Formula Feeding

Baby eating more frequently on Gerber Soothe

Hey! Just realized this board existed..yay! So DS is 3 mos and 16 lb so a big boy. He is still needing 2 night feedings and his longest stretch averages about 4.5 hours. Since I'm going back to work I'm hoping he would be sleeping a little better by this point. Any thoughts on GERBER Soothe formula? It's partially digested making it easier on the belly but I'm thinking it's moving through him faster causing him to be hungry more often? He eats 2x a night but then doesn't want a bottle in the AM when he wakes. Any thoughts??

Re: Baby eating more frequently on Gerber Soothe

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    Hi Ladies, thanks so very much for your input and time responding to me! DS eats every 3 hours, sometimes less, and averages 5 oz a bottle. I often make a 6 oz bottle but he may only want 4.5-5 oz. He totals 32-35 oz every 24 hours. Of course Ped told me he should not exceed 36 oz. Although I'm a pretty horrendous coffee maker, I add 3 full scoops for 6 oz of water :-) And DS is in Size 2 diapers (pampers swaddlers) and I've never had a leak issue so I don't think that is the problem. My thoughts are either....this formula is almost fully digested (so easier on the belly) so it's not keeping him full long enough. Or....he is overtired from his crappy naps (or lack thereof) causing night waking. I have struggled over the past 2 weeks to get him to take a 4th nap. So he's been awake ~3.5-4 hours before bedtime. And a hot mess at bedtime :-(. It's been so hard with him and my 19 mo DD.
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    I started him on Similac Sensitive after I stopped BF (5 weeks) but found it to be so bubbly when shaken up and he got pretty gassy. He was also very fussy as a newborn so I switched to Gerber Soothe. He's done well on this formula, but if guess you never know if it's the formula or time as their digestive system matures. What is meant by half and half? So half of his current formula and half of a different formula?
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    Have you considered mixing what you need for several bottles and putting it in the fridge to let the bubbles escape before feeding? I use a formula pitcher and it's a little bubbly but not as much when I try to shake/mix a bottle on demand. By the time I use them, the air has escaped. I feed Similac Advance for reference.

    I did that with my DD but then had to warm each bottle. For convenience I decided to just shake each bottle with room temp water. But it certainly makes it very bubbly. I may go back to using the pitcher. Daycare will need bottles prepared in advance anyway when he starts. Do you use a bottle warmer?
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    My DD is 6 months and I used Gerber Soothe until a few weeks ago.  It was the only one that didn't seem to upset her tummy when she was a newborn so I stuck with it until I decided to try the Target generic version of Enfamil Gentlease (which I tried to use when she was a newborn).  I think now that her digestive system is more mature she can handle it better.  I honestly did not notice there being any difference in the amount of formula she was eating when she had Soothe vs the new stuff.  But at 6 months, DD is only eating 30-32 ounces so she's not a very hungry girl.  You may just have an extra hungry baby and the pedi may suggest adding some cereal @ 4 months to fill him more.  Are you sure he's hungry each time he wakes in the MOTN and not just waking and fussing for some company?  DD still wakes at night and we were giving her a bottle once a night but then we started just letting her put herself back to sleep.  She usually babbles for 5-10 minutes and then falls asleep on her own.  She's apparently not hungry, just bored when she wakes.
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    My DD is 6 months and I used Gerber Soothe until a few weeks ago.  It was the only one that didn't seem to upset her tummy when she was a newborn so I stuck with it until I decided to try the Target generic version of Enfamil Gentlease (which I tried to use when she was a newborn).  I think now that her digestive system is more mature she can handle it better.  I honestly did not notice there being any difference in the amount of formula she was eating when she had Soothe vs the new stuff.  But at 6 months, DD is only eating 30-32 ounces so she's not a very hungry girl.  You may just have an extra hungry baby and the pedi may suggest adding some cereal @ 4 months to fill him more.  Are you sure he's hungry each time he wakes in the MOTN and not just waking and fussing for some company?  DD still wakes at night and we were giving her a bottle once a night but then we started just letting her put herself back to sleep.  She usually babbles for 5-10 minutes and then falls asleep on her own.  She's apparently not hungry, just bored when she wakes.

    I'm fairly sure he is NOT waking from hunger since it seems to be almost the exact same time every night. I've let him 'fuss' for a little bit (he's not crying) but he doesn't seem to be able to bet back to sleep without a bottle. He won't take a pacifier. We even give him a dreamfeed around 10ish and then he wakes again about 2AM each night. And he's never hungry in the AM I think bc he's had enough during MOTN. Ugly cycle that I wish I could break before I return to work! I need more sleep :-(
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    I'm not sure how tall your baby is but try size 3 diapers. My son is about 17 pounds at 15 weeks and we use size 3. Also we stopped shaking his bottles ... stir or use a small wisk ... it reduced bubbles resulting in reduced gas.
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