October 2013 Moms

How much is Daycare?

edited June 2014 in October 2013 Moms
With me maybe going back to work I have looked into daycare costs! I can't believe the prices ($250-$300 a week!) How much do you pay a week?
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How much is Daycare? 153 votes

Under $100
7% 11 votes
15% 24 votes
15% 24 votes
11% 18 votes
16% 26 votes
32% 50 votes

Re: How much is Daycare?

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    112$ for TWO DAYS. Ugh
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    $25 a day and I work 4 days a week. A lady from my church does it out of her home. If I went with a daycare, costs would be $125-210 a week.

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    july sig challenge: babies are not dogs
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    hlb622hlb622 member
    $38/day, up to 10 hours per day.
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     BFP #1: 3.2.13 | EDD: 10.21.13 | Born: 10.25.13
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    BFP #3: 1.4.15 | EDD 8.23.15
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    I voted SS. So we pay $360 a week for full-time and live in a Boston Suburb. 
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    $415/ week for 5 days full-time daycare center. Boston suburb. This includes a corporate 10% discount.
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    $50 a day or $200 per week.  This is actually really reasonable for our area (Philadelphia suburbs) as it's an in-home daycare.  Actual centers are more like $300-$400 a week

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    about $100 - $125/week, but only bc it's my mom. When he's in actual daycare, it will be more like $250 - $300/week.

    @missgpsu: you mean $150/week, not per day, right?
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    I voted for what I paid when it was only DS1 ($160/wk at an inhome).  Currently its $300 for 2 kids at the same in-home.  This is cheap for my area.  Most centers are around $250+/child.

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    I SAH but I've researched daycares and dayhomes (my SIL runs a dayhome) and average costs here for a daycare is $400/week. My SIL gets $250/week per full time child. (Calgary)

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    DS isn't in daycare but when we checked into it the base price for a child 1 year and younger was $150-$200 depending on the place. It went up from there depending on the age. Once the child hit school age it went down since they had less time spent in the center.

    You can however find in home places that are cheaper but unless you know the person most people are either younger OR the houmes aren't that nice and clean.
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    $270/week.  I think it's going up to $290/week in August.   8-}

    image image
    LO then (2 days) and now (1 year)
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    We're starting daycare next week because our nanny had to leave. It's $180 for each baby, 2 days per week. They gave us a 20% discount on the second baby though so it'll be $324 for both. I think full time day care around here is usually $400-500 per week (for 1 infant)


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    We're starting daycare next week because our nanny had to leave. It's $180 for each baby, 2 days per week. They gave us a 20% discount on the second baby though so it'll be $324 for both. I think full time day care around here is usually $400-500 per week (for 1 infant)


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    We pay 25/day for a sitter in our home (10.5 - 12 hours a day). But my sister is the sitter, so we get a deal.
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    What's depressing is asking how much 2 kids in daycare will cost and realizing that although financially possible, it's not what we want to do. So, TTC is on hold. :(
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    I can't believe the costs, when I calculate the daycare costs, and then gas/parking for me to work.. It's like more then half my monthly income.
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    LO usually only goes for a half day (<4hrs) and it's 16/day so $80 a week. Full time would be twice that.

    It's a center, we provide diapers and wipes. They provide baby food, snacks and formula but I bring BM.

    It's probably not as nice as some of the places I hear you all talk about but it's smaller, there are only two baby room teachers so they really get to know the kids. Also they are open 6a-11p mon-sat and we only pay for the days LO is there.

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    We would be paying 225 per week per kid, so instead we just went with a nanny for $500/week for both the kiddos, plus some gas/toll money. Definitely worth the extra 50 bucks to not have to get them all suited and booted each morning.
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    I SAH but I've looked into daycare costs in my area (DC), in case I decide to go back to work. $1750/month with a one-year wait. For two kids you get a discount, so it's *only* $2750! We want another, so I'll probably continue to stay at home.
    TTC since August 2011
    DX: Unexplained Infertility
    IUI #1: Clomid 50mg + Ovidrel + IUI: 11/3/12 - BFN
    IUI #2: Clomid 50mg + Ovidrel + IUI: 12/5/12 - BFN
    IUI #3: Clomid 100mg (CD 3-7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 9 & 11) + Ovidrel (CD 13) + IUI: 1/10/13 - BFP! EDD 10/3/13
    **P/SAIF welcome!**
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    Wow, this makes me realize just how lucky we are for where we live. The most expensive daycares around here are ~$325 for a week. We pay $190 for an in-home center. And the price will go down when he turns 16 months (I think that's right on the age) to $160/week because of teacher/child ratios.
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    It's between $1,600-1,900 a month for an infant here (Chicago). So that's about $370-440/week.

    We're just analyzing costs here too. I just started a part time job but was offered a different full time position. Looking at pay alone, I'll have more take home pay annually with the part time job and a sitter 20 hours a week than I would with a full time job and full time daycare.
    TTC #1 since 6/08. Cycle #6 - BFP 12/22/08, EDD 9/3/09, DD 8/14/09 at 37w1d
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    TTC #2 since 6/11
    me=36 - low AMH, DH=38
    BFP #2 - 8/31/11, EDD 5/10/12, M/C 9/23/11
    BFP #3 - 3/4/12, EDD 11/14/12, CP 3/11/12
    BFP #4 - 5/9/12, EDD 1/19/13, CP 5/11/12
    BFP #5 - 8/22/12, EDD 5/5/13, CP 8/24/12
    IVF#1 - January 2013 - EPP/Antagonist - 7R, 3M, 2F, 3dt of 2 8-cell embies
    BFP #6 - 2/3/13, EDD 10/15/13, DS 9/18/13 at 36w1d
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    Also $300/week in a Denver suburb.  This was one of the cheaper options that we found, but we are so happy with our daycare now that I'm really glad we went cheap :)  The cost may be less but the love isn't!  


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    $57/day diapers and wipes are included
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    $62 / day.  She goes three days / week, so it's $186.  Full time for the week I believe would be $280.
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    Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
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    SS: $351 a week.  I am in the NYC suburbs. 

    BFP: 1.19.2013 - EDD: 10.2.2013 - It's a girl! 9.25.13: Welcome Addison!


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    The daycare center I work at charges $155 a week for the infant room with diapers and wipes included. When LO went there I had a 50% discount so I was paying $77.50 a week. Now that my sister is watching her for the rest of summer, I'm paying her $100 a week.
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    We do childcare on base where I work. It's done by paygrade. I'm in the highest bracket and it's still only like 600 something a month - insanely cheap IMO. That being said, we're not thrilled w/ the center and may be looking at a different one. It's 1,200 a month. 

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    We pay our nanny for 3 full days $225. When we looked into daycare, it was $140 for 4 days.


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    Slap8outSlap8out member
    edited June 2014
    Our daycare is 750$ / month. Per year it comes out to about 175$ (ish) per week.

    Most daycares around my area are 160-175 per week.

    Reading all these posts make me happy to be where I am!
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    RedZeeRedZee member
    $409 a week in infant room. Includes some veggies after 12months. There is music once a week and a nature program where they bring in animals once a month.
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    DD1: born 1/19/11. DD2: born 10/10/13
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    $30/day for 3 days/week
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    $1500 a month, and that is cheap in Brooklyn. Sigh.
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    huntjul said:
    I pay @huntjulsmanny by providing occasional intimate favors and by looking the other way when a frozen pizza sneaks in the house on grocery day.



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    SdeuxSdeux member
    We are in Paris, Ontario. It will cost $48/day in the infant room then $38/day in the toddler room which is 18 months+. In a preschool daycare. Thankfully he will only be there 4 days/week.

    I've found home daycares in our area are between $25-$30.
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