Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

1st percentile for weight

We just had our son's 12 month check-up and he's lost 6oz since his 9 month.  He's only 17 pounds and down from the 19th percentile at his 9 month visit to 1st percentile.  Our ped said that he's not concerned YET, and hasn't suggested anything to fatten him up except keep on feeding him whenever he wants, but wants to see him again in a week for a follow-up.  He's on whole milk already, and the kid eats everything we put in front of him..fruits and veggies, meat, fish, bread, cheese, anything at all.  

His birth mother is very slim, and told me she still has trouble gaining weight.  I just wonder if anyone else has a super skinny kid, and what you give him/her to increase weight in a healthy way.  We already do avocado, but what other healthy-fatty foods can you suggest?

Re: 1st percentile for weight

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    My nice was FTT. Her pedi had her do PediaSure instead of WCM. Her diet was also super high fat. Lots of whole milk yogurt, cheeses, coconut oils, avocado, ect. Plus loads of proteins. She was even doing things like putting coconut oil or butter on all her veggies just to add extra fats. You want to stick with good fats. There's also the option of toddler formula to help with those few extra calories.
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    All three of my kids are 3% for weight.  They eat all day long too.  Some kids are just smaller and there is nothing wrong with that.  
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    Emily 8.8.08
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    DD was always thick, but DS is a string bean. However, he moves and eats NON STOP. I think he just got my rockin' metabolism. He still won't drink milk, even though I weaned him a few weeks ago, since I'm due in 2.5 wks. He has been eating the exact same thing that we eat since he was about 10 months. We're not concerned, he doesn't look unhealthy.
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    Has he started walking between his 9m appt and now?
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

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    Nope, no walking yet.  He's really fine-motor oriented, so I'm not worried about that.  He's standing a bit, but mostly he just crawls and army-crawls, non-stop.  He's otherwise healthy, so I don't think he's FTT, but it just concerns me because although he's always been small, he had a nice growth trajectory up to this point.
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    My son is in the 32nd or so percentile for weight and the pedi makes us go in for weight check ups.  She said to mix olive oil into his food.  I also try to add extra cheese to anything I make for him (i.e. spaghetti sauce, eggs, etc).  I'm also much more lenient with giving him snacks like muffins and cookies.  He needs to gain weight and he's not going to do it by eating vegetables and fruit.  Yes, he eats PLENTY of healthy foods, but I also let him have a cookie each evening after dinner when he asks for it and he gets part of a muffin as a snack in the a.m. I try to feed him constantly but he really is not interested in food.  It is very frustrating.  My mom says I weighed 17 lbs at a year and my ex is very slim, so it is just in his genes to be small for now.
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    We'll just wait and see what the ped says this week.  We've been feeding him fattier foods like cheese biscuits and turkey soup and giving him lots of snacks.  I'm hoping to see at least a small increase in his weight this week.
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    ds was 5th percentile at 12 months and that was a big victory for us.  From birth he was 1-3 percentile, until just after 6 months.... he dropped off the charts.  Our dr. wasn't concerned, just wanted to keep a closer eye on his weight.  DS eats all the time, but because he's super active and got his father's metabolism he has trouble keeping his weight up.  DS googeld shortly after DS was born and he would be in the 3rd percentile as an adult.  All we did was kept feeding him, no extra supplements or anything (but I was breastfeeding).  Good luck!
    *** DS born February 21, 2013 - Toronto, Canada  ***
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    ss265ss265 member

    My DS was at the 2nd percentile at his 9 month check up and has hovered around that mark ever since. Honestly, it's our biggest source of stress with him especially since he is not the best eater. We used to add butter to his baby food and even now, we still give him a bottle at night when he wakes up because we want him to have the extra calories.

    It's come to a point where I am just trying to let it go - if he doesn't eat what is in front of him at dinner, I am not going to offer him multiple types of food just to get him to eat. We try and give him a healthy balanced diet and just trust that he will eat when hungry. It helps that he usually eats pretty well at DC and our pedi isn't too worried about his weight.

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    DD is 17 months and just hit 18lbs. She eats all day long but is VERY active (walking since 10m). Pedi isn't worried at all.
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