July 2014 Moms

Teddy Has Arrived!

Hi Ladies! Sorry it has taken so long to post this, things have been crazy!! 

As many of you know I have had a difficult pregnancy and was on bed rest for about 12 weeks, in and out of the hospital, and most recently I had been dilating. Last check I was at 7cm. Well I had an OB appointment on the 18th and was checked again, still the same and still having non-productive contractions. They eventually stopped and I had a peaceful weekend. I would have the occasional one here and there but they felt more like Braxton Hicks and it was one every few hours or so. 

Sunday night rolled around and I felt sick to my stomach but I was able to go to bed. At 8:30 in the morning I woke up not feeling too good. I went to the bathroom and I noticed I felt like I was having contractions but they were below my belly button. At my previous appointment my OB said that if the contractions were not my whole stomach and above my belly button it wasn't real labor. I called my mom and told her what I was feeling and how my back was killing me. She yelled at me to call my husband and get to the hospital. 

I decided to text my husband and tell him he might need to head home because he works about 25-35 minutes away depending on traffic. Immediately after sending the text the contractions got stronger. I called my OB to tell them and they asked me to come in to the office to get monitored first. While I was waiting for them to tell me this the contractions became stronger, longer and only 3 minutes apart. I hung up the phone and went to the bathroom and saw pink on the tissue. Just as I grabbed my phone to call back the OB I noticed they were calling me. When I answered it was my doctor, not the nurse, and she told me to rush to the hospital ASAP. I told her what I saw and she said hang up and call 911 you are going to deliver that baby soon. I yelled back at her that I would not let that happen and I was coming into the hospital.

I immediately got up, let the dog outside, and ran to get pants on. It felt like it took forever because I couldn't walk through the contractions and could barely breathe through them. My husband burst through the front door and helped me get my pants on. He ran to let the dog in, grabbed the hospital bag and we were on our way. We live 25 minutes from the hospital and he took the toll roads to get there faster. Cops were everywhere so we couldn't speed. The car ride was awful and I was actually punching the side door during the peak of my contractions like a mad woman.

We get to the hospital and I scream for my husband to get valet. He throws his keys at the guy and tosses me in a wheelchair. When we get to the desk I tell the woman the last time I was checked was several days ago and I was already 7cm. The nurse from L&D came and put us on the elevator. I didn't want to freak my husband out but for the past 10 minutes I had felt the urge to push and it was awful. I looked at the nurse and said, "I have to push, I think I feel his head. You need to hurry up!" and as soon as the doors opened she ran. We got into the room and I had 4 nurses waiting. I stood up out of the wheelchair and one nurse ripped my shirt off while the other pulled my pants down. 

My OB came running into the room and the nurses were holding her gown open for her so she could run right into it, and she slipped gloves on. She immediately checked me and said "That's the head, you're complete. We need to push NOW." Right as she said that I felt a contraction and a horrible burning sensation and I knew it was the ring of fire I have heard so much about. I was terrified and fought the urge to push because I felt so overwhelmed. When the contraction stopped my husband held my hand and the nurse told me that I had to push for my baby. The next contraction I grabbed the railing and started to push but my body finished the work for me and he was born! I was in such shock I could barely breathe. 

From the time I got on the elevator to the moment my son was born it was 4 minutes. The hospital staff locks the elevators and you need a badge to go up, so they checked the times and said I had set a record. My husband has been joking that we were one red light away from delivering the baby in the elevator. I still can't believe it was only one push. The most amazing part to me is that I woke up at 8:30 am and Teddy was born at 9:37am weighing 6lb 7oz. He is my tiny little peanut and couldn't be more perfect!!

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