November 2014 Moms

TMI Tuesday - Earth Day Edition.

Happy Earth day!

And speaking of earthy things...I feel like my PNV, while making my hair and nails grow like beasts has also made my pubes grow like crazy.  I could french braid that shit.





Re: TMI Tuesday - Earth Day Edition.

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    Does puking count as recycling? Or maybe composting? Cause that's my Earth Day contribution.

    My TMI is that I drank milk last night at like four in the morning cause I was queasy and it sounded good at the time. About an hour later, I threw up a cream cheese like substance, it was just not right. Now the thought of eating cream cheese makes me ill.
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    The combination of TMI and earth day reminded me of a weird childhood story. My sister said she would pay me $5 if I pooped under a tree in our church parking lot. I accepted since $5 is pretty good when you're 10 and then she ran off to get mom mid squat. I got caught and yelled at but I was $5 richer so it worked out.
    I dared my brother once to pee in a litter box. He did. Mom caught him. He was grounded for a week!

    In other news, my husband has a fetish for playing with my ass. I used to just let him do it every now and then but now that I'm pregnant everything he does to my butt feel amazing.

    The only rule I have is salad-tossing. He has GOT to brush his teeth afterwards.
    Now I want to know my salad tossing is. I feel very sheltered.

    Lol, I had to google it :\"> don't feel bad
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    I keep picking at the 14 zits along my hairline on my forehead.   I am gross.  

    Nov. '14 January Siggy : Work Sucks!


    Me 32-DH 38

    Married July 14, 2007  ----- TTC # 1 October 1, 2013
    BFP   March 7, 2014  -----  EDD November 17, 2014 ---- Baby boy born November 16, 2014

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    The combination of TMI and earth day reminded me of a weird childhood story. My sister said she would pay me $5 if I pooped under a tree in our church parking lot. I accepted since $5 is pretty good when you're 10 and then she ran off to get mom mid squat. I got caught and yelled at but I was $5 richer so it worked out.
    I dared my brother once to pee in a litter box. He did. Mom caught him. He was grounded for a week!

    In other news, my husband has a fetish for playing with my ass. I used to just let him do it every now and then but now that I'm pregnant everything he does to my butt feel amazing.

    The only rule I have is salad-tossing. He has GOT to brush his teeth afterwards.
    Now I want to know my salad tossing is. I feel very sheltered.
    It is the oral of the butthole ;)
    none of that for me, thanks.  ICK. 

    me neither that is a no touch zone- totally creeps me out. no offense of course just not my cup of tea
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
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    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
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    Every single time we DTD lately when I wipe afterwards there is a tiny bit of pink-ish blood...which has caused me to only give it up once, if he's lucky twice a week. 

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    wallygirl said:
    @missnacholover‌ I completely agree. Although it doesn't take much to make me toss my cookies lately.
    Me either! I was never really sick with M/S but I guess I didn't realize that a weak stomach is a pregnancy related thing bc I've always had a strong stomach...not lately. EVERYTHING makes me gag/vomit


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    @flutterbuggie‌ just made me laugh out loud! Those butt sctaches do feel good, don't they?
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    Sometimes when I'm changing clothes or at night, I'll grab a boob, squeeze it in the direction of my husband and say "Open Up!" ...even thought I'm not at the point of lactation yet. It makes him gag and it makes my night to see how disgusted he gets.
    My DH is excited for lactation because he thinks its fascinating. He's hard to gross out. Obviously.
    My BF is the same way.....

    DH is the same. Glad to know he's not alone
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    Sometimes when I'm changing clothes or at night, I'll grab a boob, squeeze it in the direction of my husband and say "Open Up!" ...even thought I'm not at the point of lactation yet. It makes him gag and it makes my night to see how disgusted he gets.

    My DH is excited for lactation because he thinks its fascinating. He's hard to gross out.


    My BF is the same way.....

    DH is the same. Glad to know he's not alone

    The only things that gross him out are peas and fingernails being clicked.

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    BFP #1 March 5, 2011
    EDD November 5, 2011
    Logan born October 31, 2011
    BFP #2 March 3, 2014
    EDD Nov 14, 2014
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    suzyrenee said:
    I was planning on salad for lunch, but ummmmm, maybe I'll go with something else for today?? ;)
    Hahaha!  I somehow always find myself eating something when I read TMI Tuesdays and regret it every time!
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    N14 November Siggy Challenge - Celebration
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    mander82 said:

    I keep picking at the 14 zits along my hairline on my forehead.   I am gross.  

    Mine are ingrown hairs from all of the tiny baby hairs growing in. And its a damn good thing since I'm losing huge handfuls of hair every day. I'm going to be bald soon.

    A work in progress

    MMC April 2014 at 6w2d, D&C at 9 weeks

    MMC August 2014 at 9w1d, D&C at 12 weeks

    CP October 2014

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    The citrucel fiber I've been drinking for four days is finally starting to work. OMG I am so relieved. I think I've already lost 5 pounds.
    Nov' 14 April Siggy Challenge- Baby Animals 
    BFP: 3/25/14, EDD: 11/29/14. The bean is a GIRL!
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    The combination of TMI and earth day reminded me of a weird childhood story.

    My sister said she would pay me $5 if I pooped under a tree in our church parking lot. I accepted since $5 is pretty good when you're 10 and then she ran off to get mom mid squat. I got caught and yelled at but I was $5 richer so it worked out.

    I dared my brother once to pee in a litter box. He did. Mom caught him. He was grounded for a week!

    In other news, my husband has a fetish for playing with my ass. I used to just let him do it every now and then but now that I'm pregnant everything he does to my butt feel amazing.

    The only rule I have is salad-tossing. He has GOT to brush his teeth afterwards.

    Salad tossing :-?

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    A "friend" you say... Fisting? Eek, too much! You couldn't even get a fist in my middle hole.

    Add'l TMI: I told hubs I think I have a 7 lb. poop just waiting to break free. Had OB appt today & found out it's actually 9! Yeesh!
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    This thread is really cracking me up today, TMI is being taken to a crazy new level. I feel like this is setting a whole new standard for next weeks edition.
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    Ha! No fisting my ass!!!!! Hell no!

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    lisaren said:
    All this talk of ass licking is just not right. Be nice to your ass. Be gentle. Take care of it. Nice ass. I have a friend who loves to be fisted up her ass. Crazy whack bitch. Hahahaha
    DUDE!!!! so not ok. this hurts just thinking about it
    TW*** Child and loss mentioned
    Married 10/12
    DS 11/14
    Ectopic 2/16
    PCOS/Ovulation Dysfunction 11/16
    IUI x 3- BFN
    Laparoscopy 3/17 Endo and tubal damage
    IVF- 4/17- 40 eggs retrieved, 10 blasts, 7 pgs tested embryos
    FET- 6/17- BFP!
    Due Feb 15, 2017
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    lisaren said:

    All this talk of ass licking is just not right.
    Be nice to your ass. Be gentle. Take care of it. Nice ass.

    I have a friend who loves to be fisted up her ass. Crazy whack bitch. Hahahaha

    That would terrify me. DH better not come near my ass with his fist.

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    BFP #1 March 5, 2011
    EDD November 5, 2011
    Logan born October 31, 2011
    BFP #2 March 3, 2014
    EDD Nov 14, 2014
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    wendyld said:
    I keep picking at the 14 zits along my hairline on my forehead.   I am gross.  
    Mine are ingrown hairs from all of the tiny baby hairs growing in. And its a damn good thing since I'm losing huge handfuls of hair every day. I'm going to be bald soon.
    Oh man, me too. I'm disgusted by how much hair is in my hands after washing it, and how much is on my brush after brushing it. 
    BFP 2.22.14 | EDD 11.2.14 | DS 11.7.14
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    Kristy774 said:
    I just want it say I've never done anal or salad tossing, really grosses me out just thinking about it. I feel like if I did do anal though I wouldn't be so constipated. Still not trying it.
    I feel like it could also make you more constipated?  I don't want to think about it too much!  Ow.  And especially ow to @lisaren's friend and the fisting.  EEK!!!!!!! 

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    Kristy774 said:

    I just want it say I've never done anal or salad tossing, really grosses me out just thinking about it. I feel like if I did do anal though I wouldn't be so constipated. Still not trying it.

    I would NOT give it a try for the first time in that condition.
    A work in progress

    MMC April 2014 at 6w2d, D&C at 9 weeks

    MMC August 2014 at 9w1d, D&C at 12 weeks

    CP October 2014

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    wendyld said:

    Kristy774 said:

    I just want it say I've never done anal or salad tossing, really grosses me out just thinking about it. I feel like if I did do anal though I wouldn't be so constipated. Still not trying it.

    I would NOT give it a try for the first time in that condition.
    I just laughed out loud.
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    Kristy774 said:

    I just want it say I've never done anal or salad tossing, really grosses me out just thinking about it. I feel like if I did do anal though I wouldn't be so constipated. Still not trying it.

    All I can think about when I read this is Zack and Miri make a porno.... Yikes!

    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD Born 11.27.2011
    BFP 9.19.2013 - EDD 6.1.2014 - MMC @ 8 weeks 3 days

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