
Scared for surgery!

Hi all coming over from J14 board. Just found out this week that I am definitely having a c/s next Tuesday due to LO being breech. I am so excited to finally meet him but am also really nervous.

All of the forms the hospital makes you sign and the horror stories people tell have started to get to me. Just looking for some advice from other moms who have gone through this before. Was recovery that awful?

I am also worried about not having immediate skin to skin- has anyone experienced this?

Thanks and good luck to you all :)
First time mommy-to-be
E.D.D. June 1, 2014

Re: Scared for surgery!

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    I had 24 hours to prepare for my C and it was both terrifying and exciting. It was my first surgery and I (of course) expected the worst.

    Honestly, it far exceeded my expectations. I'll try and find my birth story on here to link you to it. I think it might bring a little comfort.

    Congrats in advance!
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    Yes, there are horror stories out there, but you can find those about any situation. I had a CS w/DS#1 and am actually having a RCS in July. I'm not going to lie, the first few steps you take when you can finally walk again are not fun, but in the grand scheme of things it was a small price to pay for my son to get here healthy. You will have to take it easy the first week or so, regardless of how much pain meds you take, but I was pleasantly surprised with my experience. I did not get skin to skin last time, and plan to ask about it specifically this time. I understand my hospital has changed their policies in the last 4 years, so I'm hoping skin to skin can happen sooner for me this time. Don't hesitate to ask you doc any & all questions! Good luck!
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    Mama-BearMama-Bear member
    edited May 2014
    You will be fine.  I was terrified for my first c/s, I blocked everything out from the time after I got the spinal until I heard my first baby cry.  It'll hurt to cough, sneeze, blow your nose, and laugh for a while, it won't be terrifying to use the bathroom or have sex.  After my first c/s I had to remind myself to slow down because by the time I got home I was sore but felt better than I expected.  

    I had a 2nd c/s last May and my recovery was rougher.  I was sore longer, I was walking a lot slower because I just couldn't move.  I took all of the pain meds available to me (Motrin and Percocet) for 2 solid weeks after delivery.  

    Even though the recovery from my 2nd was rougher than my first, neither was as bad as I'd made it out be before my first.

    ETA:  For my first c/s the babies stayed with me in the OR while they stitched me up, DH held them next to me.  When I was wheeled back to my room (there was no recovery room, they have LDRP's so everything other than the surgery takes place in the same room) the babies were put on my bed for me to hold and they stayed with me until that night.  I was able to nurse as soon as I was back to the room which was probably 30 minutes after they were born.  I know some very pro-BFing hospitals will actually help you nurse in the OR by someone holding the baby.  Good luck to you.

    GSx1 - 05/13/2013
    GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!

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    mysticlmysticl member
    Was recovering horrible? No.  It wasn't fun but I didn't have any complications.  However, I did have some issues at home.  The only places in our house I could sit at first were the dining chairs and the bed in the guest room.  That made breastfeeding very difficult until we bought a glider.  I could not sleep in my own bed.  It is kinda high and I couldn't get in and out of it so I slept in the guest room.  I also slept sitting up against the wall the first few nights because I couldn't lay down (or get up from a laying position).  I was okay in the hospital because the chairs were meant for patients and you use the bed controls to sit you up and lay you down.  I probably could have used another day or two in the hospital.  

    Immediate skin to skin was not presented to me as an option and I was in no condition at the time to ask about it.  I was shown my son from a few feet away and then they took him away.  They brought him back to me in the recovery room.  

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    I'm sure I would've been freaking out too if I had a week to prepare! I had about an hour, though, and I was mostly worried about my 29w 3d baby to worry much about myself. I hate needles but within that hour I had nine of them. The spinal was definitely the coolest ever though! As soon as they got it in, my legs started to feel very heavy and I still had to scooch down so I could lay on the table. It was cool how fast it worked. I don't know if they numbed me really well or I just wasn't paying attention, but I didn't feel any pressure or pulling or anything at all. I did have to stop one of the anesthesiologists right in the beginning bc he wanted to give me the play by play. No thank you!! I just tried to relax and think positive thoughts. My mom and I made our last minute guesses about the sex (which I found out about five minutes after he was born-they rushed him out to the waiting NICU staff that had just arrived from another hospital). I have read that some hospitals still let you do immediate skin-to-skin after a csection so definitely ask your doctor. The only thing that was kind of shocking was how long it took them to finish closing me up when it didn't take very long to get him out! It makes complete sense, but it wasn't something I ever thought of before.
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    JSS1002JSS1002 member
    I had an incredibly easy recovery - my first day post-op I felt like I'd never walk again, but a friend of mine who has had 3 c/s said "two days from now you won't believe how much better you'll feel" and she was totally right -- and at the 2 week point I felt 100% back to normal, and like I could work out again - the doc cleared me to go for walks and it was great.  I barely have a scar (don't have a bikini body anyway, so I don't really care about that, but it's a nice perk).  No issues breastfeeding.  No issues bonding.  No issues at all that were related to the c/s... 
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    I had a great recovery from my C. The very next morning I was up and took a shower all on my own. The next afternoon I was a little sore but that was my own doing - getting up and down too much. By the time I got home - 5 days later due to blood pressure issues unrelated to surgery - I was back to my normal self with zero pain. At it's worst, for me, my pain was a 4/10. You've got this!! My advice is to get up and move as soon as the nurses/your doctor clear you!
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