February 2014 Moms

*Noethola* baby boy settling in PIP

NoetholaNoethola member
edited February 2014 in February 2014 Moms
Short: Chester Michael arrived at 8:48 pm Feb 15th. 8lb, 8oz and 20in long. 

Longer: Really wanted to go natural and med free. So three days before the scheduled induction, I tried to prep my body to go into labor (no castor oil). Tried a massage and acupressure, ate lots of pineapple and eggplant, etc. Couldn't tell you if they worked or not. :-)

Induced with pitocin on Feb 15th. We went in contracting, but not regularly. I could hardly feel them. However, I was at 5 cm, so thought it could be a short day, though also ok with things taking longer (my sis was induced and went 36hrs). Labored for 10hrs, and was told I was at 6cm (though I felt I was transitioning.) I wanted to punch the nurse... We decided to let the doctor break my water, and then the lovely nurse told us to expect another 4 hours. 

Breaking the water instantly changed the way the contractions felt and it was INTENSE. About three contractions later (5 minutes), and my body started bearing down. I absolutely could do nothing about it, though everyone was telling me not to push. I told her to check me again, and I was complete. The doctor and nurses were running around to prep the room, and he was crowning before the Dr could get into a good position. The contractions were very intense, and it was like a freight train coming out of my body. He could not be stopped. Chet came out beautiful and screaming. It was a gorgeous sound. Latched on about 20 min after birth and eating like a champ. Decided against pain meds and epidural, and it was worth it, though challenging (not going to lie to anyone still out there deciding.) Thanks for all the support Feb 14. You have been fantastic!

Lilypie - (qptF)

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
"Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

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