March 2015 Moms

Passing gas in early pregnancy in front of your partner

So I am almost 6 weeks pregnant and due on March 13, 2015. As many of you ladies are also probably experiencing: the dreadful gas. It's so bad and I don't like to pass gas in front of my hubby. I never have and never will unless one slips. He farts around me all the time. I know it's probably weird to some of you but my mom never farted in front of my dad and that's just how I was raised! So without passing judgement, is anybody else out there going thru hades trying to keep your gas in until you get to a restroom like me?!

Re: Passing gas in early pregnancy in front of your partner

  • I've always let them rip on front of DH and have no intention of stopping.
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  • Good for you! That ship has sailed for me and there is no turning back at this point. It's going to be difficult for you, but I don't think he'll divorce you over a couple of stinkers.
  • I was the first one to let one rip back when we were dating. I have no shame. You probably won't either once you give birth.
    Married My Love 8/09, Blessed with Captain Adorable 3/12

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    BFP#2 5/16/14 EDD 1/23/15 CP 5/21/14

    BFP#3 6/25/14  EDD 3/2/15 


  • My husband and I have been together for almost 8 years and I think I have accidentally farted in front of him once. He has told me during pregnancy to just let them go if needed. :) that's his way of being sweet and letting me pass has to be comfortable!

    It is still awkward to get used to though and I do still try not to if possible.
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  • Let me be clear: I certainly CAN fart in front of him I just choose not to. Why would I want my husband to see me as a farting smelly thing? Our sex life is amazing and I don't want him to see my body in any other way than just sexy! He told me the other day I'll probably shit on the table when I give birth and we just laughed about it. I'm sure they'll start slipping out sooner than later. Like jcar2 I think I'm going to let them rip and revert back to my f ways after the baby comes!!!! Hahaha I loved reading you ladies posts!
  • @angiebee189‌ oh gurl my mother farted around my dad all the time and in the back of my mind I knew it grossed him out... So I am not a farter. Having a weak stomach keeping these to myself is a no go. Some how by the grace of god (or who ever) I have made them into secret panty whispers that politely envelop my husband in a caring embrace. I think I have farted out loud 3 times in the time we have been together and it's him making a big deal about it and me turning red.... Oh well.
  • I gotta say, I prefer not to fart in front of my husband (or anyone for that matter) but had no issues whatsoever with him being front and center during delivery. It's all good, he still has sex with me after that shitshow. 

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  • I don't fart in front of my husband either. I'm due 3/14 and am definitely feeling the gas pains. I just try to hold it in...or squeeze it so tight it comes out with no sound :)
    Also, @FrecklesInside, for as long as I can remember now (long before even getting married), what I've been most worried about in giving birth is pooping in the delivery room. I've come to terms now that it's probably going to happen...but that doesn't make the fear go away.
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    EDD 3/14/15


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  • You know, crapping on a delivery room table was one of my absolute greatest worries about labor and delivery. Shallow I know. I will tell you that some crazy biological wonderment goes down while in labor though. You suddenly do not have any fucks to give when it comes to who sees what! A lot of things are going to come on out from all over the place and you will be none the wiser. 

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  • @JennyP0222 you're post made me LOL. It does make me feel better though. One of my best friend's just had a baby a few months ago and she told me the same thing!
    September Siggy Challengeimage
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    Married: July 2011 TTC October 2012
    Diagnosed IF: Summer 2013 - PCOS
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    IUI #1: Clomid 100mg BFN May 2014
    IVF #1: 13 eggs retrieved on 5/21/14, 11 fertilized, 5dt of 1 embryo on 5/26/14, & BFP 7/2/14!!!
    1st Beta: 286 2nd Beta: 770 3rd Beta: 3735
    EDD 3/14/15


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  • I don't know if he would find me any less sexy or not but I would feel less sexy. To each his own :)

    Hahaha I've developed this new thing where I spread my cheeks apart while sitting and they come out completely silent . Hahaha

  • Hahaha omg I love that term. Thank you bspazzer!
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  • Yes, though I'm not sure why (bad childhood experience?? I've always been super embarrassed about bodily functions to the point where I would hold them all if we weren't at home until I was crying.  I guess its actually more of a fear?  Now its mostly poop and gas.) any way he has heard it slip 1 time and the other day I had to pee so bad I didn't have time to quietly shut the door (DD still sleeps in our room) ended up peeing with the door open I wanted to sleep on the sofa after that.  I was SO embarrassed!!

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  • mholmes92 said:

    Yes, though I'm not sure why (bad childhood experience?? I've always been super embarrassed about bodily functions to the point where I would hold them all if we weren't at home until I was crying.  I guess its actually more of a fear?  Now its mostly poop and gas.) any way he has heard it slip 1 time and the other day I had to pee so bad I didn't have time to quietly shut the door (DD still sleeps in our room) ended up peeing with the door open I wanted to sleep on the sofa after that.  I was SO embarrassed!!

    Seriously? ...we don't even close the bathroom door. If one of us needs something or even if we are mid conversation, we go in the bathroom while the other is using it. Number one or two. Whatever. Being uncomfortable with bodily functions in front of my H is a foreign concept to me. Then again, we have been together over 11 years.

  • mholmes92mholmes92 member
    edited July 2014

    Yes, though I'm not sure why (bad childhood experience?? I've always been super embarrassed about bodily functions to the point where I would hold them all if we weren't at home until I was crying.  I guess its actually more of a fear?  Now its mostly poop and gas.) any way he has heard it slip 1 time and the other day I had to pee so bad I didn't have time to quietly shut the door (DD still sleeps in our room) ended up peeing with the door open I wanted to sleep on the sofa after that.  I was SO embarrassed!!

    Seriously? ...we don't even close the bathroom door. If one of us needs something or even if we are mid conversation, we go in the bathroom while the other is using it. Number one or two. Whatever. Being uncomfortable with bodily functions in front of my H is a foreign concept to me. Then again, we have been together over 11 years.

    It's not just my FH though, I pass gas in front of DD and that's it (and she's only 1) no one else.

    ETA: I'm pretty sure my roommate of like a year/my best friend hasn't even heard me fart.
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    I'm with you on this one
    Hubs turns the water on or goes downstairs if he has to poop... I told him that's more obvious but he didn't care. :)
    I do that too.
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  • Sometimes I make DH go use one of the guest bathrooms, but not because I'm embarrassed, just because he is stanky and my side of the bed is closer to the bathroom.  On his side of the bed he was what we call the "poot candle".  If he knows it's going to be stinky, he farts directly into the candle and is always afraid he's going to light his ass and/or the bed on fire.

    And I 2nd @FrecklesInside - I was never particularly restrained with DH before I had DS, but that man held my right leg back during labor and the things he saw can't be unseen.  His first comment may have been "I love you, but for the love of God, don't look down there for a while," but he still finds me sexy and and vice versa.

    *Just a little PSA if anyone is actually concerned about the odor of their farts - I'm not but like I said DH is rancid - his doc recommend the "White Mountain" Bulgarian yogurt - it comes in a glass jar.  DH says it tastes like shit and puts cinnamon in it, but on the days he eats it, he's not stinky.
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  • kschref said:
    Sometimes I make DH go use one of the guest bathrooms, but not because I'm embarrassed, just because he is stanky and my side of the bed is closer to the bathroom.  On his side of the bed he was what we call the "poot candle".  If he knows it's going to be stinky, he farts directly into the candle and is always afraid he's going to light his ass and/or the bed on fire.

    And I 2nd @FrecklesInside - I was never particularly restrained with DH before I had DS, but that man held my right leg back during labor and the things he saw can't be unseen.  His first comment may have been "I love you, but for the love of God, don't look down there for a while," but he still finds me sexy and and vice versa.

    *Just a little PSA if anyone is actually concerned about the odor of their farts - I'm not but like I said DH is rancid - his doc recommend the "White Mountain" Bulgarian yogurt - it comes in a glass jar.  DH says it tastes like shit and puts cinnamon in it, but on the days he eats it, he's not stinky.

    ohhh where can I find that?  That is probably the best thing I have ever heard. (ok not quite the best but its high on the list)
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  • After the 6th year together I farted by accident and blamed it on something. Then it became a joke where if we farted we'd blame it on the most random thing even though we obviously know what's up. Now 10 years in and he has some lethal ones where as I rarely pass gas.

    #1 BFP 11/6/12 EDD 07/19/13 Delivered 07/23/13 - Baby boy Everett John

    #2 BFP 07/06/14 EDD 03/12/15

  • @frecklesinside I'm with you I leave the door open, all the time. Pisses my husband off.

    He came from a family where you had to be fully dressed at all time. He couldn't even walk around his house without a shirt on.

    Me on the other hand, I came from a house with no shame. Last time I was at my mother's she farted in the laundry room then walked out and told my step-dad something back there smelled and she was afraid something might have gotten in. Hell my sisters don't put on shorts half the time and walk around in t-shirt and panties. My younger brother walked around in his boxers when he lived there. We just don't care, but my mom's a nurse and her theory is it's body parts and nothing to be ashamed of.

    They do cover up and are decent when non-family is over
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  • I think it is super weird that you can't pass gas in front of your husband. How is the whole birth thing where you most likely will shit while squeezing a baby out of your vagina gonna go?

    I agree. Let them out. You know what they say, farts that are held in back up and turn into shitty ideas. Bahahaha jk. But seriously, get over it! ;)
  • @chrain a toast to those of us raised by hippies
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  • @chrain we make exaggerated grunting sounds across the house at each other but I guess we're nasty :D
    LOL DH would die if I did that. He so needs to loosen up
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  • @mholmes92 - we have it at our local grocery store. Doc said it's pretty much the only one that comes in a glass jar.
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  • Hahaha y'all are cracking me up. I don't think I'll ever get over this. I don't even fart in front of my best friend and were like sisters, known each other for 22 years. And helllllll no I don't shit on the same floor as my hubby either. I always go away from him. It irritates the shit out if me (no pun intended ) when he follows me to that level of the house when I have to go
  • aesfaesf member
    Just saying....
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  • We do not gender segregate in our house, that includes (but not limited to?) taking out the trash, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc. Despite my husband's best efforts, he is out of town 85% of the time right now.
  • Pooping is a whole other story.... I swear I (used to be) the fasted pooper in all the land. (Before the hemmies came and now I cry softly every time please go away) but my husband poops multiple times religiously. I don't mind talking to him while he is in there but I draw the line at wiping. I do not want to see the brown sludge that comes off of your anus. I've always had a good sniffer but now it's worse so I'm training him to do curtesy flushes. So far so good. I should reward him with cookies. We did build a toilet room in our master bathroom just to keep things private.
  • okayestmom12okayestmom12 member
    edited July 2014
    I've been farting and pooping in front of hubby since before we got married. That ship of "leave some mystery" sailed many, many years ago. The man has cleaned up my vom (first preg + stomach bug = hot mess), helped me change the dressing on my c/s incision, helped me wipe... Modesty, schmodesty.
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  • chaysefaithchaysefaith member
    edited July 2014
    Devabales said:

    We do not gender segregate in our house, that includes (but not limited to?) taking out the trash, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc. Despite my husband's best efforts, he is out of town 85% of the time right now.


    ETA: I don't fart in front of my SO and it pisses me off when he just HAS to walk in on me while I'm pooping. I got over my insecurities over peeing in front of him during my last pregnancy. Baby steps, I guess.
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