September 2014 Moms

Where my team greeners at?


Re: Where my team greeners at?

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    I don't really like neutral clothes. I plan to buy a few boys' and girls 'outfits for right away, and then hopefully some family will help with clothes when they find out.
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    For an outfit, my mother actually brought 2 boxes to the hospital. One with a boy outfit and one with a girl. Once baby was born, she sent my dad out to get the box w/ the pink bow. No biggie. 
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    MeNVMeNV member
    I might be changing my team green stance, but am undecided. I'm currently in the hospital with partial placental abruption. There is a chance we'll lose the baby and I chance it will hang on. I told my husband that I don't want to find out what our baby is the same day we lose it because then I'll never get the moment to bond. He thinks that is giving up hope. I can totally see both sides. Any thoughts?
    Baby Boy - 03/29/10
    Baby Boy - 08/02/12
    Baby Girl - 04/19/14 Missing her everyday.

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    If you see it as helping you bond, maybe you should find out. Personally, I am supporting the life of my baby inside of me and don't see how knowing gender would help me bond. It's a baby, it won't come out and ask for a truck or a My Little Pony. I don't see how gender matters until later, but that is my opinion. If knowing is important to you, then you should find out.
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    MeNV said:
    I might be changing my team green stance, but am undecided. I'm currently in the hospital with partial placental abruption. There is a chance we'll lose the baby and I chance it will hang on. I told my husband that I don't want to find out what our baby is the same day we lose it because then I'll never get the moment to bond. He thinks that is giving up hope. I can totally see both sides. Any thoughts?

    If you see it as helping you bond, maybe you should find out. Personally, I am supporting the life of my baby inside of me and don't see how knowing gender would help me bond. It's a baby, it won't come out and ask for a truck or a My Little Pony. I don't see how gender matters until later, but that is my opinion. If knowing is important to you, then you should find out.

    I could see finding out now so that you can call the baby by name, @menv. I'm pulling for you and your LO so hard.


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    MeNVMeNV member
    If you see it as helping you bond, maybe you should find out. Personally, I am supporting the life of my baby inside of me and don't see how knowing gender would help me bond. It's a baby, it won't come out and ask for a truck or a My Little Pony. I don't see how gender matters until later, but that is my opinion. If knowing is important to you, then you should find out.
    I totally  get what you are saying about gender. With both of my boys, my bond grew immensely once I held them. I'm terrified that I won't get a chance to do that with this one, so  want to to be able to call this baby by name. It's less about knowing the gender, and more about knowing just something more about this person. Right now, when my children talk about the baby, it's very abstract. I think if we were able to tell them a name and a gender, it would make it more real for the whole family for the short time we have him/her. "The baby" just feels generic all of a sudden when it never has before. 

    I hope this whole conversation is pointless, and my baby is able to stay put for at least another twelve weeks. I just feel surrounded by pessimism here at the hospital. I'm alone a lot and have been thinking through every scenario. 
    Baby Boy - 03/29/10
    Baby Boy - 08/02/12
    Baby Girl - 04/19/14 Missing her everyday.

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    Thinking of you @MeNV. I don't think there's a right or wrong. I'm sorry you have to think about it at all!
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    @MeNV I think if you want to find out, then do. Pregnancy was really hard on me the first time around and I decided to find out at the AS because I just "needed to know something". It really helped me.  Thinking about you lots and pulling for your LO big time!
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

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    FTM and Team Green :)  IT drives hubby a little nuts but he will do whatever makes me happy.  My entire family loves the fact that we are waiting but my in-laws are extra annoyed about it and keep asking if that is what i really want to do ect and making comments trying to change my mind.  MIL does not realize that her comments are only makeing my decision that much stronger.

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    Me (28) DH (29), Married 7.20.12
    TTC since April 2013

    BFP 1.6.14
    EDD: 9.16.14
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