Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Worst thing you did during labor?

Did you yell at your partner to get out of the room? Ask the doctor to double up on the drugs? Share your delivery room stories!

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Re: Worst thing you did during labor?

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    I yelled at my dr and dh because they were watching the Olympics while I was actively pushing ... Dh was supposed to be holding my leg but the tv was more interesting my mother found it hilarious at the time i did not i was so pissed , looking back now yea it was probably pretty funny haha
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    Pooped, like a lot!!! I know that's one thing you can't really control LOL
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    I'm kinda embarassed now that at one point when I was in triage and had a really strong contraction I pressed the nurse call button. I guess she took too long to come so I started yelling for the nurse. 2 nurses come running in thinking something was wrong! All they could do is tell me to breathe through it and the other massaged my shoulder or something. That contraction was the worst and it lasted forever. Between the pain and pressure down there I thought my life was ending lol.
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    I lost a lot of blood and had to be given medication to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately it was like being given a bottle of ex lax. I had the runs almost all night and wasn't able to move to the restroom to go the the bathroom. I cried every time I had to call the nurse in to clean me up
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    With baby #3, I had the strong urge to push after I got on the birthing stool and my OB still hadn't gloved up. He had to dive to catch the baby.
    With baby #2, I won the award for most poop during my 3 hr long marathon of pushing.
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    When the epi started to wear off I waited too long to have them deal with it and lost my mind with pain...took almost an to get back under control.
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    12hrs into labor (which was induced) the drs decided to give me drugs to STOP labor because DS wasn't responding well to labor. I took off the the oxygen mask so I could give every doctor & nurse in the room the evil eye. I even pointed it out. They thought it was funny. I thought it was funny how my body didn't respond to the drugs at all. Jokes on everyone that day.
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    BFP 6/9/13... here we go again
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    My epidural wore off at the end of labor. I was screaming like a maniac bc of the pain. I was screaming "why does my vagina feel like its on fire?!?!" Then when they told me I needed a c section I started crying hysterically to the point where I couldn't breath
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    They gave me something to take the edge off, and I puked everywhere. EVERYWHERE. With DD I farted, hard, with my first push right in the nurses face.

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    DinloveDinlove member
    When it was getting close for pushing time, her head made me feel like I had to go to the restroom. I was incredibly uncomfortable and felt nauseas. I kept telling my husband, almost crying, "I need to poop, I want to poop, please something so I can poop" I just kept repeating it over and over until I finally got to start pushing. I laugh about it now but at the time I felt it was the only comforting thought was pooping.
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    I flailed my arm out during a particularly terrible contraction and nearly strangled my DH. The nurse grabbed my wrist in the nick of time! She told DH that he owed her for preventing his certain death :) 
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    Not the worst thing but definitely funny - My water had broken (I was induced) about 27 hours into labor, I stood up to go to the bathroom and it gushed out, along with a ton of bloody show. All I could do was beg DH and my BFF to please take my socks off. They were cute fuzzy socks that i had brought from home and I didn't want the blood to ruin them. So the whole way to the bathroom i just kept asking them to take my socks off!

    I was also in the same exact spot as @Dinlove after 44 hours of labor.
    Together Since 9/14/2008 
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    I was in the tub for a water birth and at one point I just stood up and the two midwives were like "no, this is not an air birth it's a water birth" lol I just wanted to stand up and see if the baby would plop out I was so deranged from pain I was willing to try any position :)
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    I pooped like it was going out of style and I bite my husband. Feeling shame
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    The dr broke my water and a ton... I mean, a TON came out. That wasn't the embarrassing part. About a half an hour or so later, the anesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural. I sat on the side of the bed and kept feeling like someone turned the faucet on because more and more of my water came out. Since I was sitting, it all poured over the side of the bed on to the floor where the nurse was standing to comfort and keep me still during the epi. It had to of flowed off the table for 5 min straight, if not more. The anesthesiologist made a comment a I wanted to hurt him because it took him 3 painful times to find the right spot, so his added insult did not help. So, yeah, the waterfall of 'water' off the side of the bed was definitely embarrassing along with the pooping and farting. What women go through!
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    I kept complaining about leakage after my water broke.

    It was just so gross.  Haha
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    DRFleener said:
    When the epi started to wear off I waited too long to have them deal with it and lost my mind with pain...took almost an to get back under control.
    I did this exact same thing... when it just started to wear off, I fell asleep.. when I woke up.. I went crazy, like a mad woman! The pain was out of this world! They had to give me something to knock me out, literally.. lol.


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    I puked everywhere that spinal did not agree with me
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    I kept asking the doctor to promise me how many pushes I had left! She and the nurses were laughing at me the whole time. I also pooped a little... Pregnancy isn't pretty!
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    With my first I really didnt want an epidural but ended up caving into one by the time I asked for one I was in tons of pain, I kept yelling to my husband "when's it gonna be my turn" lol with this baby I told the nurses the dr better hurry up and get suited up because im not waiting for him I need to push NOW!!!
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    eswalleswall member
    Short story: I wanted the epidural BADLY but due to busy hospital and a few emergency c-sections, they never got to me. So my husband kept telling me, "You're doing great, you're doing great!" I didn't say anything because I couldn't speak but all I kept thinking in my mind was, "SHUT UP! I am not doing anything, it's all being done to me!!!"
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    I had a serious contraction when getting the epidural & I couldn't move so I bit DH square on the nipple! Totally by accident!
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    As soon as baby was 2 seconds from popping out, I swore in pain Felt like such an idiot after and the nurse gave me a dirty look. Will never forget it. What I said, was the worst part. :(
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    I was induced! I had a wonderful labor and delivery (God is awesome!) However at one point during my contractions they got so bad that there was no break between. My husband was being so sweet and just supportive reminding me to keep breathing...but apparently that was driving me nuts and i told him he just needed to stop and be quiet. Haha...i apologised later
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    I pushed too soon. DD got caught behind a piece of cervix that got inflamed bc I started pushing before I was dilated enough. MW had to hold the piece back while I pushed. No med 24hr labor with 2.5 hrs of pushing!! Oi..
    Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
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    i went into labor at 5a. hard labor hit around 2p and i didn't get my epi till 9p. from 2p-9p, i was in beast mode. crying, grunting, moaning, sweating, swearing... yup.

    i was on IV's for quite some time so that + an epi= one full bladder. i told my nurses i felt like i had to pee so they brought in the good ol bed pan.  there i was, my brain trying to tell my bladder to pee even though i was numb. finally after about 3 or 4 min, i broke the seal and kept announcing loudly "i'm peeing!  i'm peeing!" i was prob delusional at that point but i felt like that bathroom moment was such a triumph, haha.

    in terms of pushing, every time they said bear down, i would fart. then i got embarrassed about farting so i would stop pushing properly. every person in the room, assured me they did not care about farting and to keep pushing.  it took another 5 min or so to get over it and just push. you would think i would have been embarrassed at the 10 unknown people staring at my vagina. nope just the farting.

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    I am afraid of needles. The epi was a huge anxiety if mine. So, when I was getting one, I was in pain due to contractions, and the nurse, doula and hubby was holding my shoulders and hands. The nurses arm was close to my mouth. Without even thinking, I involuntarily opened my mouth to bite it. Hubby had to stop me
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    That image of you almost biting the nurse makes me laugh, too funny.
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    I had a psycho nurse who was set on delivering my baby herself. When I asked her to get my midwife from the hallway she said "let's just surprise her with a baby!" After a few more pushes I told her if I wanted my baby delivered by her I wouldn't have paid my midwife and made my mom go get her. The nurse didn't talk to me the rest of the time, my mom and DH had to take a leg each. At least she stopped screaming "PUSH!!!!" In my ear like she was auditioning for a role on "A Baby Story"



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    After Billy was born the doctor reached inside to check the placenta, and I said, "I don't like this, yucky yucky yucky yucky yucky!" The doctor looked up at me and said, dead serious, "it's okay to swear here, we don't care." I'm a preschool teacher, I don't think I could've cussed if I tried.
    yes, my baby is a zombie.


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    Was scheduled for a C section.. Went according to plan, but after 12 hours later of not being able to have a bowel movement, received my 1st ever supository.. I HIGHLY recommend not ever getting one. Turned into massive diarrhea for the next 12 hours.
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    sjn00sjn00 member
    edited July 2014
    Stay awake and not rest after the epideral...

    stupidest move EVER! lol I had been up for 36 hours by the time baby was born.
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