April 2014 Moms

Natural Birth vs. Epidural


Re: Natural Birth vs. Epidural

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    I'm a FTM, and I've always assumed I would get an epidural. However, DH and I are taking Bradley method classes (starting tomorrow) which teaches about natural childbirth. I want to be as informed as I can going into labor and have techniques that I can use before the epidural/if it doesn't work/if I choose not to get one.
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    I had a natural birth and it was amazing!  I wouldn't do it any other way!  My labor was over 30 hours and I never felt exhausted.  I must say though if you go natural you really have to want it.  I had my son in a birth center where an epidural was not an option.  I knew I wanted to go natural and I just had my mind set that I was going to do it.  I read a lot of natural birth stories, I highly recommend anything by Ina May, and we also took a birthing class.  Your body was meant to have a baby and can do incredible things!  You just have to believe in yourself!

    Riley is going to be a big brother to a little sister due April 19th!!!!




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    Ok, so when writing a Birth plan is the guide from the Bump a good guide to start with/base what to include in our birth plan? We want to have it done before Tuesday, so we can discuss with our doctor. Here is the link: https://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-tools/articles/tool-birth-plan.aspx Thanks again ladies!
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    I would have never, ever thought I'd consider a med-free birth before getting pregnant. I used to say 'drug me up!' whenever someone would talk about it, because I truly couldn't imagine why you would choose pain over...no pain. The choice seemed obvious.

    Until it didn't. DH and I did a lot of research, reading, talking to people, watching documentaries...and then it occurred to me that this fear had literally been sewn into me via television, movies, horror stories from family and the like. I decided I wanted to see what my body was capable of, what I was born to do in all honesty. I wanted to push the limits of my comfort zone, to step outside my fears and really truly experience this birth with my husband in a meaningful way. So I've decided to go med-free.

    I'm not in ANY way saying doing anything else isn't meaningful or special or even that it's easy. I'm just talking about my own personal journey, my expectations of myself and my personal fears and excitement. Everyone is different and you should do what's best for you!

    I am amazed at how many of my friends just went with the flow and never ONCE looked into their options. It was just a matter of 'welp, going to the hospital, Doc says I need XYZ, they must be right, okey dokey!' All of the decisions were taken from their hands and placed into the Doctors without any self-education or questions behind it. They just showed up, things were done TO them, and boom. Baby time. Definitely research, research, research. Both sides. Every angle.

    I want to be an active participant in my labour and delivery. That's why I'm so excited about going med-free with my husband coaching me along the way...what a bonding experience this will be! Good luck with your decision...and again, there is no 'wrong or right'. It's whatever makes YOU comfortable.

    All of this! I'm nervous, but the closer it gets the more I'm leaning towards natural. Terrified? Obviously, but I think it's the best choice for us.

    I'm actually super glad we are due at the end of the month, because I can't wait to hear the stories from you all before it happens to me (hopefully)!
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    HolljadeHolljade member
    edited January 2014

    One thing to keep in mind that I think a lot of FTMs don't know (I sure didn't before I took my classes) is that having and epi =\= pain-free birth. Most places won't give you the epi until you're a certain number of centimeters dilated, so early labor is med free. Also, they try to wean you off of pain meds by the time you need to push, so that part you feel. For me, learning that was a big part if my decision to go natural. I had this vision of them giving me meds and having this floaty, pain-free birth. But when I learned it's not like that, that you still go through a good deal of labor without pain meds, I figured I'd rather let my body use it's natural pain-coping mechanisms and not mess with the natural cycles my body will know how to regulate. There are a lot if other reasons I decided to go natural (barring any emergency situations, of course) but that was definitely a big one.

    For us, I decided to take a Bradley method class because, natural or not, I loved the partner-coached focus of the class. Gives DH something concrete to do. But I'm also planning on taking a free class from my hospital on the meds that are available so that I can know what's going on in case I need medical intervention.

    Actually, I recieved some sort of pain meds ( don't remember name) after they broke my water. I might have fully felt a handful of contractions at most between getting the epi and the pain meds- so my early labor was not med free and the whole thing was pretty much pain free :)

    My labor progressed quickly enough I that it didn't take too long to get dilated enough for the epi- thank goodness. I am SO hoping this time around goes the same.

    I think one if the most uncomfortable things, was my leg falling asleep bc of how I was laying in it the whole time. Also touching your numb legs? Weird as hell.

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    Rogue237 said:

    Not to hijack this post, but for the all natural moms, did you tear? That's the only part of natural birth (well, birth in general, i know it can happen either way) that I'm a little concerned about. I've read that going slow while pushing and not over-exerting will help prevent it. Any other tips?

    I didn't feel my tear either. I was also so scared if tearing before I had my son. After he was born, I was like "cool, I didn't tear" in my head, then the midwife said "I have to repair a laceration" and that was when I realized I HAD torn, 2nd degree. There's so much else going on that you just don't notice it. The stitches were kind of itchy and annoying, so I'm hoping to go tear-free this time.

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    Someone said this to me once "would you get a root canal without pain meds ?" That kind of resonated with me. I think there is too much pressure on women to go natural. I had two epis and labor was so peaceful. Plus doc said if something did go wrong, it's nice that you are already set up for a an emergency situation. Hope that perspective helps and good luck!
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    arichlifearichlife member
    edited January 2014
    I was contemplating a natural (medication free) birth but was nervous about actually being able to do it and I just started reading The Bradley Method - Husband-Coached Childbirth and it has given me so much confidence and made me really feel like I can do it naturally and that it will be an amazing experience. It makes me excited and I'm only 70 pages into it. I would HIGHLY recommend reading it before you decide. I will be having a natural birth but in a hospital so that if any complications were to arise or I changed my mind and really did want that epidural everything is available. :)

    edit: I am a FTM as well
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    edited February 2014
    My labors have run the gamut. The position of the baby, the alignment of your spine, your mental state, and your body's pain tolerance are just a few of the factors you should consider. Though an epidural is nice for certain aspects of pain, it doesn't necessarily help with everything, and in some ways can be a hindrance. For starters, I had one epi that hurt tremendously going in. After the fact, I got a serious spinal headache, retained fluid, and had trouble nursing. It's not like one way is right and one is wrong; you're going to have to wait and see what your experience is like.
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    I have to agree with the rest on education and that if you decide natural it takes commitment. For me, I won't take the risk of derailing the natural process (barring actual emergency)...there are too many benefits for me and baby. I guess I rarely hear a woman that wanted to go natural say she regretted it whereas I hear a lot of women who got the meds and interventions say they wish they had skipped or plan to try natural the next time. Plus there can be lingering side-effects from the epidural for you beyond the birth. Just understand it all beforehand so you know what you are ok with!
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    nikki912 said:
    FTM here, I've made such a fuss about going med free I know I'd be too stubborn to get an epi in the end, even if I really, really wanted one. Damn my hard head. I know its a hard choice to make, its good your working on a plan and researching your choices.
    I was the same way. I was really open about my decision to go natural so that was holding me accountable to myself. I was basically in competition with myself. It helped me keep the epi completely out of my mind.
    Super good point of view. i am FTM and i am going all natural and i have been telling myself and others i am doing it natural because i know i wont want to dissapoint myself so its like competition with myself as well!


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    I've had 2 natural, 2 epidural, and 2 c/s. This time is twins and I'm planning natural. I'll take natural any day and both times I had full pitocin. Mine were excruciating but I handle pain well and many women don't. I choose that bc I like the challenge and the strength I have to do it. Plus, with both epidural, I had the "epidural migraines" after each and was groggy and so were babies. I didn't like it.
    Natural all the way for this momma.
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