April 2014 Moms

Breastfeeding success

I'm curious how many of you wanted to breastfeed and were able to do it. I tried everything I could and that the lactation consultants suggested, but DD was unable to latch anything (pacis and bottles included except for Mam bottles). I'm really hoping to breastfeed this time.

So, some questions:
1) Were you able to BF?
2) How long did you set out to BF?
3) How long did you end up BFing?
4) Biggest obstacle you faced?

Re: Breastfeeding success

  • Options
    1) Were you able to BF? Yes
    2) How long did you set out to BF? a year
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 14 months
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? DD was in the NICU for a few days though I'm not sure that was the reason but we struggled with latch issues for a few months
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    1. Yes
    2. 6 months- 1 year
    3. 4 months
    4. The pain in the beginning but once that went away it was easy peasy.
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    Thanks for posting! I am a FTM and hoping BFing works out for me. I am planning to pump for a while at least if we have issues.
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    1) yes- dd was a champ from the get-go. I lucked out.
    2)6 mos & reassess
    3)13 mos and change
    4)pumping at work (PITA, but nobody gave me any grief) and growth spurts (OMG were they physically draining, I could barely get up the stairs at the end of the day).

    GL on this go round!
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
    BFP#2:10.22.10=Avelin born 7.2.11
    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
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    I had no trouble breastfeeding,but I fail at weaning. My 2.5 year old is still nursing.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes

    2) How long did you set out to BF? A year I guess though I'd like to go til 3 or 4

    3) How long did you end up BFing? We are still going at 20months

    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? The c/s put us way back. DD lost 23% of her birth weight. She was evaluated multiple times in hospital and out for tongue/lip ties. The problem was 3rd spacing in my breasts caused by the excessive IV fluids given to me at the hospital. The IBCLC that my midwife hired to come to our home saved BFing for us. She dx the edematuous breast problem and recommended reverse pressure softening.
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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes
    2) How long did you set out to BF? 1yr +
    3) How long did you end up BFing? About 13-14 mos.
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? The learning curve...for both me and LO. Once I got past the 7-8 week mark, we were golden.
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    Mamaengen said: I'm curious how many of you wanted to breastfeed and were able to do it. I tried everything I could and that the lactation consultants suggested, but DD was unable to latch anything (pacis and bottles included except for Mam bottles). I'm really hoping to breastfeed this time. 1) Were you able to BF? Initially yes, but DS could never learn how to latch on properly.  His latch was too shallow and was shredding my nipples.  We saw 4 lactation consultants, 2 of which told us we needed to have his tongue tie (was cut in hospital) further cut by laser in a dental surgery.  DH and I both agreed that this was too extreme for us and I started exclusively pumping while keeping one night feed.

    2) How long did you set out to BF? I set out to BF with small goals so 1 week, 1 month, 6 weeks with the ultimate goal of making it to 6 months.

    3) How long did you end up BFing? We BF for 10 days exclusively and then partially for a month before I went to pumping exclusively which I did for 10 months.

    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? My state of mind.  It is so much harder to do that everyone leads you to believe and some people have no problems whatsoever BF and make it seem so easy that it makes you want to cry.  

    That being said I really hope that EBF works for us this time as I don't think I can EP as much as I did for K.
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    Image and video hosting by TinyPicBaby Girl: 2014/4/25  K: Born 2012/02/20
    BFP 12/31/2010; missed m/c @ 6w1d, medical m/c(Misoprostol)@ 13w2d.    My Blog

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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes, exclusively.
    2) How long did you set out to BF? At least a year
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 11 months, DS's decision, not mine
    4) Biggest obstacle? Toe curling pain in the first few weeks, nice bought of mastitis (that included a raging fever and fainting) then DS lack of interest as he got older.
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    1. Yes with both boys
    2. I set monthly goals so I didn't pressure myself.
    3. 9 months both times
    4. Sore and bleeding nipples. Nipple shield helped a ton. Mastitis was horrible. I got a few times with both times but survived it.
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    So, some questions:
    1) Were you able to BF? Yes, I had to EP until DS was 33-34 weeks adjusted and could actually coordinate nursing. We used a nipple shield for the first few weeks.
    2) How long did you set out to BF? 1 year+
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 22 months, we were down to once a day at that point (night weaned at  16-17 months) he dropped the feed one night and I worked late the next and decided we were done. He was fine until I got pregnant and now he's constantly wanting to have his hands down my shirt and almost tried to latch when we're bed sharing. I think he doesn't really know how anymore but it's driving me nuts. I want a boobie break until LO comes!
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? Thrush, it was such a mind f*ck.
    BFP#1 9/14/10 (EDD 5/21/11); no fetal pole 6w6d, 7w4d, d&c 10/8
    BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
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    BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes with both

    2) How long did you set out to BF? At minium 12 months. After the first year we play it by ear and wean when it seems like we are both ready.

    3) How long did you end up BFing? DD 16 months and DS 13 months. I ened up weaning DS a lot earlier than planned but I was going through a miscarriage at the time.

    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? With DD, jaundice in the beginning,  she needed to eat often and my milk took a while to come in so her levels were going up fast. We had to supplement for a while. I also didn't react well to a pump and that was frustrating. 

    With DS, he started out with a lazy latch that caused cracks in my nipples which lead to thrush and I aslo had a clogged duct that almost caused mastitis.  This all happened in the first two weeks and once I got it cleared up we didn't have any problems. 
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                                ~Missed MC at 8 weeks. D&C at 12 weeks on 4/17/13~ 
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    I was able to nurse with no problems. I nursed my son for 19 months. I had planned on at least a year. The hardest part, for me, was weening. Also, I was unable to conceive while breastfeeding (even at one feeding a day).
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    1. yes
    2. 12 months
    3. 21 months (he weaned when I was 10 weeks pregnant with this LO)
    4. I'm grateful I didn't encounter any big issues. It took 4 days for my milk to come in and he basically nursed 24 hours straight on day 3. Pumping at work before I left to be a SAHM was annoying but my supply was OK.
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    1. Kind of. DS had latching issues. Tried everything lactation consultant said. So I would BF and then pump and give DS the previous pumped milk.
    2. 6-8 mos
    3. 7 wks and a few days
    4.latching issues. Really relied on my pump.
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    1) Were you able to BF? Yup
    2) How long did you set out to BF? As long as DD wanted to - I'm definitely all for extended BFing. 
    3) How long did you end up BFing? Until DD weaned herself (and broke my heart, heh, at 16 months)
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? Just some sore nipples and anxiety about not knowing what the hell I was doing, haha. 

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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes.
    2) How long did you set out to BF? My original goal was 1 year.
    3) How long did you end up BFing? Reached our goal and kept going.  Nursed DS for 2 years.
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? Had latch issues that meant I had peeled nipples for the first two months.  Every time he latched it was agony, but I'm stubborn and determined.  I'm pretty sure he had a lip tie that caused the problems and it wasn't until his mouth got bigger that things improved.
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    Mamaengen said:

    I'm curious how many of you wanted to breastfeed and were able to do it. I tried everything I could and that the lactation consultants suggested, but DD was unable to latch anything (pacis and bottles included except for Mam bottles). I'm really hoping to breastfeed this time.

    So, some questions:
    1) Were you able to BF? Yes, both babies
    2) How long did you set out to BF? At least a year
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 15 mos with DD before it got uncomfortable being pregnant with DS, I'm still nursing DS at 12 mos and he is not showing signs of wanting to stop
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? With DD, aside from the sore and raw nipples for a week, I had horrible piercing pain every time she latched for 6 wks. Once I hit that 6 wk mark, it was smooth sailing.
    BFing has been a great bonding time for me and my babies and I'm so glad I didn't throw in the towel when it was uncomfortable.

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    1. Yes
    2. My goal was 6 months
    3. I was able to do it for about 3 months
    4. My biggest obstacle was my own health. My gallbladder went and I had to be in the hospital for 5 days and get it removed. I gave up then because it was just too much to deal with.
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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes
    2) How long did you set out to BF? 6 months - a year
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 14 months
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? Nothing until the end when we both had thrush and then I got mastitis. He self-weaned after that.
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    So, some questions:
    1) Were you able to BF? Yes, while still in the hospital the LC noticed I needed a nipple shield on the left side.  
    2) How long did you set out to BF?  I didn't put a time line on it, went in opened minded, but wanted to make it as long as I could
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 8 months EBF then had to supplement, dried up at 10 months
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced?  Pumping, really just all that goes along with it.  Waking up early to pump, cleaning the parts, etc.  DS ate a ton and I was lucky enough to be able to go home and nurse over lunch, without that I would not have been able to supply enough by pumping at work.  
    This time around I will start pumping and stashing 4-6 weeks earlier in order to increase my frozen supply. 
    DS#1 Jack was born 3/29/12
    BFP #2 8/10/13, EDD 4/19/14 Team Green! 

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    I wanted to nurse my first till 18 months and did. Can't say we had any challenges. He loved the boob! And I was a dairy cow. Can only hope it goes so smooth this time. I plan to nurse until 18 months again with this one.
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    1. Yes
    2. 4 months
    3. 6 months
    4. Supply loss and the nipple pain in the first couple months oh the pain!!!
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    1) Were you able to BF?   Yes, exclusively
    2) How long did you set out to BF?   6 months minimum
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 13 months
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? 2:  first was the first 6 weeks of sheer pain and the second was keeping up supply after stupidly taking the mini pill, from which I never recovered even after giving it up and near the end with pumping so much at work

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    1. Yes
    2. 1 year
    3. 13+ months
    4. In the beginning my nipples got so torn up and bloody that they got a yeast infection. (I didn't realize it at the time.) it felt like someone was stabbing me in the nipple everytime she would nurse. I thought i just needed to get through the pain. I would cry everytime. I was wrong. I finally called a LC and they had me come in and told me it was a yeast infection on my breast. I called in to my doctor and they gave me a antibiotic and i had to pump for a few days when until it cleared up. It felt a million times better and wished i had called sooner. Moral of the story: Don't feel stupid to call if you feel something is wrong while BFing.
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    1.) yes- very successful
    2.) my goal was one year
    3.) 11 months- he self weaned though, it was hard for me!
    4.) the first four weeks was difficult. Between the physical problems (bleeding nipples, bad latches, leaky and sore boobs) and emotional ones ( feed on demand or schedule?) it took time to adjust and find our stride.

    Definitely do what feels best for you and your baby and don't listen to anyone who thinks they know what's best for you because it worked for them. (I.e my MIL who tried to and successfully guilted me into feeding the baby on a schedule instead of on demand like I wanted and like my son needed)

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    1) Were you able to BF? Yes.
    2) How long did you set out to BF? 9 months before I had her, 3 months after she was here :)
    3) How long did you end up BFing? 6 months
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? We had latch issues as well. DD didn't really get it until about 4 weeks old. I pumped and gave bm before that and then after she figured it out I pumped and BF about 50/50 until I went to work at 12 weeks and then I pumped and really only nursed when she woke during the nights. I personally liked pumping. I'm planning on doing something similar this time.

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    I also was unsuccessful the first time around, but am hoping to do it with this LO.  I'm a little nervous about it, but I am determined to make it work!

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    1) Were you able to BF?   Yes
    2) How long did you set out to BF? My goal was a year or until baby wanted to wean.
    3) How long did you end up BFing? We made it just over 13 months before DS weaned himself. 8 months exclusively, then the rest with solids. 
    4) Biggest obstacle you faced? DS had an upper lip tie that was undiagnosed until he was 9 months old, so I used a nipple shield for the entire 13 months.  I also lost all my supply in my left breast around 4 months, so I was a one-boob nurser for the last 9 months of BF.  I had to buy a prosthetic breast to wear in my shirts and swimsuits because I was a DD and a B. 

    Mom of 2 little gentlemen and one more on the way


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    1) yes
    2) a year
    3) 9 months, used frozen until about 11 months after that with a little supplementing formula
    4) I was really lucky and had no major problems. I used a nipple shield which was awesome because it prevented all the cracking, bleeding, etc (I think anyway). I had too much milk which was nice to build a stash but hard because it contributed to DS acid reflux. 
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    I love this post. Thanks ladies!

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