I'm 14 years old inside and couldn't help myself, sorry.
On to my post:
We're doing a puree/BLW hybrid dealio with LO. While he's being cared for by my family members he's given purees/yogurts/applesauce type stuff plus the occasional snack (puffs/mums/etc).
While at home we've been giving little man food BLW style. My question is: what types of things are you giving your littles? I'm scared that he's going to choke on stuff but he's been doing really well on chewing his food with his 6 little teeth. He's cutting back on his bottles so I feel I really need to up his food intake.
So give me your BLW favorite go-to meals!
Re: BLWieners. :)
Nora Grace Due 12/26/2016
Two Angel Babies
"If you're still my small babe
or you're all the way grown,
my promise to you
is you're never alone.
You are my angel, my darling,
my star...and my love will find you,
wherever you are."
We do a mix of what we eat and if I don't think it's good for him, then I just give him some plain veggies and/or meat. We always have black beans, avacado, apple, bananas, and green beans on hand. For example, I will put a chicken breast in the oven with some broth and garlic and mild seasoning, cook in at about 300 for an hour till it falls apart and give him that with his veggies if what we are having is not something I feel comfortable with. You would be surprised at what they can eat at this stage.
Breakfast: oatmeal with mashed fruit in it plus a finger shaped fruit (usually some kind of melon). She loves to suck the juice from melons.
Lunch: a veg purée & some of whatever I'm having. Apples w/ PB, avocado, turkey, cheese, toast
Dinner: whatever we are having for dinner. We pretty much let her try it all. Meats, spaghetti, veggies, (squash/green beans/asparagus/broccoli/cauliflower/etc) potatoes, beans.
Unless out meal is spicy she eats the same seasoning we do. I do try to limit white flour & potatoes. If we are eating something I feel like is too unhealthy I give a veg purée
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
Same as what everyone else has said - any and every fruit and veggie. Cheese, fish, meat.
I have not done eggs or PB yet but plan to soon. I want to do it with them first and since I work, I tend to try new stuff on weekends and the past couple have been really busy and/or we didn't have any.
I've gotten everyone / family on board. I know it freaks my mom and MIL out but they've seen how well they do and are surprised in a good way.
I use this cook book. Tons of recipes!
Nora Grace Due 12/26/2016
Two Angel Babies
"If you're still my small babe
or you're all the way grown,
my promise to you
is you're never alone.
You are my angel, my darling,
my star...and my love will find you,
wherever you are."
Baby C - 08.23.13
This morning I turned the cereal into pancakes and added blueberries. He was psyched! But still is eating so little real good I'm worried about his next iron check in a month.
What this whole process is teaching me really is how screwed up my own eating is. I try to eat so healthy and then just zero in on a few things that I get paralyzed to feed him foods that I've labeled as unhealthy for me. Definitely have to get past that ASAP.
How do u make sure he doesn't over stuff his mouth? I think that's what she did.
Edited for clarity
Baby C - 08.23.13