August 2014 Moms

Thoughts and prayers please (for cousins baby) Update!

candyland33candyland33 member
edited April 2014 in August 2014 Moms

My cousin baby almost 1 just had a seizure and her husband is away on business and no family around. They are living in another country due to her husbands work.Please pray her and her sweet baby. She is practically my sister!


I heard from my cousin and the baby had 2 more seizures this morning. Her husband was able to fly home to be with them. They went to the Dr and did blood work but they will need to come back to the US to do an EEG and possible MRI. They are coming home by the end of the week and possibly moving back for good. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I am praying and believe in healing for this sweet baby girl.

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Re: Thoughts and prayers please (for cousins baby) Update!

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    I hope everything is ok! How scary for her. Could it have been a febrile seizure? Those are fairly common (when kids have a dramatic rise in body temp, sometimes a seizure is triggered), though still scary. But generally harmless. I hope it's just that!
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    shevaCC said:

    I hope everything is ok! How scary for her. Could it have been a febrile seizure? Those are fairly common (when kids have a dramatic rise in body temp, sometimes a seizure is triggered), though still scary. But generally harmless. I hope it's just that!

    Thank you. When I looked up seizures in children that's what came up.

    She has been such a support to me with all my insane pregnancy questions that I want to do whatever I can to be supportive.
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    Thinking of them!!
    Southern California
    Together for six years, married for five
    BFP 12/06/13 - EDD 8/11/14 
    BABY BOY born 8/14/14!

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    Thoughts and prayers for them. Yes keep us posted.
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
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    Hoping its nothing more than a minor febrile seizure!



    Baby Girl born 7/9/2014 at 34.5wks



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    Thoughts and prayers! Hoping all turns out well!
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    Thank you ladies so much!! I have not heard form my cousin yet. I am hoping no call is a good call. I will update as soon as I hear.
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    That's so scary!  Especially without family or support around.  I'm sending positive thoughts to your family and the baby.  
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