August 2014 Moms

Reflux Mamas

So A has started this thing where she burps what sounds like a little gurglely sound, then she'll start breathing heavily, like she held her breath for a while and was catching it again. The whole episode only takes about 3 second and she goes back to get normal self. This is a new thing. I've only noticed this in the last 3 days. She also seems crankier than normal.

I feel like someone else was saying their LO did something similar and it turned out to be something else, not reflux? (Or reflux, but more severe, I really can't remember!) She is currently being treated with .8 ml of Ranididine (sp?) but she can't see the pedi until the end of the month. I'm hoping that whoever mentioned the little gasping thing before will come in! Has anyone ever experienced this before?
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Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                               Lilypie - (2q9u)

Re: Reflux Mamas

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    We get lots of burps and spit up but not the breathing thing...

    Was the post about someone who noticed their LO stopped breathing at night? Come to find out LO had bad reflux and their throat was swelling up with irritation?

    On a totally unrelated side note...I saw someone at an Olive Garden in Michigan during our travels that looked a lot like you with a small baby. (Sorry if I sound like a creeper!)


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    Wish I could say it was me, but I haven't been to Olive Garden since before A was born. All the sads! :(
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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    Although that wasn't me my LO had a very similar issue and it ended up being reflux. My pedi thought it could possibly be a spit up that he was swallowing, but that was before he started Ranitidine. Maybe it's time for an increase is dosage?
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    A has some pretty severe reflux. He would have trouble breathing while laying flat but the only reason that happened was he would choke on his spit up. Were up to 1.5 ml of ranitidine up to 3 times a day.
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    haliebabyx3haliebabyx3 member
    edited January 2015
    Maybe worth a call to up some dosage.

    Eta: was walking and typing. Wasn't working out
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    Sounds like she is swallowing/choking a little on her spit up. .8 ml seems like a really low dose.  We are on 1.5 ml twice a day.  She was on 1.25 ml twice a day and then our pedi upped it at our last checkup.  I'm not sure how they decide dosage (weight combined with symptoms I guess?) but LO weighs about 14 lbs. 
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    Thanks all for the advice! When we first started the Ranididine, she was on .8 ml at 5 weeks (2x daily). She hasn't had an increase since. I'll call her pedi and see if they can't get her in sooner!
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    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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    How are you getting him to take the ranididine? My little guy spits it right out. I already tried grape flavoring, a medi pacifier, a syringe poking through a nipple (to "bypass his tastebuds"). Nothing works :(
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    lisa1110 said:

    How are you getting him to take the ranididine? My little guy spits it right out. I already tried grape flavoring, a medi pacifier, a syringe poking through a nipple (to "bypass his tastebuds"). Nothing works :(

    We mix his with an ounce of formula.
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    I shoot it slowly into her mouth. It's taken about four months, but she likes it now and sucks t down. I used to do the shoot and blow method to make her choke it down.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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    Have you started solids? We did just this week and saw a big reflux flare.


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    No solids. I won't start solid until much closer to a year. I want EBF as long as possible.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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    I bet you need a bigger dosage. We are taking 1.3 mL these days, up from our original dosage of .8. We stay at each dosage until we notice the uncomfortable burps.

    I'm sorry she is unconfortable. Hang in there, mama
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    I have never noticed the breathing issue you're talking about but we did a major adjustment in dosage at his 4 mo appt and it made a huge difference with his mood. We were doing .7 twice a day and we went to 1ml three times a day and it's turned LO into a much happier baby these days. 
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    Leskay said:
    My LO is taking 2.5 ml of Prevacid in the am and 1ml of Zantac at night. Does that seem like way too much?
    I'm not sure? We tried Prevacid for a brief time and it did not go well. I can't remember what the dose was, it was a dissoluble tablet that we mixed in a bottle. He seemed to spit up more and he never slept. It was like there was something in it that kept him awake? I don't know if there is or not but that's the reaction that he had to it. I took him off of it pretty quickly and just kept up the Ranatadine. I say if it's working and the doctor prescribed it that way, go with it. 
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    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Mirena removed 11/10/11. BFP 02/20/13 - MMC discovered 4/17/13 @ 11w4d. 
    BFP 12/14/13, EDD 8/21/14.It's a BOY! DS born 8/15/14.

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    BeachM (I don't know how to copy text or mention names).

    We just started rice cereal a little over a week ago... And also noticed more reflux.
    We'll probably start on this Hylands homeopathic supplement our pedi said we could try. I've read reviews on it and I've heard it helps in addition to on going meds as well.
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    Les2014 said:

    BeachM (I don't know how to copy text or mention names).

    We just started rice cereal a little over a week ago... And also noticed more reflux.
    We'll probably start on this Hylands homeopathic supplement our pedi said we could try. I've read reviews on it and I've heard it helps in addition to on going meds as well.

    I'll look into it. Without jinxing it I think his system is starting to get used to solids. But then again I also think he's going to cut a tooth soon which would also aggravate the reflux. As well as his ability to almost sit unassisted. Ugh.



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    I was giving my LO .8 mL of Ranididine twice a day but stopped because I didn't notice Any improvements! She basically throws up at least half of what she just ate because of her's difficult to watch and I feel so bad that she's not keeping down enough of what she eats. I hope it's something better out there and I'll be discussing my concern at her appointment this Thursday
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    @Leskay‌ thanks but I've tried that as well... LO has been getting rice cereal for at least a month now...what kind do you use? I'm not sure if it's because she's a premie that she has a difficult time digesting it or what
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    @andrea ri 80‌ no experience with the bottle choking or screaming but def the spit up (A TON OF IT) just called her pedi and she said try giving her 1mL of the Ranitidine twice a day to see how that goes. I'll try for a few days and see if there's any change.....your LO could definitely have Reflux
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    I finally got the okay to up her dosage.  A was getting only .8 ml 2x daily and that hadn't changed since she was born.  But tonight we'll start with 1.5 ml 2x daily.  Sigh. Of. Relief. :)  Hopefully this will help now.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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