Trying to Get Pregnant

I can't believe it! (BFP)

Cycle/Month: 1

CD/DPO: 60/11

EDD: January 11th, 2015

What We Did: I was temping, using opks, and checking cm. We also had really good timing (-4, -2, -1, O, +1). I also drank green tea daily during my fertile week.

Symptoms: Lots of cramping, like even now I still keep worrying/thinking AF is going to make an appearance. I've also just felt kind of off. I tested at 8dpo with an obvious negative and 9dpo with a shadow of a line and yesterday at 10dpo another shadow. All with wondfos. I pulled out a FRER yesterday afternoon and boom definite positive.

How I Told SO: I let DS hold the FRER and asked SO if he would hold DS for a minute. He immediately saw the test and was like 'no way'. He's definitely a little shocked as my last cycle lasted from August to March. I don't think he expected it to happen so fast, either did I.

The Mushy Stuff: I haven't been around long or participated much other than w2o and 2ww but I did lurk a lot. You ladies are awesome and I wish the best of luck to all of you and hope you get your BFPs soon.

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