March 2013 Moms

Is DS trying to self wean or is this just an extreme biting phase?

Lately DS is really biting my nipples a lot.  One favorite thing to do is to clamp down and pull off very quickly.  It feels like two steak knives are scrapping my nipples!  I've tried all sorts of things to get him to stop - saying no softly, thumping him on his cheek, raising my voice, telling him owe and fake crying, putting him down on the ground and walking out of the room.  Some work in the short term, but nothing seems to lasts.  Anyway, I get so tense now that I have no let down.  Ugh!

Tonight I could not get him to nurse at all before bed.  All he wanted to do was bite, clamp, and pull.  So I fixed a bottle of some frozen milk and he drank most of that.  Could it be that he is trying to wean off of the breast at night or is it just a phase? 

I should also note that I am pregnant now so maybe he isn't liking the taste.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Re: Is DS trying to self wean or is this just an extreme biting phase?

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    I was about to say totes phase until I read you were pregnant (congrats!). Even still though, I don't think he'd bite you because the taste changed. I bet if you stick it out a couple more days it'll pass. We went through this and she still wants to nurse, she was just dabbling in biting. I just pumped and fed and kept offering and eventually we were all good again. That sh hurts though, so sorry you are experiencing that with pregnant nipples. Best wishes!
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    Try posting on the BF board as well...
    But babies rarely wean before 12mos, and I don't think til after 18mo is typical for self weaning. I'm not sure on that second part though. If you're pregnant, he could dislike any taste change tho.

    Is he teething? DS has gone through a few biting phases, even before I was pregnant. But I don't think they were as bad as what you described, but he'salways been a boobaholic. 

    Is your supply still holding steady? Could he be getting frustrated at that? I've made sure to drink enough water especially since getting pregnant.
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    My LO does that when teething and sometimes out of frustration when letdown doesn't happen fast enough. So I would agree that it's probably just a phase. And congrats on your pregnancy!
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    Thanks ladies!

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