Pregnant after a Loss

Hehe. The baby keeps stealing my food...

I was thinking about my 6inch sub from Subway not being enough to eat when normally that is plenty for me, and the line in "Knocked Up" where Ben's room mates GF is high and says "Doesn't it make you mad that the baby steals your food? It would make me mad".

(or something to that affect)

Hehe Big Smile

Baby can steal my food all he/she wants as long as I get more food! (insert:: going to raid the left overs in our work kitchen::)

m/c April '08
DD#1 born June '09
DD#2 born April '11
TTC #3 as of July '14

My Ovulation Chart

Re: Hehe. The baby keeps stealing my food...

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    This kid is totally food stealing today!  I'm on my second lunch, I ate my first at 10:30am today.

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    Mmm.... Subway :o) At least you BIL doesn't call the baby as "parasite." "So how is your little parasite today?" He is totally kidding, but he thinks his analogy is correct, another being living off of a host.... Hmmm.... He is such a dork sometimes.?
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