July 2014 Moms

Cloth Diaper Moms-- Bestow your wisdom!

edited April 2014 in July 2014 Moms
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Re: Cloth Diaper Moms-- Bestow your wisdom!

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    I am a fan of the All-In-Ones.  My faves are TotsBots and Swaddlebees.  They have endured quite a bit of wear and still look as good as the day I bought them (practically).  Everything else has fallen apart or gotten dingy.  I also like Peachy Greens.

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    FTM here also, but I've been told to get Green Mountain Diapers as prefolds since they're "fabulous". :)  As far as the AI2/AIO, everyone I've talked to has varying opinions.
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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    There are a ton of B/S/T groups on FB that you can get good deals on.  That's where all of my PGs came from.  I bought my TotsBots and Swaddlebees from Amazon.  I also recommend buying others hand me downs.  Most of the time they are practically brand new, especially newborn/early stages.

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    I also have mostly used stuff right now. I got a bunch of prefolds through a local service at their quarterly warehouse sale ($1 each). I think they are Osocozy but I don't remember. I bought some newborn stuff from a lady on Craigslist...2 Cloth-eze workhorse, 1 Swaddlebug fitted & 5 PJ's Monkey Butt AIO's all for $40.

    I've registered for more workhorses (GMD & Cloth-eze), some fitteds (I can't remember what brand), Thirsties covers as well as Bum Genius pockets & AIO's.

    Definitely lurk on the CD board. You can find a TON of info over there.
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    We're pretty loyal to the bumgenius brand. We use mostly AIOs. I've got a few PFs, but couldn't ever get DH on board with that, and since he's the main care provider in our family, he was kind of the final say. The 3.0s, 4.0s, freetimes, and elementals that we have from BG have all worked fabulously for us, though.
    Pass the sheet cake.

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    We love bumgenius as well. We have a bunch of elementals that work great. The freestyles are awesome too, but I like how trim the organic ones are. We need to add a doubler at this point, but they still work for us. They definitely wouldn't have worked for the first few months though... Too big.

    We also like grovia one size AIO. They don't work for some babies, but they've always worked for us (DS went from 6% to 85% for weight).

    We put him in a fitted and flip cover when we go out and about or when I know he's going to take a long nap. They hold a ton, but he doesn't like to sit still long enough to put them on.

    We used to like best bottoms but now they don't hold enough, and the covers show buttcrack sometimes ;). The small and mediums are great though.

    Sorry for the novel. I like explaining what we use because I wish I would have gotten advice when I was buying.
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    FTM, but I had several friends recommend Thristies brand snaps with oso cozy pre-folds inside. So, this is what we plan on using. I think I'm also going to use cloth wipes, since I'm already washing a bunch of gross stuff, might as well add a few things more.

    We won't start cloth diapers though until after the first few weeks. My understanding is that the earliest waste is really difficult to clean out of the cloth diapers and also that newborns typically need a smaller newborn sized diaper. For the few weeks that he'll be that small, it doesn't seem worth it. Once he's big enough for size 1s, I'll move him into cloth.
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    I registered for a bunch of types on amazon hoping people would get me that as shower gifts. I'm getting serious side eye about it from people at work.



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    FWIW, we never had a problem with the "newborn waste". We CD'ed as soon as she would fit into the newborn dipes we had and it was fine.
    Pass the sheet cake.

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    I tend to waiver between brands depending on DC's age. 

    Newborn- Prefolds.  You go through so many diapers when they are nb that for me it wasn't cost effective to stock up on a ton of diapers in this size.

    Infant (~3- walking) Fuzzybunz.  I like fuzzy bunz because to me they were smaller than most other diapers we had but they still were OS (One Size) and grew with DD.  They are pockets so they did require stuffing after washing. 

    Toddler Walking to potty training- BumGenius  About one or one and a half DD grew to the point the FB's were getting kinda low on her crack when she moved.  We at this point moved to the OS BG's.  These worked great to contain for her as she grew.  They are also pockets. 

    13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.



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    I love BG as well. I had sticker shock when first starting out, so I ordered alva and kawaii as well, and those worked well for us too. Diaper Safari pockets are nice cuz there are openings on each end so the insert comes out in the wash so you don't have to touch it if you don't want to. They run sales pretty often on them too (buy one get one free or buy 2 get one free). I love planetwise pail liners.
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    I'm a huge fan of Green Mt. Diaper prefolds or workhorses with Thirsties duo snaps.

    DH likes Alvababy pockets.



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    When I was doing it, I was also a fan of Bum Genius. I bought a lot of mine used and then when I was done, sold them for pretty much what I paid for them. All in Ones were the easiest for me. I had a friend who gave me some super cute cloth diapers that needed covers. I didn't want to cover up the cute, so I just used them for pictures a lot and hoped it didn't soak through and get on anything before I could change him. 

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    We used prefolds for the newborn stage. They work really well, but we had issues with yeast rash with DS because the moisture stays right against the skin. We do have some meconium stains from the very early days.

    Now we mostly use Bum Genius pockets with some prefolds mixed in when we know we're going to change him again very soon (like if he poops an hour before bed time). We also have a few Kwaii pockets, but we get more leaks with those. My advice is to buy ones with snaps instead of Velcro. DH pitched a fit when I wanted to buy snaps (because that takes a few more seconds of work) and I'm noticing that the Velcro isn't holding as well as it once did. I'm afraid we'll eventually have to replace it.

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    We have a variety of brands. I really like Kawaii diapers and they are relatively inexpensive. For our new DS I want to try prefolds since I didn't use them with our DS. We also have some diapers from etsy seller anibows and also have used fuzzibunz. 
    The only problem I have with my cloth diapers is that we can't use them when DS naps or sleeps at night because he pees right through them. Haven't figured a remedy for this except to use disposable at night. 

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    rjacques said:
    We have a variety of brands. I really like Kawaii diapers and they are relatively inexpensive. For our new DS I want to try prefolds since I didn't use them with our DS. We also have some diapers from etsy seller anibows and also have used fuzzibunz. 
    The only problem I have with my cloth diapers is that we can't use them when DS naps or sleeps at night because he pees right through them. Haven't figured a remedy for this except to use disposable at night. 

    Have you tried heavy duty fitteds with woolies?  There was a while that this is all that would work for DD.  She had a HUGE butt going to bed lol, but it worked :)

    13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.



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    rjacques said:
    We have a variety of brands. I really like Kawaii diapers and they are relatively inexpensive. For our new DS I want to try prefolds since I didn't use them with our DS. We also have some diapers from etsy seller anibows and also have used fuzzibunz. 
    The only problem I have with my cloth diapers is that we can't use them when DS naps or sleeps at night because he pees right through them. Haven't figured a remedy for this except to use disposable at night. 

    We bought hemp inserts and were using them along with the regular inserts in the pockets when DS started peeing heavily at night. They worked really well. We then started using disposables at night because DS was getting a really bad rash for whatever reason.

                                                             July 14 May Siggy Challenge: Cute Animals
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