February 2014 Moms

Pinkgrl84 headed to L&D. Update 1

pinkgrl84pinkgrl84 member
edited January 2014 in February 2014 Moms
I was asleep in bed and heard my cat whining because he got trapped in our spare room, so I rolled over to get up. I felt a little squish and small squirt, stood up and gush! I called L&D and they said to take my time, eat something and shower if I want then head on in since I am not having contractions regularly yet. Holy cow, this lil girl is on her way! I will update when possible!

Well I have been in L&D for 8 hours now and contractions are picking up. Nurse said I was about 70% effaced and 2 cm (dr said at my last appt I was about 80% effaced so who knows). Contractions are about 3-5 min apart and I will see the on call dr around 9am. They will check me again then and decide if I need pitocin to get things moving. They did say I will have NICU nurses in for delivery because my fluids had a hint of merconium so they want to make sure she doesn't swallow any during delivery.

Update: baby Scarlett Abigail arrived 1-27-14 at 9:35pm. She had a brief 1 hour stay in the NICU but is great now! I will post her birth story when we go home tomorrow. For now here is a pic!

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