Special Needs

Speech Eval question

Speech eval question for you. I'm sitting here with Ds recent eval.

What are C, V, CV combinations? I'm also curious how a kid that has used 30+ words, including some phrases and sentences has expressive language of an 8 month old and receptive language of a 7 month old (he was 27 months at the time). Guessing its things like pointing at 1/5 of the pics, not pointing to his belly when asked, and not imitating sounds like most kids do.

Pretty much the whole report "D did this. D did not do this" reads to me like a road map to his autism dx (eval was done prior to the dx). Doesn't use hi/bye, doesn't point at body parts, limited eye contact, scrambling toys...I could go on and on.

I have to dig out his report, but pretty sure this was an improvement over the last eval (July). Slow and steady...

BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


Lilypie - (2llN)

Lilypie - (2L9u)


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Re: Speech Eval question

  • Consonant, vowel, consonant vowel combinations. Google's helping me out here, but it refers to "phonotactic development (the ability to produce 'syllable shapes' and 'word shapes' such as CV, VC, CVC, CCV, VCC, CCVCC, etc.)"
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    11/10/10 The Kid
  • edited January 2014
    During his eval did he use those 30 words/speak sentences? With certain evals they don't rely on parent reports but what he actually says during the eval. they also don't count words mimicked or things he's said a few times that he's never said again--only spontaneous language used regularly.
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  • KC_13 said:

    During his eval did he use those 30 words/speak sentences? With certain evals they don't rely on parent reports but what he actually says during the eval. they also don't count words mimicked or things he's said a few times that he's never said again--only spontaneous language used regularly.

    Nope. She commented about not hearing a discernable word at the end of the appt. I heard a half dozen, spontaneously and in context, but the again, I speak DS.

    For spontaneous language used regularly, probably half his words fall into that category. The rest fleeting.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


      My Recipe Blog
    ~All AL'ers welcome~

  • KC_13 said:

    During his eval did he use those 30 words/speak sentences? With certain evals they don't rely on parent reports but what he actually says during the eval. they also don't count words mimicked or things he's said a few times that he's never said again--only spontaneous language used regularly.

    Nope. She commented about not hearing a discernable word at the end of the appt. I heard a half dozen, spontaneously and in context, but the again, I speak DS.

    For spontaneous language used regularly, probably half his words fall into that category. The rest fleeting.

    Yeah pretty normal that an approximation completely unintelligible =/= word. my son was late to develop p sounds oddly enough and didn't get credit for dee being what he said for plane even though the only time he said that was while pointing to a plane. dd got credit for calling a horse hor (lol) because s in final position was a later developing sound.
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  • DS said 'dacta' for tractor, 'dina' for dinosaur and 'si da' for sit down...among other things.  I was a little surprised that some of those weren't close enough to count, especially the first two.  When she said she didn't hear a word, I knew it wouldn't be a good result on paper.  Overall I was happy with how he did though, it was an improvement over the first eval for sure.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


      My Recipe Blog
    ~All AL'ers welcome~

  • DS said 'dacta' for tractor, 'dina' for dinosaur and 'si da' for sit down...among other things.  I was a little surprised that some of those weren't close enough to count, especially the first two.  When she said she didn't hear a word, I knew it wouldn't be a good result on paper.  Overall I was happy with how he did though, it was an improvement over the first eval for sure.

    Yeah i would have thought those first two would have counted unless he randomly said them--in the context of playing or looking at pictures those seem close enough.
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