December 2013 Moms

Using bottled water - BPA?

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but I haven't visited the board in a bit. I'm freaking out somewhat because we've been using bottled water (the 500 ml personal sized bottles) to make our baby's formula ( she's breast and formula fed- I don't produce enough milk). I thought those bottles didn't contain bpa as they're labelled #1 plastic in the bottom, not #7, but I started researching it more and now I'm not so sure. Worried that we've been poisoning her with bpa. Does anyone have any info or insight about this? I avoided tap water because of the fluoride, etc., but now I'm not sure which is better/worse...

Re: Using bottled water - BPA?

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    clhathawayclhathaway member
    edited February 2014
    1. Our Ped, Dentist, and WIC said if we ever use formula use the tap because our city puts fluoride in the water.

    2. I believe bpa is only toxic if heated(hot beverages, in the microwave, etc) I may be wrong, so kind of no help.

    3. You're not going to be able to avoid every possible hazard lo's entire life. If LO is acting normal, don't stress over it.

    Edit: autocorrect
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    Even if it does I doubt this small portion of their life is of super concern. That being said, I use BPA free stuff myself. I use filtered water from my fridge when I give formula at home (mostly BF but 1 bottle formula a day due to what I can pump). When I travel, I take filtered water from the fridge and carry it in one of my BPA free water bottles.
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    We use Gerber bottled water and it does have flouride in it. However they don't add extra flouride. Your little one needs some flouride for their teeth development. I've never even thought about BPA but I think it only matters if it is heated? I think your LO is just fine and has not been poisoned.
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    swirl25swirl25 member
    edited February 2014
    I know they say not to reuse plastic water bottles or leave them in the car as heat and overuse can cause leaching of BPA. I think you'll be fine using the water and then discarding the bottle. But if you are worried ask your pedi about using tap that has been run thru a Brita or other filter. Our pedi said specifically to give DD1 water from the tap b/c our city puts fluoride in the water. I use a Brita to filter it but she gets a glass straight from the tap when she asks at bedtime.
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    We use city water (with flouride) and just put it through the Brita. The flouride is good. I use Poland Springs water when we're out.
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