Washington Babies

Worried - is this okay??

The other night Mattie flipped on to his belly while sleeping for the first time.  I freaked out and flipped him back over, only for him to flip right back on his tummy.  Every night since,  he sleeps on his tummy all night.  I hate it because it worries me...but I know my pedi told us at the 6 month appt that it was okay.  Does your DC sleep on his/her tummy?  Does it bug you?  Do I just need to get over it and not worry about it? 

Some friends of ours knew a couple who's baby died of SIDS recently - he was sleeping on his tummy.  I remember them going to the funeral.  It haunts me.

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Re: Worried - is this okay??

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    I think I heard that if they flip over on their own, then it's okay.

    DD was a tummy sleeper for about a year, now she only sleeps on her back. Their sleeping habits change constantly.

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    For the 1st month or so when DS would flip on his tummy I would go flip him. I am sure he would have been fine but it kind made me nervous. He now sleeps on his side and doesn't flip over and I sleep alot better :). My pedi told me it was okay once they can roll all the way over but it still made me nervous, you hear so many horror stories.
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    not trying to downplay the seriousness of sids, but Jacob and Norah have both slept on their tummies since birth....

    I have also heard once they roll over and do it on their own its ok :)
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    I've also heard that if they do it on their own its o.k. I already check her 5x before I go to sleep. Once shes rolling on her own it will be 250x. I hear ya M! The worry never ends I'm told.........
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    Well Cruz has slept on his tummy since he was 4 weeks old, it was either that or we would have to learn to sleep with our hand on him all night!  If they can roll to their tummy its ok.  It appears that he is more comfy on his tummy and is flipping himself.  Keep in mind that any unexplained death of an infant is called sids.  My good friends baby girl died in her arms of "sids".

    The reason they tell you to put your baby on its back to sleep is that babies tend to sleep more deeply on their tummys. 

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    He'll be ok. The risk for SIDS goes way down after 6 months. Now that Mattie is able to roll, if he needed to, he would. FWIW Kaylin has been a tummy sleeper since about 4 weeks old and she is absolutely fine. Do you have a video monitor? Maybe it would make things easier if you just watched him on the monitor for a couple nights? That's what I did when I first started letting Kaylin sleep on her tummy at night.
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    I too was freaked when Miss A started sleeping her belly.  But she did it on her own, so I finally just dealt with it.  She was about the same age as Mattie too.

    I would always (and still do) put her down on her back, then she goes where she will from there.

    Daycare however, did i think, put her on her tummy for naps earlier than I did at home.  Only since I found her like that a few times, and I REALLY freaked out.  But then they are only ever 20 feet away and there are 12 other kids there, I thought I guess, she would be checked on alot.  :)

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    He'll be ok. The risk for SIDS goes way down after 6 months. Now that Mattie is able to roll, if he needed to, he would. FWIW Kaylin has been a tummy sleeper since about 4 weeks old and she is absolutely fine. Do you have a video monitor? Maybe it would make things easier if you just watched him on the monitor for a couple nights? That's what I did when I first started letting Kaylin sleep on her tummy at night.

    I do have a video monitor - and its my best friend and my worst enemy!  LOL.  I spent 45 minutes just watching him on the monitor the other night, trying to make sure he continued to breathe, that he wasn't laying on his face, etc.  It is so weird b/c he HATES to be on his tummy when he's awake!  He just likes to keep me guessing, I suppose! 

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    Robbie has been a tummy sleeper since he started day care. They put him to sleep for naps on his tummy. At first it made me very nervous but now it is ok. I just took out all the crib bumpers our and make sure he does not have a blanket on his face.

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    i was told if they flip there on their own it's OK.

    That said, I finally put Ben on his tummy at 6 1/2 or 7 months even though he didn't do it on his own yet (but I was sure he *could* but didn't want to), because I was out of sleeping options.  Within a week or so, he started doing it himself so I decided to be OK with it.  But I was nervous at first.   He's still a tummy sleeper now.

    The risk for SIDS goes WAYYYYYYYYYYY down to practically nothing after 4 months, so I think you're fine.

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    I'm sure I have a false sense of security using this monitor but I sleep a lot better knowing I have a chance of waking my DD.  I've used it since we put her in her bed at 3 weeks old.  Recently she started moving around the crib a little more and this has set off the alarm a few times but all in all I have loved it.


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