
Eating solids

Hi ladies!!!! Our LO will be 8 months old on friday. I can't believe it!!!! My question is how much solids should he be eating? And how much milk? He was just shy of 17 lbs at our last weigh in for Synagis about Feb 13 or so. I think he's eating and gaining well but I wanted to have others to compare to. He just recently started eating a third solid, for lunch. He's really into wanting to eat if we are. Prior to that he was eating a good 4 oz of cereal/fruit mix for breakfast and 4-6 oz of veggies for supper. And averaging about 23 oz of formula. The last two days he's eaten maybe 2-4 oz for lunch, with water. How does that compare?
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Pregnancy #1 EDD 1/20/13, D&C for unexplained miscarriage at 12w
Pregnancy #2 EDD 8/28/2013, Carson was born on 6/28/2013 at 31w - spent 37 days in the NICU

Re: Eating solids

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    KTZ17KTZ17 member
    edited February 2014
    My DD nurses & supplements with formula, but I think she takes about 24oz total and eats three meals a day at 9 months actual, 7 adjusted. She'll have about 1/3-1/2 cup of plain yogurt for breakfast, or some oatmeal with banana. For lunch & dinner she has a veggie or fruit. We use the baby bullet and she takes a very full jar's worth. I don't know how many oz that is. Sounds like we're doing about the same! I added lunch when she seemed like she wanted to eat when I was eating. Her pedi suggested cutting out one nursing session because she seemed like she was constantly eating. Once she gets a few more teeth or masters pincer grasp I'll probably add in a snack in the afternoon. Yay for good eaters! Edited to add your DS's weight sounds fantastic. DD weighed 15lbs 7.5 oz at her 9 month check up.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    As long as he is gaining weight on his own curve, I wouldn't be concerned with actual numbers. As for eating, he should be getting most of his nutrients from formula or breast milk, with solids for fun/practice. I think the amount of solids he's eating sounds fine, but has your doctor Ok'd water? You don't want him to fill up on water when he needs nutrients from the formula.
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    Our kiddos are very close in age - my boys will be 8mo tomorrow.

    They bf/bottle 5x during the day (7a-7p) and twice overnight. If I had to estimate, I'd say 25ish oz per day of BM each.

    We do solids twice a day and do a combo of purees and finger foods (BLW style). They will eat 2-3oz of purees each meal with an assortment of finger foods (usually whatever we're eating).

    I'll prob start breakfast in the next month but I'm in no rush.

    My oldest was down to 4 nursing sessions by 9mo, but he was bigger than the babies. They're 15lbs and 16.5lbs, so I'd like to keep as many nursing/bottles as they'd like bc that's where the weight gain and nutrients are for the first year.

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    He usually eats a bottle 5x a day. As for water, yes our pedi approved. He said no more than 4 oz of water or apple juice.. That being said, he drinks less than 1 oz of water and no juice. I just use it to wash it down during eating. If. He's still hungry after, I make a small bottle. Thanks ladies!!!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


    Pregnancy #1 EDD 1/20/13, D&C for unexplained miscarriage at 12w
    Pregnancy #2 EDD 8/28/2013, Carson was born on 6/28/2013 at 31w - spent 37 days in the NICU
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