November 2013 Moms

Carseat meltdowns

Does anyone else have LOs who have complete meltdowns in their car seat? Mine has recently started this and it is driving us nuts!! He use to be fine...he isn't hungry or have a dirty diaper and will just start crying and screaming all of a sudden. We aren't sure what is triggering it but hate it because he gets himself all worked up and sweaty and just makes it worse.
Suggestions anyone?

Re: Carseat meltdowns

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    Mine hates the car seat more than anything. He's hated it since the ride down in it from the hospital room to the car. It's a race to get him in it, then to the car and get the car moving fast enough and hope that works. Then he has to have a binkie in while drivin as well or he cries while the car is moving. I thought babies are suppose to like car seats. He squirms and it's like he's trying to muscle himself put of it. My best friend's baby loves his car seat. Sorry I can't help. I wish I could find a way to have him like his car seat.
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    I don't know either but I know exactly what you mean! My LO hates it all if a sudden also! We just back from a trip that was 8 hours in a vehicle (1 way) so we wonder if that's why he hates it so much! Good luck but you aren't the only one!!
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    My LO loves his carseat, make sure that the straps are not to tight, we all want our babies strapped in and not going anywhere, but if the straps are to tight they might be digging into them causing them discomfort! Im sure you've already thought of that but I thought I would throw that out there!

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    Have you tried playing music? I used to play a baby lullaby CD when my daughter was younger and she would usually fall asleep the whole car ride to it because the music was soothing. That might help.
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    Mine hates it, too. DS was the same way and loves the car now - they do outgrow it, but it is so stressful while it's happening. I sing, or turn the radio to static for white noise, or I reach back without taking my eyes off the road and jiggle her.

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    bglovesbabykbglovesbabyk member
    edited January 2014
    I'm Going through the same thing right now with my son. We have to take him to my moms every morning and pick him up every night and it's a struggle the entire way. He spits out his pacifier as well. I think he gets lonely because he can't see us. I'm hoping I gets better soon, it's going to wear us out.
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    Mine hates the car seat but will calm
    down as soon as we start driving-- it's just the whole getting her in and buckled and outside that is hard. I make sure she has a pacifier, won't get too hot, and that the radio is on and those things combined help tremendously, I think.
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    Today my baby screamed the entire way to church (15min) and left a sweat spot where his head lays. There's not much I can do to calm him. Rolling down the windows worked for a few minutes. The more we take them out maybe they'll get used to it ?
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    I think one of the reasons my LO has his moments is because he doesn't like to be tied down. He's much more active waving his arms around and kicking his feet and he can't do it as freely in the car seat.
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    Same here. I just discovered that if it is too bright back there that my LO screams! Maybe this could be a thing for your LO?? We have a zip cover over his seat (live in IL) and if he is asleep or almost asleep we keep the flap up to block sunlight. Also, DH is convinced we need to be driving 50mph to keep him sleeping.

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