Trouble TTC


Hi I'm new to this website and I wanted to ask and see how many of you have or has gotten pregnant after having a HSG done. 


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    The women on this board are mostly still trying for their first. Are you having trouble trying to concieve? If so, please make a intro post so we can get to know you.
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

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    Personally I didn't. You may get a better response on a pregnancy board since a lot here are still TTC. I've heard that it can increase your chances but when I had my HSG it screwed up my cycle, I ovulated later than normal and spotted the whole cycle.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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    (**warning, previous pregnancy mentioned**)

    I am currently trying for a second. I did get pregnant with my first after the HSG test, but this could have been coincidence. I also started thyroid pills and began being followed by an RE instead of an OBGYN at the same time. GL!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    The HSG can increase your chances for a few cycles just slightly.  So technically your odds are better.  But it isn't a treatment for IF and often times there may be other factors involved with struggles TTC,  I think in the year and a half I've been on this board, I've seen 2 or 3 ladies get pregnant afterwards...but who knows if that was a coincidence.  

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
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    Warning: mention of take home baby

    Yes! I came onto this board specifically to see if anyone asked or talked about this. My husband and I had been TTC for 18 months when a friend told me she got pregnant after getting an HSG (she had been trying for almost two years and got pregnant the month after getting it). My doctor had told me many women get pregnant after having one but that they don't really know why. I decided to give it a shot as I was starting to worry about why things were taking so long. I litterly got pregnant that next month! I tell anyone I meet that is having trouble conceiving to ask their doctor about it!
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    This is my first cycle after getting the HSG test, so I will let you know in 8 days.

    Me: 27 (PCOS/Hashimotos/Irregular Cycles) // DH: 38 (MIF- low count/motility)

    Married: 4/29/11

    TTC: Since 10/2011

    3 CP (3/2011, 11/2011 & 6/2014)// HSG 5/14: ALL CLEAR!

    10/2012: 100mg x2 Clomid/IUI: cancelled due to poor response (stubborn follies)

    02/2013: 200mg Clomid//IUI: 2 follicles (21mm &19mm) / 1.3m P/W= BFN

    04/2012: 200mg Clomid/IUI: 1 follicle (20mm) / 1.6m P/W= BFN

    10/2013: 250mg Clomid/IUI: 1 follicle (23mm) / 4.5m P/W= BFN

    02/2014: Follistim/B2B IUI: 1 follicle (23mm)/ #1: 2m P/W & #2: 800K P/W= BFN

    05/2014: 50mg Clomid/Follistim IUI: 3 follicles (21mm, 15.5mm & 15.5mm)/ 4.7m P/W= CP

    On a TTC break for 3-6 months while DH gets treatment with a Urologist

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    Thank you @AlaskaDee23!  My spidey sense was tingling, too. 

    FWIW My RE said that they used to think that it helped some women, but now they think it is a coincidence.  By the time women are going to the RE for diagnostic testing, they are SERIOUS about getting pregnant and have nailed down the timing and started making lifestyle changes. 

    So, they can't rule out pregnancy as a side effect from an HSG, but it is a diagnostic test not treatment. 
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

  • Options I the only one thats suspicious of this thread? Someone asks about HSG getting you pregnant and then someone randomly has an answer that got pregnant? HSG is a dx tool not treatment. Maybe I'm wrong...if I am, sorry, but it seems weird.
    I was thinking that too...or maybe just poor choice of words by the previous poster.  That can be a very misleading comment - no RE would ever do an HSG as part of a treatment.   It is a test to check your tubes.  If by chance it clears up some mucus, then it helps your chances a teeny bit, but definitely should never be considered a treatment.  It is irresponsible to recommend it to people just to get pregnant.  That's like saying sonograms and lab work got you pregnant. 

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
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    I don't think she meant any harm by it? Granted, there are the first time poster etiquette rules, but personally, I never even heard of an HSG until seeing my RE and both performed one. So seeing as she knew what that even was, I'm hoping its not MUD.

    I, too have heard of women getting pregnant afterward, since it 'clears the cobwebs' so to speak lol. But, to the original poster, if that were as easy as it seemed, then they probably aren't on this board because it is pretty much step 1.

    GL to you!
    Me: 31 DH: 31
    TTC#1 since Sept. 2011
    March 2012-June 2012 - IUI's- BFN

    Sept 2012= IVF #1- 14 eggs, 9 fert, no frosties. 2 blasts 5dt=BFN
    Oct/Nov 2012= IVF #2- 20 eggs, 14 fert, no frosties. 2 blasts transferred despite mild OHSS=BFN
    Nov 2012= hubby got transferred, moving to new state, time for a break until summer!
    Feb 2013= Natural BFP!! Valentine's day surprise! 
    Mar 2013= m/c @ 7.5 weeks :(

    *New RE*
    July 2013= ER for a freeze all cycle. 21 eggs, 9 fert, freeze all day 1.
    Lab is closed in August! (Of course!) 
    Sept 2013= FET #1 - transferred 3 not so great quality day 3 embies=BFN
    Oct 2013= FET #2- transferred 4! 3 good, 1 poor= BFP! On hubby's birthday :)
    Started bleeding at 5w5d. ER trip confirms one gest sac, one yolk sac, no fetal pole. 6w u/s showed nothing. Levels drop from 4,500 to 250. 
    Nov.2013=meet with RE to discuss where to go from here.
           *Tests showed PCOS-ish. High testosterone. Start Metformin 1500 mg.
    February 2014- CLomid, IUI, Trigger. 4 juicy and ripe follies (24,25, 28 and 34!) 111 million post wash sperm count. BFFN!!!! WTH?
    March 2014- Over my RE. Year of fun for us and looking into RMANJ.
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    Not sure exactly what you are suspicious of but my post was genuine. My doctor told me after trying for 6 months that we could do an HSG to test and make sure things were okay but informed me that many women seem to have increased fertility after having it. I decided not to do it then, but when I heard a friend had good results (and another year had passed without me getting pregnant) I opted to have it done. Maybe it was a coincidence but I did get pregnant the next month! I know how hard it can be to be TTC for a long time and if there is something that might be helpful (which I whole heartedly believe it was) than what is the harm in telling people about it?
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    Yes, I didn't think you intentionally meant harm by your comment or were trying to be disingenuous.  But like @CaterinaC noted, it can be misleading depending on how you phrase it.  It's an important test, assist with diagnosis, and can help remove extra mucus.  So it's good for people who are struggling to conceive and interested in getting tests done to learn about it.  But I wouldn't promote it as a go-to treatment to help conceive, and the REs I've seen definitely don't present it that way.

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
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    My OBGYN told me something similar after a year of ttc. He suggested the HSG as a diagnostic procedure for IF..and when everything was clear and I was leaving they said I'll be KU within 3 months....well here I am a year and a half later.

    Most of the women in this group have been ttc for some time and if they're doing everything right..they had to have an HSG to receive any kind of IF treatments. So obviously you're not going to hear a bunch of success stories under the 3T board. It was just the wrong place for the question!

    It doesn't hurt to lurk around the communities before just jumping in with a may have realized this wasn't this place for a pregnancy success story of any kind!


    me: 28 - all test normal
    DH: 33 - SA normal


    TTC since September 2011
    2011-Oct.2013 - trying off and on, ob/gyn, no meds
    November 2013-December-EOD, ob/gyn, no meds

    January 2014- ob/gyn ordered Clomid (50 mg) unmonitored, EOD-BFN
    February-Clomid 50 mg. unmontiored, EOD - BFN
    March-Switched to RE
    April- 100 mg Clomid/Ovidrel-BFN
    May - 100 mg Clomid/Ovidrel-BFN
    June-*BREAK/Switch RE*
    July- 5 mg Femara/Ovidrel + IUI #1- BFN
    August- 5 mg Femara/Ovidrel + IUI #2 - BFP!!!!

    EDD: May 7th, 2015: Team PINK

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    I guess I thought leaving a success story could help give someone hope. I wasn't trying to upset anyone, the original poster asked if anyone had gotten pregnant after having an HSG and I did. And my doctor told me exactly what I said in my previous post. If that is different than what other doctors say I wouldn't know. From the research I remember doing online at the time, I got the impression that there is a correlation between the test and fertility, although they don't understand why. Again, I was not trying to cause trouble or hurt anyone's feelings. Was just responding truthfully to the question the poster asked.
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    I had the HSG after 18 months of trying. Doc offered in after 6.
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    KT416KT416 member
    I haven't had success, but I heard that it ups the chances for the next 3 cycles because it "clears the pipes" but isn't medically proven or anything like that. Good luck!

    Me: 29, DH: 30

    Married: April, 2011; TTC: July, 2012

    Dx: MFI; June '14 IVF w/ ICSI: 11R, 8M, 5F... 1 5dt, beta #1: 213, beta #2: 621, beta #3: 8545!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @CaterinaC‌ Beautifully said!
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

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    I'm genuinely sorry if I upset anyone. I am brand new to posting on these boards (yesterday was my first time) so I did not read all of the initial posts before I responded. Now that I have I realize this is not the place for this discussion. Like I said, I really was just trying to share my experience with the initial poster because I thought it could be helpful. I felt so scared when I was having trouble getting pregnant so I just liked the thought of offering someone else in the same place some hope. It seems I have caused the opposite effect and for that I apologize. Good luck. 
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    Call me crazy, but after checking on screen names it looks to me like the OP is the suspicious in, created to start this discussion here so "someone" could share a tempting success story without officially breaking 3T rules.
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
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    Warning: mention of take home baby

    Yes! I came onto this board specifically to see if anyone asked or talked about this.

    I thought this was odd.

    Me: 30   DH: 29
    TTC since 2010
    Oct. 2012 HSG: One blocked tube, one clear
    Oct. 2012 U/S: All good
    March 2014 SA: Flying Colors

    April  2014: Met our RE/Got our plan!
    May 2014: laparoscopy/hysteroscopy removed stage II endometriosis
    June 2014: IUI w/100mg Clomid (BFN)
    July 2014: IUI w/100mg Clomid (BFN)
    August 2014: IUI w/100mg Clomid (BFP!)
    September 2014: Beta 1 at 14 DPIUI: 100
    September 2014 Beta 2 at 16 DPIUI: 239
    September 2014: Beta 3 at 23 DPIUI: 3,159
    U/S 9/26: One healthy baby! Measuring 1 day ahead and a FHR of 119 @ 6W4D (EDD May 18)
    U/S 10/26 (first OBGYN visit): Measuring 1 day behind and a FHR of 160 @ 8 weeks. Looks like an upside-down Teddy Graham!


    BabyFruit Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Uhg. I'm not suspicious, just a dumb dumb about posting ettiquite apparently. I already said I'm brand new to this. I am officially leaving this conversation.
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    In fairness to @Amandaskafidas‌ she isn't the OP and the OP seems to have left the building.
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

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    I think @Amandaskafidas‌ responded honestly to a question in a way that many of us have heard from our own doctors. Or at least I have. It certainly wasn't malicious and considering the question and title of the post it seems likely that it would include a success story. This is a sensitive board but the op is the issue here and I don't think anyone should try to cast doubt or malign someone or the stories shared here since any of us could be lying at the end of the day. We come here in good much as exists on the internet at least
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    CaterinaC said:
    Correct me if I am wrong, but Amandaskafidas came to T3 specifically to post about her pregnancy success. OP on the other hand asked a silly question. Whether it is malicious or not, I feel pretty strongly about discouraging visiting posters who just want to share their pregnancy story.
    You once gave me advice I strongly disagreed with and felt was kind of dismissive. I did not accuse you of being 'suspicious' or 'insensitive.' You were just trying your best to provide information about what you had known from your own experience as best you could. She was probably clicking around, saw a post that asked a question and responded. She did not post 'just' to share her pregnancy story, she posted in response to a question. I don't feel like we should let our sensitivity turn us into people who have no perspective on when someone has actually done something wrong and insensitive when someone just stumbled onto a preexisting thread and tried to offer some advice. She also apologized multiple times and hardly anyone acknowledged it. People do make mistakes in life...all of us have I am sure.
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    @csy2947‌ I said thank you to her via a PM.  I agree with @AlaskaDee23 - people just don't read the newbie board enough, so they often say things they should or just phrase them in a way that may not be good for an infertility board.  Shoot, I made the exact same mistake when I first joined here and posted!  The IF and 3T board serve more as a support group, so there is a different protocol for what to say compared to all the other boards.  

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
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    I actually stopped reading the comments after the one post about being suspicious. Lol. Sorry if I seem a little harsh but what the heck is there to be suspicious about and why the heck are there warnings about babies and take home babies being mentioned? Please don't tell me that people aren't allowed to talk about pregnancies because the people on here haven't been successful with pregnancy yet. One persons blessings should be inspiration.

    As far as HSGs go, yes it's a dx tool but any GOOD RE will make it clear that it is a possibility to achieve pregnancy afterwards. They actually give a 3 month window simply because the dye can possibly push scar tissue or minor blockage through. So if the issue was tubal related and the dye pushed through, it could possibly open the tubes enough for the fertilized egg.

    I do not have any kids and I personally would rather hear from women who achieved pregnancy with my same issues. Smh there was nothing suspicious about that post.
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    This is nuts! This is really sad. So I just read that people's success stories basically aren't welcome. You can mope alone. Why come on a board. I used to come on here years ago before I even got married and I don't remember it being anything like this. I'm honestly disgusted by some of the comments I read regarding success stories. Being mad at one persons blessings surely won't bless you. God doesn't like ugly. I can almost guarantee that this will make someone feel attacked and sad but never mind how your nasty and rude attitude could come off to another person. Someone is actually apologizing for giving an honest answer? What is there to be suspicious in the first place.

    I got pregnant 2 months after have an hsg done TWICE. Both hsg procedures hurt really bad because I have scar tissue at the end of the tube. Unfortunately for me, they both were miscarriages but I'm not mad at the next woman for getting pregnant. HOPE is a word to look up for some of you.
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    Judging huh? There's a great word you can use for your convenience. Smh. I too am trying to conceive. Been married five years. It's just not in my blood to be jealous or upset at people who have been successful. It actually gives me hope. You guys just attacked and judged someone and accused them of Lord knows what because they asked a question. So don't play pity.
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    Something so natural as a child is being shoved in your face, it's life.. That's just poor sportsmanship or your part. #blockingyourownblessings
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    That's what I was told as well. However, didn't work for me.
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    I can at least say I'm amused.  Someone joins TB, goes to a board that is often seen as a support group, and their first act is to insult everyone.  Got it.  TOTALLY going to fit in on most of the boards. I'm sure the TTC gals will be especially friendly and not at all snarky.  

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
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    It's not petty at all!  Jealous is extremely common with infertility.  Do your research!  How long have you been ttc?  22 months?  This is one place that we infertiles have that allows to express how we feel to others that understand what your feeling. It's difficult when people come in and blast their pregnancies when we have not supporting each other.  Research shows that the stress with infertility is equivalent to those with cancer and AIDS.  So this is a give and take support for infertilities.  The portion of this post that was upsetting was 1) someone asking for success stories (there are none here) 2) someone that has never posted at all talking about her pregnancy.  Like the others said, if you don't appreciate our board, then please leave.  I would take a second though and read over some other post on 3T, you'll find the most caring, support women around...all wanting the same thing, a child. 

    This. And then some.
    Me: 38     DH: 36
    Married: July 21, 2013
    TTC#1 (between us): June/July 2013

    DX: MFI (low count and motility)
    Charting/OPK/CBFM July 2013-present
    1st RE Visit: January 2014
    March 2014- 75iu follistim + trigger + progesterone + IUI = BFN and OHSS
    (8 million post wash 47% motility, 18mm/17mm/16mm/16mm/14mm follies)
    April/May 2014- Benched due to cysts/enlarged ovaries
    June 2014- 50iu follistim + trigger + progesterone + IUI = BFP!!
    (10 million post wash 60% motility, 20mm/19mm follies)
    Beta 1- 85 Beta 2- 2,752 - EDD 2/27/2015

    Everyone welcome. Strength in numbers!

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    elysejanelelysejanel member
    edited June 2014
    Making up? Lol. I feel sorry for some of these husbands. I looove chatting with other women on forums from time to time but it's not going to impact my life if I'm banned. I signed up again because I used to use this years ago but forgot my password. It's funny how you notice an attack on you guys but as soon as the other person posted about having a pregnancy after HSG, you attack her. Weak!!! Do not downplay my struggle with fertility because I'm not a bitter woman about it. I have a very loving husband who made it clear that all he needed was me and that's enough. So although I want kids just like the rest of you , I'm not bitter about because I know it's going to happen. And FYI, I've been trying to get pregnant since 2008. Made it half way thru ivf cycle, had to start over. Lost a baby at 28 weeks, have adenomyosis ( Google if u need
    to). Although I like the forum, I'm not kissing any butts because I have an opposing opinion and a different outlook. You all have very snooty attitudes behind the keyboard and I'm not at all interested with chatting with anyone who thinks their stories are more important than the next. If I get banned, what is that going to do to me? I surely won't lose out on sleep. I simply came on here to read about some stuff, saw the HSG post, it peaked my interest BECAUSE I had tubal blockage so I wanted to know. I've been on an enzyme to help dissolve scar tissue and reduce inflammation. I think I just experienced implantation bleeding so I came online to see if there were any inspirational stories. Just cause I may be pregnant this month. First time I've ever tracked ovulation and tried naturally after starting the enzyme. Why would anyone want to "troll"? Don't get mad because I spoke my truth. There are other people who actually have this outlook about this particular board. You all are just too wrapped up in your own selfishness to see how ugly this is.
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    And don't get me wrong, I totally understand the "safe haven" aspect. I would never even try to change the way people feel BUT there is no need to take things out on an innocent poster but again, you all swept your behavior that I reacted to under the rug. Then on top of that, one of you tried to downplay my infertility. 22 months? Cute. What God has for me, it is for ME. I can't waste my life being sad about someone else's blessings.
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    Well smart guy, the email address is different, was attached to blackberry when I used it. I have no problem "respecting" anything but respect is due when given. They totally disrespected someone else just because they didn't read a newbie post. In any case good day. Lol.
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