So I am almost 6 weeks pregnant and due on March 13, 2015. As many of you ladies are also probably experiencing: the dreadful gas. It's so bad and I don't like to pass gas in front of my hubby. I never have and never will unless one slips. He farts around me all the time. I know it's probably weird to some of you but my mom never farted in front of my dad and that's just how I was raised! So without passing judgement, is anybody else out there going thru hades trying to keep your gas in until you get to a restroom like me?!
Re: Passing gas in early pregnancy in front of your partner
TTC #1 May 2014
BFP 7/4/14 ~ EDD 3/17/15
My Chart
BFP#1 7/13/11 EDD 3/16/12 DS born 3/16/12
BFP#2 5/16/14 EDD 1/23/15 CP 5/21/14
BFP#3 6/25/14 EDD 3/2/15
It is still awkward to get used to though and I do still try not to if possible.
Baby #1
Baby #1
Hahaha I've developed this new thing where I spread my cheeks apart while sitting and they come out completely silent . Hahaha
Yes, though I'm not sure why (bad childhood experience?? I've always been super embarrassed about bodily functions to the point where I would hold them all if we weren't at home until I was crying. I guess its actually more of a fear? Now its mostly poop and gas.) any way he has heard it slip 1 time and the other day I had to pee so bad I didn't have time to quietly shut the door (DD still sleeps in our room) ended up peeing with the door open I wanted to sleep on the sofa after that. I was SO embarrassed!!
It's not just my FH though, I pass gas in front of DD and that's it (and she's only 1) no one else.
ETA: I'm pretty sure my roommate of like a year/my best friend hasn't even heard me fart.
ohhh where can I find that? That is probably the best thing I have ever heard. (ok not quite the best but its high on the list)
#1 BFP 11/6/12 EDD 07/19/13 Delivered 07/23/13 - Baby boy Everett John
#2 BFP 07/06/14 EDD 03/12/15
He came from a family where you had to be fully dressed at all time. He couldn't even walk around his house without a shirt on.
Me on the other hand, I came from a house with no shame. Last time I was at my mother's she farted in the laundry room then walked out and told my step-dad something back there smelled and she was afraid something might have gotten in. Hell my sisters don't put on shorts half the time and walk around in t-shirt and panties. My younger brother walked around in his boxers when he lived there. We just don't care, but my mom's a nurse and her theory is it's body parts and nothing to be ashamed of.
They do cover up and are decent when non-family is over
August Siggy Challenge Photobomb
August Siggy Challenge Photobomb
August Siggy Challenge Photobomb
MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
PVM 5.8.12
GWM 3.17.15
RPM 2.21.19
ETA: I don't fart in front of my SO and it pisses me off when he just HAS to walk in on me while I'm pooping. I got over my insecurities over peeing in front of him during my last pregnancy. Baby steps, I guess.