Pittsburgh Babies


Has anyone gone to hypnobirthing classes? Thoughts? I am pregnant with my first, tend to have anxiety and thought this idea sounded interesting and potentially helpful!

Re: Hypnobirthing

  • I haven't been to any either, but I'm in the same situation as you and would also love to hear other people's input.
  • Yes! I attended a HypnoBabies course and I would highly recommend it! It was the perfect solution for me when I was in your shoes a few months ago. Now my little punkin is 11 wks old and the moms in my class are all getting together for a reunion to meet the babies!

    Check out www.hypnobabies.com for more detailed info and the contact info for the Pittsburgh instructor Amy Farr.
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  • I haven't been through the program myself, but I know that the midwife center on the strip offers a hypnobirthing class. Might be something to look into. Heard great things about hypnobabies and hypnobirthing.



    BFP#2:  EDD 2/11/14, MMC confirmed 7/15/13 (growth stopped at 6 weeks), D&C @ 12 weeks 7/25/13

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