Blended Families

lice at exs

I check DS everyday and before and after each visit and the only time we have an issue is when DS comes back from exs. It could be as little as a 3 hour visit and he'll have live bugs (no nits since there wasn't enough time for them to lay eggs). I've brought it to exs attention and he tried to place blame on me until I told him our routine for checking DS then ex told me to stop treating DS with the chemical lice solutions and to essentially stop treating DS. I've tried putting preventative in DS hair before he goes over (he showers after each visit anyway) and ex just gets mad at me tells me it's gross and washes DS hair. This has been going on for over 3months now. I'm not sure what else to do. I can't continue handling the chemicals since I'm pregnant and due soon. DS is tired of having to get treated for lice and it's such a big expense too.
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Re: lice at exs

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    What preventative have you been using? I use tea tree oil in my DD's hair because it's supposed to keep them away. Can you try that? That is pretty nasty that your ex can't get rid of the problem at his house. What a crappy thing to deal with.
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    Lice actually thrive in clean hair and hate messy hair. So I would try putting hair grease in his hair before going to X's. Also, can you send X an email with your lawyer CC'd that DS getting lice each and every time he is at X's is neglect and that needs to stop or you will do xyz.
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    I agree that lice prefer clean hair.  Spray hairspray or use mousse or gel in your DS's hair before he go over.  You can also try tea tree shampoo (but again, no not send DS over with squeaky clean hair).

    As for treatment, I know many people (including nurses) who do not use chemicals.  For a bad infestation, they will put a mayonnaise pack on a child's head and wrap in plastic wrap.  (Mayo sufficates the lice, but will not destroy nits - for that you need a nit comb).

    I agree with twister - send a letter to your ex telling him that constant lice = neglect.
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    I've used olive oil in DS hair to make the hair oily and hard for the lice to grip onto. When ex saw it he flipped out and told me it was gross so he washed it out and anytime after I tried to do olive oil he's washed it out. I have a feeling anything that is obvious in his hair will get washed out since it's "gross" (but you know lice eating your children - ex has a bio son and a non bio girl living with him- isn't disgusting at all). What's worse is ex moved and he refuses to notify the court or tell me his new address so I can't do much more than communicate with him via text.

    It's very frustraiting...i contacted my attorneyin regards to the lice. She basically told me to start a case for neglect on ex by having a dr document each time I take DS in to get some sort of treatment for lice...
    IAmPregnant Ticker}
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    Wait, your son is going to a home and you have no idea where he is? Is that even allowed? That would be an even bigger issue for me than the lice (which is crazy that he keeps getting it repeatedly). This is tough I'm sorry this is what you are dealing with.
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    I would refuse to send over DS to be with ex unless you know the address.  That is a pretty standard requirement / grounds for not allowing visitation.  If you are going to contact your lawyer over the lice, I would contact him over the lack of address.
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    I will contact my attorney in regards to his address for clarification however as I understood it since it's not specified in our CO he still is allowed visitation. He has to inform the court though which he's refused to do.
    IAmPregnant Ticker}
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    I did try to put it in our CO however I was toldhe had to inform the court anyway so it wasn't needed...
    IAmPregnant Ticker}
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    With my experience, if we didn't have an address, SK's do not go. It was in our C/O that BM had to write the courts as well but we did not have to send them if we didn't know where they would be.

    My mom is also going through this and her attorney told her the same thing.  

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    Honestly, I don`t care what is in the CO, I would send my child somewhere unless I had an address. I highly doubt any judge would find you in contempt for that.
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    We were not in contempt for it and neither is my mom with her situation. I also don't think it matters how old the child is.

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    mommy5point0mommy5point0 member
    edited June 2014
    That sucks.

    My kids and I got lice when I was 7 months pregnant last year too. It was awful.

    There's a spray called lice freeeeeeee at Walgreen's, you can also get it on Amazon. I bet whoever DH is taking DS around isn't treating their kids/themselves and the ugly cycle continues.

    LF is basically salt water that smells like black licorice. It dehydrates them and they die within 30 minutes. Comb them out with a bad ass lice comb that has ridges on the teeth. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

    ETA: send a bottle to that sack's house for the sake of your sanity. Just keep spraying it on DS. It couldn't be easier.
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    For some unknown reason, this post popped in my head last night/early this morning, after I had to do an emergency potty break for the dog. 

    Since you have a son, vs daughter...why not just shave his head down to the skin?  It is summer, so people won't immediately go to "SkinHead".  

    No hair, no hitch-hikers when he comes home.  And you strip him before he walks into the house (fumigate the car) after his visits with his dad. 
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