May 2013 Moms

Advice over the year

Now that it has been a year, what is the advice over the year that you listened to and shouldn't have? Or ignored and glad you did?

For me:
A friend told me that babies BF every 3-4 hours, so I was shocked when it was every two. 
Don't use a walker--Yea right, this kid loves his. He can't reach the stove or whatever the issue is with that and I am smart enough not to leave the door open to the basement. 
Don't use a bumbo. We only used it for feeding but I was super apprehensive about it. I worried for nothing. 
Don't start solids until 6 months. Yup, totally glad we started at 4 months so we could test out all the things before finger foods. I think he is more willing to try things now because of it. 
Bumpers-still use them and glad.
Keep my dog separate, all dogs can turn--A big Yea Right to that one. 
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Re: Advice over the year

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    pnutgpnutg member
    That bf babies are healthier. I was so worried my lil guy would start catching everything after we had to switch to formula. He has only had a small cold over the last year. I am, however, going to try like heck to bf longer next time.

    Also, everyone told me would sleep better on formula. He still wakes up in the motn.
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    Best advice: Actually from TB. I was in the camp of people who thought a baby would just simply fall asleep when tired. I learned here that baby actually has to be put to bed.

    Worst advice: The first couple of days after LO was born the nurses/docs insisted she was getting enough from BF'ing alone. That is NOT always the case and wasn't in our situation, next time I will trust my own instincts immediately instead of waiting to supplement.
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    Don't hold her for naps or she will never sleep in her crib - This one stressed me out a lot, and I wish that I had just enjoyed holding her and relaxing and watching tv. I would love an excuse to have to sit around for an hour or two and snuggle. Everything else can wait. Next time I won't let anyone make me feel guilty for holding my LO during naps. 

    Don't nurse or rock your baby to sleep or they will never go to sleep on their own - This one I ignored and she goes to sleep on her own just fine now. I did do some sleep training but luckily it didn't take much for us. 

    Don't give LO a bottle until 4-6 weeks - I'm a little iffy on this one. LO wouldn't take a bottle for the first 5 or 6 months so it made me wish I had given her one sooner...BUT that being said, I can't be sure that it wouldn't have affected her latch and I would rather deal with a baby that won't take a bottle than a baby that won't latch. It's just my preference so I will probably do the same next time but be more consistent with giving her bottles regularly. 

    You need to let her cry because it's good for her lungs - I think it's pretty self explanatory why I ignored that one ;)
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    Best- You can't spoil a newborn, take time for yourself, it is normal for a newborn to cluster feed, follow his cues, do what feels right

    Worst- Nurse him for 20 min and then supplement with formula, babies should only eat every 3 hours, basically anything that came out of DHs mouth (he had a lot of learning)

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    Best: "Nurse on demand, because breastfed babies can't overfeed." I'm glad I listened to that because our breastfeeding relationship is still going strong and I may actually make it to 2 years. "You can't spoil a baby." Best advice ever.

    Worst: "It's okay to let the baby cry." Yeah, no crying in this house. If he's sad, he gets comforted and he gets his boob.  "Don't nurse your baby to sleep." Yeah, that's the only way he goes to sleep. "When the baby wakes in the middle of the night, give him a bottle of water so he learns to not wake up." Yeah, I don't believe in sleep training, so he gets his boob when he wakes up. "No bumpers" and "No sleeping on tummy" both got thrown out the window very quickly.
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    Worst- use a nipple shield to get baby used to eating....yeah right now I have an almost 11 month old still nursing with a shield.

    Best- sleep when the baby sleeps. Kept me sane those first couple of months especially with DH traveling. Also to let the little things go, a clean house is overated. Baby time is much more important!!
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    Worst advice (from MIL) feed baby more at a time so he won't eat so often. Since O was a preemie, he couldn't handle too much BM at a time and we were instructed by his neonatal peds to feed him every 2 hours until he got to a certain weight. She also thought it was crazy to wake him to feed - as if we didn't want our kid to sleep. Again, she suggested against everything the neonatals advised.

    Best - do not stress over development timelines. I thought this was the silver lining of having a preemie - I never compared since I knew O would grow on his own schedule. Also - Get all your snuggles early and often because try won't tolerate cuddles well as they become more independent ( this is def true for O).
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    I only gave the bad advice or advice I ignored, but I want to add the best too. 

    Don't watch the clock and feed her whenever you think she might be hungry - I nursed my LO every 45 mins to 1.5 hrs for months. Everyone thought I was crazy and that she couldn't possibly be hungry but I never had an issue with her weight gain, never had to supplement, and never had major supply issues. I realize that it was also luck that things went smoothly, but I do feel like if I had listened and only fed her every 3 hours...or even 2, that it wouldn't have worked out so well. 

    Never say never and don't judge other moms - When I was like 40 weeks pregnant, a friend of mine and I were discussing sleep and I made a comment about how I didn't get how people could co-sleep. (for the record, I meant because I would be too nervous about H rolling on the baby) She immediately snapped back about doing whatever works. While I was still too nervous to co-sleep, I would have loved to be able to do it and I did a lot of things I said I wouldn't do *cough cough driving around for naps in the car**. I never judge other moms, even if they do things I don't, because I don't know their situation and their baby. 

    The first 2 weeks are the hardest - My friend told me this and was specifically talking about breastfeeding but it sort of held true for everything with us. I mean, things definitely didn't get "easy" after 2 weeks...but it was different. It was the beginning of things starting to feel a little normal. 
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    My worst advice was also when my MIL told me not to let the baby sleep on me.   My favorite memoriesof the newborn period were of LO sleeping on me for hours.  It was a very heavenly feeling for me and I am so glad I have those memories.    I would still let LO nap on me if I could but I work now during the day.

    Second worst was not to let LO fall asleep nursing.   It went against my instinct and in my opinion was wrong.

    Third not to let the baby sleep in the swing.  LO slept great in the swing...and the swing was a huge help to us through some big sleep issues.  I say let the baby swing if it helps.

    Best advice is just follow your what feels right...and to be confident that you know your baby better than any one else and know what it is best.
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    Worst: The fucking nipple shield. Also to only nurse for 20 minutes on each side.

    Best: Nurse on demand. Marathon nursing in the beginning is completely normal. Establish a bed time routine. Adapt a sleep training method that works for you and stick to it, but realize that you'll have to retrain after illness, teething, or traveling.
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    My hate for the nipple shield is that it hid a bad latch and lip tie that im just now finding out about at almost 11 months. Hospital LC said to just use it and I stupidly listened.
    IAmPregnant Ticker
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    I had the opposite experience with the nipple shield too...I probably wouldn't have nursed at all without nipples were in so much pain after I came back from the hospital they really helped to get over the initial rawness.
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    Advice I listened to but shouldn't have:
    E only gained 2oz one week so the HV told me to wake her up every 2-3 hours to feed her. Side note: E was sleeping through the night at this point. Ever since I did this E has never slept through.

    Advice I'm glad I ignored:
    I was told not to hold E all the time. That was never going to happen!

    Advice I wish I'd listened to: "Get her used to her cot". Don't get me wrong I love the closeness of bed sharing but I feel we all miss out on valuable sleep because E doesn't sleep in her cot.

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    Worst: The Lactation Consultants at the hospital are your friends.  WRONG! The woman I got bruised my boobs trying to get the milk stimulated and completely ignored my husband when he had questions about breast feeding.  

    Best: Do what works for you and ignore the rest.  Every baby is different and will require different things.  No one actually said these things out loud to me, but implied them and I'm so dense that sometimes I really wish that someone would have said them out loud to me! 
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    Regarding the nipple shield, I was told to use it pretty much immediately even though I didn't have any type of soreness or blistering or tearing. On one side I had a flat nipple, so they thought it would help pull it out. It never did. He became attached to using them and it took weeks to get him to latch without them. For the first month that we used them, he was losing weight like crazy and didn't get back to birth weight until he was 1 month. Then as soon as I stopped using them he gained almost 4 lbs in his second month. To me, that says that the nipple shields were seriously affecting his intake and had I not used them from the beginning, we wouldn't have had all of the weight issues that involved several LC appointments, bi-weekly weight checks, waking him up to nurse ever 2-3 hours when he was previously sleeping very well. image
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    I had this same nipple would not stay out.. They gave me these in the hospital to wear in between and it def did help but they would fill up with milk and make a mess...

    I eventually gave up and used the nipple shield and then he ended up wanting that on both sides and then had to use it every time.  He was able to eat just fine though.  They scolded me for using the shield and told me Id need to pump after feeding etc... I never had supply issues though.
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    I've heard some babies don't transfer milk adequately with them.
    As with all things, people's experiences are going to differ. I used one out of desperation and probably would have given up nursing without it.

    Ditto! I only needed to use it for 24 hours until my nips got a break but it was the difference between giving up and continuing.

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     Don't sweat the small stuff and do what works for you and your baby.

    Not to let them sleep on stomach(after they can roll over on own) at first go move him and then hed wake up I finally just gave in and let him sleep how he wanted..
    The whole timing each side how much he ate..just let him eat till he wants to.
    To keep him up a little later so hell sleep more..yeah right!  Actually putting to bed earlier helped him sleep longer.

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