Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Strange pain-2 weeks after c section. Is this normal?

For those of you who've had c sections, wondering if you're having something similar...I had an emergency c section after 6 hours of pushing. Baby is very healthy and all is well there. I feel great other than this:my incision site is raised and feels numb still-which I think is normal. However I have what I can only describe as a divet or ravine or something parallel to the incision site between my naval and the site. There is intense pain there, sore to the touch and numb at the same time-almost feels kind of like a burn. I called the nurse and she said "it kind of sounds normal, but I can't be sure. Make an apt with your doctor" which isn't available til march! She suggested if might be my uterus settling in but I don't remember having intense pain like this, almost 2 weeks out, with my first. Has anyone else had this?

Re: Strange pain-2 weeks after c section. Is this normal?

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    The numbness is normal.  I did not experience that kind of pain.  When you called the doctor did you explain it was for post-op pain?  That's something they should really work you in for.  If the receptionist won't ask to speak to the doctor or a nurse.  If they feel you need to be seen they can override the schedule.  

    Did you try posting on the c-section board?  Someone there may have experienced the same thing.
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    I will have it checked out. Just in case. You never know. I had two c sections and with my first my stiches opened. Call your doc. Better safe than sorry! 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I don't know if it's the same as yours, but while I had a lot of numbness still, about 2-3 inches above my incision hurt like I expected the incision to hurt. I figure it was either my uterus settling in, or some nerve confusion from all the trauma there. I agree with PP, since it's post op pain that you're worried about I would definitely push the office to work you in.
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    I didn't even know there was a c section board-thanks! Unfortunately were at a military hospital and while some things have been great, some other things, including follow up care is just really leaving a lot to be desired. I explained it all to two nurses there and their response was "well that could be normal, but maybe not. Make an apt with the dr who did the surgery" which I tried to do but nothing is available til march 20-or go to the ER :(
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    I'm 9 weeks out from my c section and have numbness still which is most likely permanent. My incision area still gets sore and at 2 weeks out I still couldn't touch the area around my stomach. I think what your describing is normal and the pain should go away in a few weeks
     BabyFetus Ticker
    Baby GIRL due 12/26
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