October 2012 Moms

Do you ever wonder...

Why can't my kid be like the kids on facebook, the quite little kid who eats dinner etc! 

I have a Facebook friend who is constantly saying how wonderful her kids are (2 & 3 years old), they get compliments when they are out at restaurants, their kids sleep through the night. Blah Blah Blah! I'm sure she only posts the good but seriously, get off your high horse, your kid can't be perfect 24/7.

DS sleeps with us, still wakes 1 time a night (goes right back to sleep but disrupts my sleep), throws temper tantrums at home, at the store, in restaurants. 

Sorry mini vent on how terrible my kid can be at times.  Other times he's my perfect little angel, sits and plays by himself, eats quietly and doesn't throw his food.

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Re: Do you ever wonder...

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    CnAnACnAnA member
    My kid STTN, rarely tantrums at restaurants or the store, and charms everyone she grins at.

    She also has a horrible attitude problem lately, has taken to screaming NO! at me when I ask her to do something and will straight up lay down in the floor when she doesn't feel like doing something.

    So just because her kids ::seems:: perfect, chances are she is just not mentioning what little shits they are in private. ;)


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

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    CnAnACnAnA member
    I'll admit, I tend to only post mostly good stuff Alice does.  But occasionally I will lament about her attitude or her being sick or some snarky something she did that day.  

    But I'm also THAT mom who pretty much only posts about my kid.  She is 99.9% of my day now, and you post about things that you spend the most time on.  So that's my kid.  


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

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    Oct Angel Babies
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    We frequently get compliments on C, as she is super social and charming and never tantrums in public. BUT, she was the most difficult infant ever. Colicky, cranky, cried all the time. I was a hermit for like 5 months bc we were afraid to go anywhere with her. I would see people in the grocery store with a sleeping, "easy" baby and be all bitter. And she still is a poor sleeper ( seriously, the 10 week old sleeps better. Wtf?). But now I figure that's just kids, man. Easy phases, hard phases, take the good with the bad, etc. and anyone who says their kid is perfect all the time is, indeed, a stinky lying liar.
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    AMT1107AMT1107 member
    Thanks everyone, I know I am just in a mood, DS was horrible all weekend and then I see that post about the super baby, it drives me nuts.

    DS is a good kid 75% of the time, but that 25% kills me.
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    I have a similar fb friend. I tend to not post too much negative stuff, but I also don't post brag-y things either (except really cute pictures!) Back to my fb friend... I find her 22 month old to be very... unlikeable (FFMC?) I'm not sure how to explain it. Sure, she's a normal toddler who tantrums, sasses, pinches, bites, pushes, etc, but I've never seen a charming side either. But on facebook you would think she's the sweetest, kindest kid 24/7.

    I think my kids are normal. They are completely sweet one moment, and absolute terrors the next. I have received my fair share of judgey and/or sympathetic head shakes in public!


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