May 2014 Moms

Help I'm at a loss on what to do!

My little guy has a great latch and feeds really well but here's what happens sometimes and has had me Burst into full fledge ugly crying today bc I don't know what to do or what he wants!

1) sometimes when he feeds he will be fine and then all of a sudden he pops off and cries (I figure heavy let down) so he calms and I'll put him back on and he gets really upset crying and shaking his head side to side so I take him off. Then he starts putting his hand in his mouth and moving his head like he's hungry so I try getting him on again and again flailing head side to side crying before he's even latched.

2) other times he has a good nursing session my boobs empty and he comes off, I burp him and he seems really content just hanging out active awake if he hasn't fallen asleep. Well we try to sooth him and just hang with him but not even 10-15 min later or sooner his hand is in his mouth and he's not happy with a soother (hes 15 d today) so we pop him back on boob but he doesn't eat or he will eat a little pull off then keep looking, I put him back on but he's fussing like he doesn't want it yet he is hands in mouth when he's off! What's going on?

Ladies I'm at a loss my DH is so kind and helpful but we both don't know what's going on when he does this!

Also he typically has a 3-4 h fuss in the morning then again later evening til about midnight for another 3-4h plus he has these awake periods like now where he's up after a feeding for over an hour or more and we can't get him to sleep no matter what we do even leaving him alone. Is he not sleeping enough? Is this part of the whole issue with feeding?

Thanks for sticking with me I'm
So lost I want to just give up

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Re: Help I'm at a loss on what to do!

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    My DD does this while nursing too. I figured out its ether gas, poo or a bad position. She shakes her head, detaches or pulls at me all of which are very painful. So now I detached her with my finger, burp her or adjust the hold and she stops. Also at night she cluster feeds and seems like she's never full so we do boob, bottle then boob again to make sure she's getting enough before "bedtime". At this point I think you just try whatever you can think of lol! Good luck mama!
    Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
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    Lild09Lild09 member
    He doesn't cry constantly during his fuss Periods he's just up for a long time with intermittent cry and calm periods usually based on how we have him or what we are doing for him

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    minirayminiray member
    Sounds like he could be reacting to an overactive or forceful letdown. Ive had this for both boys. My milk comes out too fast and DS will come off and be upset but still hungry. Does your LO gulp, cough or choke while nursing? You can google different nursing positions to help with a forceful letdown and can let your milk spray into a towel when LO comes off the breast.

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    RoufiRoufi member
    My LO did/does this when I used lanolin, when he wants to comfort suck (rarely now at 4 weeks), and when he's gassy/needs to poop.

    Try burping more. Also, what helps me determine whether he's actually still hungry is offering a soother - when he isn't actually hungry he'll take it, when he is he'll act insulted and spit it out .

    Good luck!
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    Lild09Lild09 member
    Thanks so much ladies! When he gets off my boob doesn't spray though...should I just express some off then get him back on?

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    Mine does this when she has gas or needs to poop. It can be frustrating!

    Welcomed our rainbow baby 5/20/2014! It's a girl!

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    jenb_99jenb_99 member
    DD does this too, usually on the right side. I don't think it's her position, since she does it even when I change things up. Must be letdown. I usually take a short break to burp her or change her, then give it another shot. Distracting her, giving myself a minute to calm down, and then trying again almost always works.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

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    PattyTCPattyTC member
    I've noticed this when DD is gassy. She will usually give a really good burp or poop shortly after pulling off. The being up and not really continent is something we having being dealing with lately. I told DH I feel like it might be a growth spurt. (To which he says the whole year is a growth spurt- thanks sweetie!)
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    It sounds a little bit, though not exactly, like my second son who had mild acid reflux.

    Do you have a lactation consultant you can see? They might be able to observe what he is doing and know what it is/how to help.
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    Mommy to three beautiful boys! 
    Benjamin Michael 5/17/10
    Lucas Gabriel 3/26/12
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    Mine does this when he is gassy. Vigorous burping (usually 3-4 really big airy burps) or lots of farting will result in relief and then we finish nursing.
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    JAM85JAM85 member
    I have the happen as well and blame both gas and forceful let down (which causes gulping and gas) Kelly Mom has sond good tips for over supply and forceful letdown
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Agree with all PP's. My DD does this exactly from 6-10 every night and it's very frustrating. My son did the exact same when he was a newborn too. For both my kids I think it's the need to comfort suck and mad that milk is coming out. My DD hasn't figured out how to have a light shallow suckle yet, she still tries to nurse latch when she wants really to comfort suckle. My son figured out the ligh comfort suckle/grew out of the crazy pull off cry stuff you are describing at about 1-2 months. Hoping the same for DD because I absolutely hate it!!!!! Annoying, tiring and frustrating to do for 4 hrs! And no, neither kids would ever take a paci. Tried every single paci on the market:)

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    My LO started doing this due to gas. He will also try to claw my chest and face. I found swaddling his top half elps, and positioning him where his legs are up if possible.
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
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    My DS does the same thing and it's always because he has dirty diaper. Even if he is really hungry he will not stay latched on until his diaper is changed. He also has the same wakeful stretch, he is usually up from 8 to midnight. I think he is just adjusting to being awake more and has his nights and days mixed up. If you are not opposed to binkies I would suggest using one. DS1 refused to use a binky but this little guy definitely loves to suck.
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    My babe is the same way. What I try really hard to do is not let her get too tired. Bc she has periods where she lightly naps or doesn't at all and when we try to put her down its terrible! She started to fight sleep so we just take our time and try different things to calm her and sometimes it takes us 45 mins to get her down! It's so fun but so worth it when she finally Passes out and is sleeping peacefully!!
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    Lild09Lild09 member
    Thanks ladies! I've been paying more attention to him and noticing slight face expressions and movements when he's gotten too much towards the end so we've taken him off gotten a good burp then put him back on to finish where he sucks for a bit getting milk then pulls back and comfort sucks just the nipple til he drifts off! If he stays up after and is putting hand to mouth but doesn't want boob we've been trying pacifier but he's only kind of taken to the avent soothie...he hates any of those orthodontic flat nipples so we just hit up our local BRU today and picked up a couple different pacis that have a straight round nipple. I think he just likes the boob best and doesn't really want to comfort suck for long. Hearing how many of you are dealing with or have dealt with the same makes me feel so much better!

    I do have a midwife and I'm seeing her Tuesday so I'll run his behaviour by her too!

    Love this board ladies..May 14 mommas rock!!!

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