DH needed and didn't make anything weird because he didn't have to say it.  So maybe try and let it go and see how everything plays out.  The groom might regret his decision later. 

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  • trebekastantrebekastan member
    edited July 2014

    I feel like it should be perfectly legal and acceptable to slap people who are _____________ today. (insert pretty much anything, as I'd like to slap a few people)

    Looking at or talking to me

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  • @MrsLaLaBug‌ your right I'm glad he didn't have to plan the bachelor party, spend all that money, etc. but that still doesn't make him feel any better. He's always been there for his cousin, I think it actually bothers him more when his family assumed he was best man and he had to tell them he wasn't. And his family (their grAndmother) was really really upset by it. DH told her it didn't bother him but he's not going to say any different and if he does it would be after the wedding.
  • This is my second rodeo and I still am not entirely clear as to what effacement is.
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • @bf43005‌ he is in the wedding and absolutely excited he is but he's upset and shocked he's not the best man. Maybe the groom will regret it. His family is shocked too. We will see what happens.
  • @MrsLaLaBug‌ your right I'm glad he didn't have to plan the bachelor party, spend all that money, etc. but that still doesn't make him feel any better. He's always been there for his cousin, I think it actually bothers him more when his family assumed he was best man and he had to tell them he wasn't. And his family (their grAndmother) was really really upset by it. DH told her it didn't bother him but he's not going to say any different and if he does it would be after the wedding.
    yeah, it sucks.  But I'd tell him to just let it go.  Y'all will have wayyyy bigger fish to fry here in the next few weeks!
  • JustCricketJustCricket member
    edited July 2014
    Djcieply said:
    I hate this crap! I have two friends that are due within a week of each other, both have been making it a race between the two of them to see who is going to have their baby first. One of them is due tomorrow and she went in earlier this week and demanded having an induction, which is scheduled for Wednesday. The other friend is due Aug 3 and now has an induction scheduled for the 1st because they claim her baby is oversized, she is mad her induction is scheduled after the other friends because she supposedly has an oversized baby and she should be induced before her. I just want to scream at them!!!! Be so so lucky your LOs have stayed in as long as they have, so many women are trying to hold theirs in and you want yours out, you are crazy!!! So for my FFFC: I will not feel bad if they have long labors or end up with CS's, they are setting themselves up for it.
    I had something similar with my SIL (due in oct)... she was all braggy (is that even a word?) about how baby was measuring small and how they're going to have to buy preemie clothes. "Oh I just make small babies, so the doctor's concerns are unwarranted" blah blah blah At the time I hadn't been diagnosed with IUGR yet, just the VCI and bicornuate ute. But the whole time I was thinking "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" is it a damn competition as to who makes the smallest baby??? WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT!!!! If I see her make one more comment on FB about her small baby I may lose it.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • FFFC - It's really not amusing the amount of maneuvering that is sometimes involved towards the end of pregnancy when trying to wipe oneself after using the restroom.

    Oh my, I can't agree more!!


  • DH's cousin is a character, I think she really needs mental help, but that's just my opinion. There were 4 babies born in the family between February and May, with that came a lot of "competition." Every time one person posts a pic of a baby there she is bragging about hers. Parents brag, I understand that, this is different though. She will literally say "my baby's pic got more likes than hers." It's sad. Now that we have been diagnosed with NAIT I shared a link on Facebook about it and now she's claiming she had the same thing with her daughter. Either she's really confused or she doesn't realize that treatment for this is so long and extensive that it's obvious she's lying. Okay, so you're going to lie about your PERFECTLY HEALTY pregnancy just because you're scared I'm getting more attention than you? I'm seriously pissed about this. Why? Why would you even want to lie about your baby being unhealthy?
    omg. That's so sad. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I really really am starting to hate people like that.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • ashaw512 ashaw512 member
    edited July 2014

    I understand being hurt, but dwelling on it will not help anything. I hope YH can get over it and enjoy himself. It almost sounds like you want something to go wrong so the cousin regret not picking him.

    In the words of my son, "Let it go, let it go!!!"
    No no no I don't want anything to go wrong, I wouldn't want that for any wedding. I was just referring to who I quoted from. As in maybe he will regret it and maybe not and we will see how it goes. The wedding is tomorrow and we aren't even staying very long. This definitely something to worry about we have much bigger issues to worry about I mean we are having a baby in 6 weeks!

    Era: that's suppose to say isn't something to worry about but I can't add the word for some reason, stupid mobile
  • No no no I don't want anything to go wrong, I wouldn't want that for any wedding. I was just referring to who I quoted from. As in maybe he will regret it and maybe not and we will see how it goes. The wedding is tomorrow and we aren't even staying very long. This definitely something to worry about we have much bigger issues to worry about I mean we are having a baby in 6 weeks!
    The wedding is tomorrow and he JUST found out he isn't the best man?  I'm confused.


  • I understand being hurt, but dwelling on it will not help anything. I hope YH can get over it and enjoy himself. It almost sounds like you want something to go wrong so the cousin regret not picking him.

    In the words of my son, "Let it go, let it go!!!"
    This. I'm not a fan of weddings in general but the drama over who is best man or moh? Just stupid. I didn't have anyone stand up in our wedding for this reason. I didn't want people to feel obligated to be in it, be upset it they weren't picked, etc... Just enjoy the wedding! Will any of the rest even matter when it is over?

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  • The wedding is tomorrow and he JUST found out he isn't the best man?  I'm confused.

    No he found out two weeks ago after we got the invitation. but it's FFFC(not always flame free I know) so I'm confessing that I'm a little upset about the situation.
  • Yesterday I ate leftover pie and quesadillas for breakfast at work and ate someone's Heath bar Klondike I found in the work freezer. I have no regrets.
    Today I'm off and I'm still in the bed at 11:00. I'm starving but also to lazy to move right now.
  • I am showering for the first time since Monday today.

    Another confession I wish I could do this. Showers take energy I barely have.
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